I took this right after Ali got her dress on. That’s momma Lynette in the background with the big smile.

Jay’s best man Charlie helping him with his suit. They’ve been best friends their entire life.

A few portraits before their first look.

The Signature Bobbi Wedding Party photo. 🙂

Recognize the girl to the left of Ali and the tall guy directly above Jay? But of courrrrse you do! That’s Ali’s sister Megan and her husband Joey. I photographed their wedding in 2013. The weather that day: 26° with wind gusts up to 30mph. But Ali and Jay’s day: 91° and full sun. Talk about two extreeeeemes!

Ali’s dress was jaw-droppingly gorgeous! I’ve never seen anything even a little bit like it!
I love Cincinnati!

I often try to Insta-Story from my phone while we shoot weddings. When I put up a photo of these socks my direct messages blew up…. everyone wanted to know where they got these. Well jusssst in case anyone is having the same curiosity, heeeere you go! Thanks Ali. 🙂

Loving those gray suits / navy suit with the brown shoes.

As she began walking down the aisle, her veil fell out (it was originally placed under her updo). Because I always follow the bride and her dad from the back I happened to be right there. When it happened Ali laughed, looked back at me with a smile and a shrug. Now as a few of you already know I LOOOOVE me a veil! I gave a quick head shake implying that shrugging it off was a no go and within the span of about 20 seconds I ran over, swooped it up, shoved it right back in said, “you’re good… go!” Mark my words, she would have been disappointed if she hadn’t worn that beautiful veil down the aisle.

If you could have seen where I was shooting that photo on the right from… you would laugh. I’ll try to paint the picture for you. There were verrrry long linens hanging behind the stage. Well I walked behind where the linens were hanging and would peek my camera through the gaps between the linens. At one point I whispered into my walkie talkie to Megan, “am I noticeable back here? I feel like I look a sniper!” She told me that I wasn’t noticeable. The funny thing was that I would peek my camera through the linens having no idea what my view was going to be so there were a few surprises! Mayyyybe you had to be there, I assure you that it was funny to us!

Lynette wanted to know how I nailed the wink. My answer: MAGIC…. PUUUURE MAGIC!

Even when there’s a first look, I always insist that we take 10-15 minutes of photos right after the ceremony. There’s a different kind of contentment, excitement and happiness that simply can’t be replicated!

Side note: Megan’s reception lighting is SO money!

All four parents are in this. 🙂

This is a vague memory so if I have some of the details wrong don’t be mad at me. Jay once won a fraternity-wide dance contest. His song of choice: “Hot Stuff” by Donna Summer (duh! I mean, what else would it be?!) So the second the song came on the dance floor opened up because everyone knew what was about to happen. And let me tell you… Jay’s dance moves most certainly did NOT disappoint!

This is the third wedding I’ve seen this: Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” comes on, all of the men drop pants, put their arms around each other, and sing in a circle. It’s something that I wish for every wedding photographer, both male and femlae… the moment that all of the men around you drop their pants. 😉

behind the scenes
Can you see her back there in the reflection?

You know when you see me in that vest it’s a hotttt day!

Dammmmn girl! You pop that hip out!

Hot day = rosy the riveter* will be shooting your wedding. 🙂
*In other words, I have rosacea and when I’m warm I turn quite red. No need to worry, I promise!

Much love friends,
Woah. This wedding is AMAZING! I love her dress, and those amazing downtown images you shot. And the PARTY!!!!! Awesome. Totally awesome.
Oh wow, these are so fabulous! That dress…Every photo is gorgeous!!! Reception lighting is on point, just such a beautiful wedding all around!!
Holy cow!!!! I am so in love with her dress!! Your favorite is DEFINITELY my favorite!!!! What a sweet location!!
This wedding looks like it was a blast!!! The portraits of Allison and Jay are SO glowy and dreamy!
You are amazing. <3
GORGEOUS!!! My fav is the black and white of the bride and groom dancing 🙂 But I love them all! Her dress is amazing!!
amazing and her dress is so perfect
[…] with the amazing and talented Bobbi M. Sheridan of Bobbi Photo out of Indianapolis. Check out her blog and see Jay and Ali’s wedding […]