Meet Sarah and Brian… they’ve been married for eight years, have four sons… and have never had photos taken alone. 🙂On the surface, photographing engaged couples and married couples seems to be the same thing, though it’s actually not the same at all. There’s a completely different kind of love between two people who’ve been married for a long time/have raised children, verses those who’ve been dating for a couple of years. There’s a different kind of comfort, passion, security, love, confidence that they’ve developed. These two were the epitome of all of those things. They love the shiz out of each other. 🙂
See what I mean? My favorite ❗ This is one of my favorite images of a couple that I’ve ever taken. Ever. Right after I took this, I turned around and said… “I just took a photo of marriage.”
Let’s take a second to talk about Sarah’s dimples. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THOSE THINGS?!
Oh, I should mention that it was absolutely freezing this afternoon! You sure can’t tell by looking at these… 🙂
You two are ridiculously cute!
To all of you out there who are married and have never had photos taken alone… you owe it to your future generations to make it happen. Look at this image through their sons’ eyes in 40 years. Yep, told you it was important.
[br] [br] ……………………………
Indianapolis, Ind.
sarah+brian :: Married :: 11.08.03
Sarah :: Mom | Hometown :: Centerville, Ind.
Sarah, in five words (according to Brian) :: loving • confident • ambitious • friendly • loyal
Brian :: Commercial Insurance | Hometown :: Pendleton, Ind.
Brian, in five words (according to Sarah) :: thoughtful • cute • motherly • fun • detailed
Their FOUR children :: Jace, 8 • Nolan, 6 • Bradac, 4 • Judd, 1.5
How they met, as told by Sarah :: “It was the first day of our senior year at Ball State. I told one of my friends to hook me up with the guy sitting next to him… then immediately said ‘just kidding’ because I was super shy! He bought me a drink, we exchanged phone numbers, and had our first date walking to the bookstore. We spent everyday together after that.”
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Oh, did I mention that all of those oh so sweet images above were taken in front of 12 extra people watching? 😉The workshopees were laughing about where Mike was shooting from. I had no idea so I aimed my camera below, without looking through the viewfinder… and laughed when I saw the resulting image!
bobbi+mike workshop, round 6 🙂
[br] [br] Much love friends!
❗ + ❓
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Boobi (this is how I always accidently type your name btw) + Mike… I love love love these. Thank you so much. The family is next! 🙂
Beautiful! I love the shot of “marriage” – my favorite! And she looks like THAT after 4 kids??? Jealous!!
How wonderful. I love this shoot. Was this the lucky couple who replaced the people who were not able to show up for the workshop? Mikey is funny.
Love you,
hubba hubba, they are HOT! you are the master at “photographing marriage”!!
they have 4 children?! my goodness, they look like models! beautiful beautiful shots of this couple!
“I just took a photo of marriage!” Indeed. I love that.
Love these and I agree 1000% with getting photos done after the wedding of just the 2 of you. Sarah is just beautiful here! Great images!
Amazing. Got me all teary eyed. I love these images and your words.
WOW, amazing images!!! They are a beautiful couple on the outside, but their insides shine through too!!! LOVE THESE!!! And, how does Sarah look so darn fabulous after 4 babies?? Jealous!
Beautiful! It seems like you captured their love perfectly! 🙂 These images make me so excited for marriage!
i totally agree with the diff btwn married and not married couples. love the bw of her looking at the camera in the garage. hot.
I love these SO MUCH! I have been married for ten years (just celebrated that milestone in March) and my honey and I have never had pictures taken either. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do it (especially since I’m a photographer myself) but he’s just not that interested. I wish guys got how important it is to us ladies. Here’s hoping I can wear him down this year… 🙂
These are amazing (as usual!!) When are you coming to Portland, OR????
They look amazing together.
These are all so fanastic guys!
‘Marriage’ absolutely took my breath away!!! WOWZERS!!
Totally gorgeous. What a gorgeous couple.
your ‘photo of marriage’ is breath-taking! All of these images are!
If I’m a tenth as hot as she is after I have ONE kid, I’m giving myself high fives.
Fantastic images of a beautiful couple. What a priveledge for your students to see you in action!
what a gorgeous couple! their love is pretty much palpable!
Beautiful as always and I bet it was extra fun having the crowd around.
I love love love this entire shoot, I hope to have something like this someday of me and my hubby. Wonderful job you two!
GEESH they’re perfect! Photo of marriage=money! Love