Most of us have a bucket list, right? At least… most of us have one since that awesome movie came out, right?
On my bucket list (that I wrote out two-ish years ago), was to have a feature article about our business in Rangefinder magazine. Why Rangefinder? Well… I have a few reasons. 1) it was the first photography magazine that I subscribed to. 2. It’s one of the largest circulation photography magazines in the country and is also the sponsor of WPPI. and 3) Almost every photographer I know subscribes.
When, back in November, I got an email from Rangefinder’s Features editor that said this, “We’ve been hearing great things about you two and are wondering if you would be open to a feature article in January issue of Rangefinder magazine talking about yourselves and your work”… I was speechless… absolutely speechless. After the first five minutes of picking my jaw up off of the ground I shouted, “WOULD WE?! ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!” Mike came running in… “what are you shouting about in here weirdo?!” I showed him the email… he gave me the biggest and best hug ever as I was wiping the tears from my face.
Drama queen? Probably. But I’ll say this… this is, for us, our biggest photography-related accomplishment to date.
Now, I’m not trying to sound all braggy… I promise you I’m not… but, again, this is a really proud moment for us. 🙂
When it came in the mail… I could hardly contain myself!
And then my ingrate self saw the title and font. WHAT?! CURLZZZZ?! REEEEEEALLY??!!!?! CURLZ?!!!? Before I was a professional photographer, I was a graphic designer… and every designer has fonts they despise… most of which we all share. ie. Comic Sans, Papyrus, Curlz, Bradley Hand, Marker Felt, Kristen ITC, Sand, etc. So when I saw that our article was titled “Bobbi + Mike = 4Ever” in a font I didn’t love… I wasn’t nearly as excited. Yes, YES… YES! I’m the definition of dramatic. After a few day of the dramatics and shock wearing off… It hit me… there we were, IN RANGEFINDER!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Then I showed my mom, she cried too, “Mike and Bobbi… this is your story… and it’s just awesomel!”
For those that are subscribers and want to read it, it’s on pages 28-38… with a few ads sprinkled in.
I sent them 50+ photos for them to choose from. When Addi’s cuteness made the cut, I couldn’t WAIT to tell Ryan. It’s my favorite part of the whole article.
Friends… I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and love over the years. I won’t lie… this career has been quite the roller coaster. But these amazing moments make all of the hard work worth it.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
::EDITED TO ADD:: For those that aren’t Rangefinder subscribers, you can download and read the article here.
PS. because this is a “subscriber only” magazine and our families are DYING for a copy (my G-ma has a copy of 3 of the Digital Photo Pro’s with Mpix Pro’s ad featuring us laying out as a coffee table book… I’m SO not kidding you right now)… would any of you be willing to mail us yours when you’re done reading it? If so, we would REALLY appreciate it! We can send you a self addressed, ready to mail envelope if you’d be so kind! 😀 email hello at if you’re willing 🙂
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The whole CURLZ thing is absolutely hilarious!!!!! I could SO see you freaking out about that Bobbi!!!! ROFL!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! :-)))))))))) Love, love LOVE you guys!!
Oh.My.Gosh.!!! I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment before, but I LOOOOVVVVEEEE your work, your blog, your attitude, EVERYTHING. I pretty much think you’re the shiz. And to read your hangup with the font seals my love affair with you. I thought the exact same thing and couldn’t believe they’d use such a gross font for the coolest team of photogs out there. WTH?! I love that you pointed that out. Congrats on a great article (sans tacky font)… and I hope it helps your wildest dreams come true!
first of all, congratulations, that’s AWESOME! however, you are totally not a drama queen over the curlz font! i would have been soo annoyed too. i’m with you on the font thing and curlz is just annoying!
but, my guess is that they were trying to convey how fun and cute you two are, so it works for now 🙂
so well deserved! congrats you guys — it’s an awesome article.
Congratulations! I follow your blog every day and feel you soooo deserve this. Your pictures by far make my day! Continued health, happiness, and success!
WOO HOO! Seriously I could not be more excited for you! I know how you feel, I was Studio of the Month for Simply Canvas in December and while it’s no Rangefinger Mag of course for my small brand new little business it was REALLY flippin’ exciting so I get it, I totally get it!!! YAY!!!! : )
Incredible and much deserved! Congratulations!!!
Wow congrats guys!
Congrats to you both, it is pretty obvious even from afar that you bust butt to make your business what it is. It is a HUGE accomplishment and I am thrilled that you were recognized for it! I fell in love with that picture of Addie when you shared it here on the blog and love it even more in print!!! Way to go:)
Don’t love the font, but do love you guys! CONGRATS!!! Well-deserved.
Congratulations!!!!!!!! That is so cool. I did have the same thought when I saw the font, ha! No matter, still wicked awesome. Why don’t I subscribe?!? I would send you my copy if I did.
Yay, Bobbi + Mike!
Congratulations!! I saw your article right away, flipped right to it, & loved it! Fast forward a few days later to visiting my sister in Indy and I was like “yeah, so the husband wife photog team here in Indy that I was telling you about–Bobbi + Mike–they’re BIG! They were just in the recent issue of Rangefinder. If you ever see a photog downtown with really red hair, that’s them!” (Okay, I actually said “really red, kinda orangish hair”…..) :- ) Congrats on your well-deserved success Bobbi & Mike! P.S. Sorry about the unfitting font. ;- )
Congratulations! And I totally get what you mean about the whole graphic design thing. Curlz? Really? 4Ever? Gag. BUT the whole point is that you guys rock and this is a great accomplishment! Check and mark!
Congratulations!!! You worth it well ;-p
congratulations! you guys SO deserve it!!!
Congrats! Ahhh I wish I would have known earlier because I threw my Rangefinder away already. 🙁
So cool Bobbi! What an accomplishment! You deserve it!
I LOVED you guys’ article =) And I love the magazine so much… I don’t want to send it to you guys! hahaha!
HA, I had the exact same first though about the font! I’m a font snob and was amazed that they used it, and I was angry for you. LOL Big picture, big picture…but curlz? Why not just use papyrus or comic sans?
I found out about you through Rangefinder and read the entire blog archive over the course of a week.
I’m sending you a message now.
Congratulations to the incredibleness that is bobbi+mike. Will be sending you multiple copies of Rangefinder. I want those to go to your G-ma cause she’s flippin’ the awesomenest! Huge hugs and karate kickin’ high fives.
I saw this when it came in the mail last week. I was so excited to see it! I’ll gladly send it to you if you still need copies. Just let me know 🙂 Many congratulations on all of your success.
That’s SO awesome! Well, other than the font…hahaha! Congratulations!!!
I have been following your blog for a while, and just love all your stuff!! Congratulations on a wonderful feature!
congratulations! i adore you guys…. 🙂
So awesome! I was stoked to see you guys in there! Do you still need more Rangefinder Mag’s for the fam? if so, let me know and I can send mine out to ya 😉
Congratulations!! I would love to send you my copy for your Grandma! I came across your website a couple of months ago. LOVED the Christmas card ideas!
So happy for you guys – I read the article online over a week ago and loved it! –We don’t get Rangefinder, but I would send you a copy, if we did. Congrats, again!!
Awwww…so happy for you guys–so deserving!! Hugs!!! 😀
Congrats Bobbi+Mike, what an amazing accomplishment and very very well deserved!!
F YEAH! Congratulations!! Heading out to find myself a copy!
very cool, you deserve it 😉 i’m not going to lie, when i saw the font, i did NOT think that looked like you guys or like your style at all. congrats! 😉
SO proud of and happy for you guys! You most definitely deserve all love and accolades that come your way 🙂 You are, no doubt about it, the!
Wow wow wow! Congratulations you two, I’m so happy for you! I only know you from your blog, but you both seem like really good people, and definitely deserving of this honor. Congratulations again. 🙂
Congrats guys, I’d be picking my jaw off the ground as well, no drama queen detected, just the thrill of success =)
HOLY MOLY GOODNESS!!! Congrats… no one deserves this more than you two LOVE BIRDS! YAY…. really enjoyed the article and hope to run into you at WPPI!!!
Yay! I am so excited for you both. I jumped up and down when I got my copy. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! So happy for you guys!!!
Yay! Congratulations. That is awesome. And I love the part about the Curlz. You’re so funny. XO
Congratulations!! I’ve followed your work for some time now and I think you all are definitely deserving of this recognition in Rangefinder. Your work is always lovely and very genuine–very happy for you to have reached this milestone in your careers!
i love it!!!! you absolutely deserve it! my sister gets this magazine and she sent me a picture of the article and then emailed me a link when she first got it. i’ll let her know you’re looking for extra copies 🙂
That mpixpro ad is actually how I found out about you guys. Yall are an amazing inspiration! For us specifically your family shoots! Its just amazingly redonkulous good stuff! 🙂
Mike V.
TOO freaking cool!
Congratulations!! Its a great article on you two. Hope you do something fun to celebrate. =)
Congrats Bobbi and Mike! This is awesome! It’s just way too cool!
LOVED the feature and love everything about your approach to photography + life + love. Mad props B + M!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I wish I could post a comment in CURLZ. LOL!!!!
Congrats! You guys are awesome and totally deserving this feature! Cheers!
holy awesomeness!! congrats you guys!!
when i saw curlz i said to myself, “what the what?” well at least it’s not scriptina ha! 😉 congrats you guys!!!!!
OMG…. You did it again. You made me cry. I love you two so very much. Did you get any donations of the magazine that I show off?
Love you,
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! You two deserve this huge ups in every way possible!
Just looked u guys up after reading about you in Rangefinder. Congrats…love what you guys are about, love your vibe, love flippin all of it! Very inspiring to me and my husband who are also doing this thing together 🙂 Best Wishes!
CONGRATU-FREAKING-LATIONS!!!!!! *hugs* 😀 Ok, I have to say that I scrolled through the photos before I read all of your comments (confession…I always do). And as soon as I saw Curlz, I definitely cringed and said out loud…”Ohhhhhh no” (Phoebe voice). 🙁 But then it made me laugh to see that you had the same response. (So I didn’t feel so bad for being “that girl” and pre-judging) But you’re right….YOU MADE IT IN RANGEFINDER!!! Congrats you two! You’re amazing-ness is finally getting the credit it deserves.
much love!
Congrats!!!!!!! 🙂 SOSOSO awesome!
HOLY MOLY guys!! This is just astounding! I am so happy for the both of you. My friend and I love following you and are constantly asking each other “Did you see what Bobbi+Mike did this week? Did you see the one with the cookies!!?!” Just love you guys to death. SUch an inspiration to just be who you are!! On a side note, I am sO shocked about the curlz font they chose!! What were they thinking!! I can’t flippidy stand that one and I would have been annoyed as well!! I’m not even sure if scriptina would be better…I love your all’s font as it is..wish they would have used it!
Congratulations you guys! You are truly an inspiration to all photographers, it is so refreshing to see your blog, laugh at your words and find it matching throughout your photography! Your clients must have sore cheeks(from smiling) when they leave a photo session!
Of course I was stoked when I saw you guys in the magazine this month! In fact it was the first article I went to. Duh. I devoured it and promptly reminded my husband that I <3 Bobby+Mike; and that whenever I have money to spare it is absolutely NECESSARY to attend one of your workshops. (Yes!) And I would be willing to send out my copy when I'm finished.
That is AWESOME! Congratulations, Bobbi and Mike!
I would love to mail our copy to you, however, the USPS shredded most of it in their ‘mail sorting system’, so ours came to us in a plastic bag with an apology printed on it… 🙁 But congratulations!!!!!
I’m behind on my blog reading but I just wanted to say congrats!! How exciting!!!! The Curlz freak-out made me laugh… sounds like something I would do. 😉
Congrats to you both!!!! If you need my copy,I would be glad to get it to you!
<3<3<3 you two talented fools totally deserve it! (not the curlz… the recognition, duh). keeping my fingers crossed you wind up in our neck of the woods friend-o! can't wait to walk over a nice, welcome-to-the-'hood fruitcake 🙂
i LOVED the article. high five!!!
I can’t believe Rangerfinder’s graphic design team let them use Curlz…but a great article on you all! Congrats!
Amazing! Simply amazing. What an accomplishment.
I just preboarded you guys at WPPI. It may be the only thing I go to at WPPI. I’m soooo excited! (No pressure though…..)
That’s wonderful you guys! Congratulations!!!!
PS- I can totally relate to your fashion issue. I’ve never been the type that really knows how to be “fashionable” I love stores like Anthropoligie, but I can never actually dress myself there. I get too confused! 🙂