As many of you know, every year since Mike and I have been married we’ve designed a Christmas card. At first, it was a card that just went to friends and family. Then, we started a photography business and sent it out to all of our clients as well. It was something that we were sort of known for amongst our peeps. People would say “what are you guys going to come up with THIS year?!”
Now, I won’t lie… we’ve come up with some clunkers. Like the year we did a Where’s Waldo and dressed Mikey up as Waldo…. yeah, LAMETOWN!
Needless to say, we started putting a lot of pressure on ourselves to always try and outdo ourselves from the previous year. Well, this year was CERTAINLY no exception. Amy from Silverbox Weddings liked our Christmas card ideas so much that she pitched the idea of an article to some of her friends at Rangefinder… they passed. So, she pitched the same idea to Professional Photographer Magazine… they liked it!
So… without further ado… I present to you our FIRST EVER magazine publishing (is that how you say that?!). This is from the September, 2008 issue.
this is from our “stay warm • be cool” holiday card from 2006
Also in that holiday article were: David Higginbotham, Lori Hedrick and Garrett and Joy Nudd
A HUGE thanks to Amy from SilverBox and to Ronnie Garrett for writing the article
Okay, anyway… back on topic…
Mike and I brainstorm ideas literally allllll year long… usually on long trips when we have nothing else to talk about .
When we thought of the Christmas Story as the inspiration for our card… next came the task of finding a pink bunny costume that looked JUST like Ralphie’s. I looked EVERYWHERE online… NADA! Then I remembered my friends Kate and Andrea took me to Costumes by Margie in Broad Ripple back in August just for the fun of it I called the costume shop thinking there’s NO WAY they’ll have anything like that. I was right. However, Cheryl (who I think was the store owner) said “we can rip up an old bunny costume and make a new one.” WHAT?! WE’RE SOLD!!!!!!!!!! A week later Mikey went and picked it up. He called me right as he got in the car and said, “Bobbi, I just walked 4 blocks through [a not so good part of town] carrying a damn pink bunny costume… I’m lucky I didn’t get shot!” HAHAHAHA…. the mental picture of that is HILARIOUS to me… anyway…
So, here’s a few photos of me WORKIN’ IT OUT in a pink bunny costume and Mikey looking HOT with his hair greased back and in flannel… how can ANY woman resist THAT?!
The front… (PS. it was FAREEEEEZING OUT THERE!)
The inside
It reads:
“don’t shoot your eye out…
Happy Holidays!
ps. be sure to drink your Ovaltine”
And the back… Yes yes yes, we know… I look like a Playboy bunny… whatever, it’s still funny to us
We took it with a camera on a timer placed on a tripod…. we really should get one of those remote shutter releases… it would make our self portaits SO much easier!
My favorite part about the Christmas card? THE PACKAGING!!!!!! That’s probably the graphic designer in me Of COURSE I took a few photos of it
We tried to make it look like the box that held the famous leg lamp.
and no… we didn’t send a card to ourselves, but I didn’t want to publish someone elses address here
FRA-GEE-LAY! Must be French!
…and the actual card
This is probably our favorite holiday card to date Here’s hoping we come up with something good for next year… AHHHHH!!!!!
Hope everyone had a FABULOUS holiday!!!!!!
I remember reading about that in the Professional Photographer magazine. That is why I’m soooo excited!! You guys have the “famous” Holiday cards!!!
I LOVE it! You guys are hysterical!
Oh my goodness you guys! I LOOOOVE it! I’ve been looking forward to this post ever since I heard how fabulous it was. : )
Thanks again for the awesome card!
Oh my GOD that is the coolest christmas card ever. Great idea, and great execution.
Hahahahah! That’s excellent. I love it. You guys look adorable!!
You just made me love you even more! LOL
This is, by far, my favorite Christmas card of the year!!! It is especially funny after just watching 24 hours of a Christmas Story on Christmas Eve/Day. Thanks for sharing,
Priceless…creative…smart…funny…whitty! Love it!
AWESOME! I just cannot believe you guys did this. WOW.
Please tell me Mike kept that sweet shirt and those awesome glasses? And the bunny suit!?!?!? A must have for every wardrobe right?
schweet card!
OMG that rocked. You guys are pure genius.
I was hoping that you didn’t have a bunny costume just laying around
You guys rock! I laughed too hard 
PS Congrats on the publishing!
it was my favorite card by far….so funny, and I totally noticed the radtastic packaging.
Yes, Mike is totally irresistable in his flannel and you have the most perfect facial expression! love it.
p.s. The flowers in the oberweis jar are pretty.
I love those glass jars.
When I opened your card I couldn’t help laughing. You are pure genius!!
I also saw your issue in the mag. xoxo
Oh my goodness!!! That just made my day!!! You guys are so funny….:-)
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT! I love it even more because I got one in the mail!
And yay for getting published! That’s awesome. Congrats!
We loved your Christmas card!!!!!!!
Such a super cute idea!
Best. Holiday. Card. EVER.
Hello, amazing! Just when I thought I could not “heart” you guys even more.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I love it. LOVE IT.
OMG you guys are amazing! What a COOL card!!!!!!!
When I opened the card, I couldn’t stop laughing… so Nico (and Eli) had to come over and see what all the fuss was about!! It made my day!! We even talked about it at the T famiy Christmas!! Nice job you two!!
Okay – first off, way to go on the publishing – wonderful! Second – you make the most adorable, disgruntled bunny I have ever seen – what a fantastic card – the only problem is.. how do you top it next year???? Happy Holidays!
Soo happy to have made the mailing list this year! This card was a hoot! We’ve had friends over and of all the cards we have adorning our dining room wall, this one gets the conversation going!
Well done guys!
I’m thinking National Lampoon’s next year!
Oh, that is BRILLIANT! I love it!!!
holy cow that’s fabulous!!! Now I know why everyone on Twitter was making a big deal about it! haha You guys rule!
LOVE it! What an awesome and funny card!!
yall are too stinkin cute for your own good! love the card!
So freaking creative, awesome and just plain COOL! So like could you add me to your x-mas list….Pretty please, lol.
can I order the bobble-head version of you guys in this card?

great job!
That’s great guys, great! How proud you must (and should) be for being in a magazine!!!
Bobbi and Mike–you rule! That Christmas card is so cool–I love the thought and dedication you put into it. Congrats on the magazine!
Congrats on the publishing!! Is it even possible for you guys to get any more awesome??
My fave part of the card was your bunny ears on the back!
This is the BEST Xmas Card I have ever seen. I LOVE IT! My husband and I watch the movie every single year and … “P.S. be sure to drink your ovaltine” is genius! VERY NICELY DONE!~
Cheers and … Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge!
I just got mine and was totally oooohing and awwwing over it! Sooooo stinkin’ creative!! Thanks for sending me one! I hope you and Mike had a blessed Christmas!!
We got home yesterday and saw the awesome envelope in our huge stack of mail. Totally made my day! Matt said Fra-gee-lay, must be French! :o) Love the card, the envelope, the cute bunny ears on the logo…I could go on and on! Super clever, cute and 100% Bobbi + Mike. Congrats on being published!
Love & hugs –
Sarah & Matt
Oh my gosh. You guys are freaking awesome! As someone who tries to outdo herself each year in the Christmas Card category, you have my uttermost respect! LOVE IT! Now…what am I going to do for next year’s card?!
Actually, it must be Italian.
I am cracking up here at work! I LOVE IT! The is one person comes to my desk and ask why I am laughing so much.
Now can you put on the Christmas Card list? =)
This is great!
Um… know i love this card with all my heart. Merry Christmas you two!!!!
Love you.
OMG I L O V E IT!!!!!!!! You two are freaking awesome!!!
MAN! How do I get on your mailing list! What a freaking AWESOME card! I watch that movie every year when it comes on for 24 hours on TBS. LOVE IT!
Oh. My. Gosh. That is the most amazing Christmas card I’ve ever seen-right down to the envelope! People who received it must have felt like they won a “Major Award”!!!!!!! : )
we couldn’t wait to get your card this year, to see the pure genius of b&m christmas card 08′ we had NO idea that it was going to blow us out the water!!!! absolutely the bomb!
fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra!!
hope santa was good to you guys! can’t wait for your card in 09′! haha!
hope you and mike have a blessed, safe and rockin new year!
we couldn’t wait to get your card this year, to see the pure genius of b&m christmas card 08′ we had NO idea that it was going to blow us out the water!!!! absolutely the bomb!
fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra!!
hope santa was good to you guys! can’t wait for your card in 09′! haha!
hope you and mike have a blessed, safe and rockin new year!
That is the best card I’ve seen in a long time. Christmas Story is my all time favorite Christmas Movie.
Happy Holidays to both of you.
This is my father-in-laws favorite movie…not just Christmas either. So I knew he would get a kick out of the card and I’m pretty sure he thinks I am cool now because I have such cool friends:o) Merry Christmas you creative two!!! xx
So – Awesome!! We do one every year that involves all of our animals too – last year it was Starwars themed, and we were riding on the backs of our Wienerdogs having a lighsaber fight… it was pretty cheesy/funny at the same time…
That is basically the best holiday card ever! Speaking of which, Happy Holidays!! Thanks for the rockin photos in 2008!
This is THE greatest card of ALL TIME!!!!!! I FREAKIN LOVE IT!!!!!
your holiday card was “the bomb”, obvi. favorite part= the packaging! but i also noticed mike’s belt buckle….nice touch!!
you guys totally rock hardcore.
i hope to meet you someday.
we loved the card to death!! Thanks so much for thinking of us!! happy new year!!!
your card is amazing!!!!!!!! and i was so excited to see you guys in that article in september! that is the coolest thing ever! always so jealous of your amazing creativity!
ROFLOL!!!!! OMG I love love love love the card!!! can i buy a print of the front picture? i’d love it to sit on my desk so i can look at it and grin while i am working
congrats on being published
I love it! thanks for sharing it with us.
It was my favorite card as well … everyone that has been to my house and seen it on my fridge laughs hysterically and comments on how fabulous it is
Great job!
Awesome, you two ROCK!! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Or as you would say, AYKM?!?! ;o) You 2 are brilliant!! I’m sure your cards were the hit of soooo many Christmas parties!!
From our family to yours, have a safe and wonderful New Year. May you be blessed with an even more successful biz (not sure that’s possible!) ;o)
I love Frosty the Snowman cartoon!
That card is awesome! Where did you get them printed?
You guys are hilarious! I am always checking your blog and seeing all the cool stuff you do. Out of all the words I could pick to describe that card I think awesum-magic-tastic-al would have to be it. haha. Keep on doing what you do I am a huge fan.
oh I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky now!!! Thanks Bobbi and Mike.. and especially Mike for walking the 4 blocks with the pink bunny costume! LOL..
Super awesome, I love it. Hopefully next year, Brian and I will actually have time for something creative!
you guys have sooo much personality,,,,and in that kooky and fun lovin way…That’s why I love stalking your blog…..Here’s to an even more fabulous 2009!
3 words……………..BEST…….CARD…………EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am CRACKING UP at 1:36 a.m. I love this card! You guys should win a Best Photographer’s Holiday Card of the Year (BPHCY) award if there is such a thing!
OMG I LOVE it!!! It seriously made my day (night?) Good luck outdoing yourself next year!
ohhhhh fuddddgggeeeee- that is awesome
Fra gee lay… Awesome! Your card is my all time favorite holiday card that I’ve received. You guys rock, but you already knew that.
Oh snap – I wanted the use the ohhhh fuddggeeeee! TAKEN! So I’ll just let you know just how awesome your Christmas card was this year. I have to show my family this card! They’ll love it. You’ve inspired me to send out card to clients as well.
Hey Bobster and Mikearoni,
You two are so funny. I believe this years card is the best. I love you both.
Love it! That’s so awesome!!!
First – congratulations on the magazine publication! Second – Ahahahahaha! What a GREAT idea!!
Amazingly creative and that red hair against the pink costume RAWKS!
that is one badass holiday card!!!! did you guys actually find a red rider bb gun?!? AWESOME!
absolutely awesome!!! so clever
It made me laugh.
Oh my god….best holiday card EVAR!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, AMAZING!
I smiled so much reading and viewing this post. WAY TO GO with the MAG Mention! Also, u know it…but the card is SPECIAL!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the card! and super congrats on the magazine! wow!
OMG… bobbi+mike! Can I say I just LOVED the card?! When I got it, I KNEW I picked the perfect photogs for our big wedding day!! I was just rolling! I took it home to my family and they all just LOVED it! I’ve kept it in my purse and showed it to all my friends!! Everyone is so pumped to meet you guys and spend the day together in October. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We CAN’T wait!!!!!
How fun is that!!!
That PP mag. is how I found you guys. Now I stalk um…….. read your blog all the time.
Happy New Year from Montana-
Hey beautiful people! I got mine on the last day of 2008!! Thank you!!
Happy New Year from Singapore!
ok, so now I feel like I wanna re-do our Christmas cards! I guess, as it’s Jan 1st, I’m a little late, but I’m definitely upping my game for 09
Hope your Christmas and NY was “fandabeedozee”.
Love to you and all your blog-readers from the UK.
I’ve got a mile long list of photography blogs I lurk on, but yours is always the first one I click on. Thank you for sharing your photos and being so inspirational in so many ways. I’ll go back to lurking, but wanted to say, that’s a fun card! You’d probably appreciate my friend’s Mexican Wrestling Name holiday card
Happy New Year.
This made me smile so BIG! I love it. you guys are awesome!
okay..I already commented…but I just can’t get enough of this card….it’s awesome!
You two are flippin hilarious!
kelly and I loved the card! can’t wait to see your “best of” when its posted!
Wow, you guys are the bomb!
OH MY GOD! I laughed so hard when we got this christmas card. It is Chuck’s absolute favorite movie and his family watches it every christmas eve. anyway. if he didn’t know after our engagement pictures that you were the best photographers ever! then he does now!
; ) I brought home from NYC to Boston to show my family. You guys rock!
Congrats on being in the mag!!! That is FANTASTIC!!!
You all ROCK MY FACE OFF and I loved our card. It was one of the ONLY ones that made my “special” cut, which means it does NOT get dumped in the trash two minutes after reading it.
You should be sooo proud.
Hi guys!!!
I love love love your work and I think the besides the amazing humor of your cards the print quality looks amazing.
Can I ask who you print your cards through? I think they look amazing and want to be prepared for next year.
Bobbi you look great, don’t get discouraged and keep at it! I think what you’re doing by encouraging and sharing is amazing!
Thanks so much.
Good day! The babes are here! This is my favorite site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.
I just wanted to be #101