



 AYKM???!?!? FAAAAAAAVORITE!!!!!!!! ❗




 Guess when they're getting married! 😀



YIELD TO LOOOOOVE! Okay, that was dumb…


 OH NICOLE!!!!! YOU ARE SOOOOO BEAUUUUTIFUL!!!!!! Mikey's favorite ❓









 I love how much you two love each other 🙂 Just do. 


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. I find it so incredibly interesting how so many of our clients are very much like us.  I suppose that happens naturally when we both put so much of our personalities out there… 😀

Ari is an American History teacher…. So, naturally… he and Mike could talk history for HOURS upon HOURS! In between shooting locations those two would start talking and I had to be the Betty and say… "alright guys… time to shoot again!"

Nicole and I uhm… were wearing matching jackets. 🙂 Need I say more?! 

On the day of the session Nicole was talking about why she was attracted to certain wedding vendors… and I noticed a recurring theme as she was describing them… quirky, passionate and a bit crazy. 😀 So uhm… We'll take that as a compliment 🙂

MUCH love you two!!! We cannot WAIT to photograph your wedding SOOOOOON!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓


 See… TOLD you we were wearing matching jackets! That photo on the right was Ari COMPLETELY mocking me in how I direct people… and I couldn't stop laughing!  Oh, and don't mind the berry explosion on my shirt…that's what I get for laying on my belly in the woods 😀

❗ + ❓