

 NICOOOOOOOLE!!!!! I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!!!!  btw, that's a chocolate engagement ring that one of her bridesmaids made for her.  She waited to eat it until I got there πŸ™‚





 And to you Indianapolis natives… yes, they're at the Slippery Noodle πŸ™‚



The cooooolest of the coooool.



 WACKY BOBBI STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!!! Our favorite! ❗ + ❓


As we were walking from one location to the next… I noticed a furniture store with some fun furniture.  I ran in and asked the employee if we could shoot in there for a few minutes.  CHECK AND MARK!  Oh, and just a warning… I went WAY OTT with the photos of the two of these hot tamales… but AYKM?! How could I not?!



I love the look on Andy's face…


BRING IT IN TIGHT! TIGHTER… TIIIIIIGHTERRRR!!!! yes yes yes. πŸ™‚ I love it!




 Then… under a bridge downtown πŸ˜‰  Nicole and Andy, I know you said that your goal was to get a canvas for your house.  Here's an awesome candidate πŸ˜€


Every other minute as cars were passing by… ::HONK HONK HONNNK:: "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!"





Notice her shoes match her umbrella? πŸ˜€ 


 Andy… You're RIDICULOUSLY good looking.  Those blue eyes?! AMAZING!


 We get to photograph the most beautiful brides in the world week after week.  I'm the luckiest person I know. πŸ™‚ Nicole, you're glowing… GORGEOUSSSS!







INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Nicole and Andy are high school sweet hearts who, after 7 years (or was it 8?)… got married!

Their day was perfection. From the salon to the goodbye hugs at the reception… I don't think I quit smiling once. I LOVE feeling like a bridesmaid with a fancy schmancy camera (wearing the wrong outfit)… and that's EXACTLY what that day felt like… as though I'd known everyone of these girls for years. The GORRRRRRGEOUS bridesmaids were full of life, laughter, excitement and FUN! And those groomsmen… Not only were they INCREDIBLY sweet, gracious, receptive and open-minded… but they were also HOT HOT HOT (BONUS!)!  Don't you think you can tell a lot about someone by who they surround themselves with? I do.  But, I already knew Nicole and Andy were the best of the best of the best. πŸ˜€

Many couples that we meet with say, "the photos are one of the most important thing to us" when referring to their wedding day.  Nicole and Andy took that to a whole new level. These two were SOOOO incredibly excited about their images… and when planning their day, definitely made it a priority.  As you can tell by the portraits of the two of them, Nicole and Andy were genuinely up for anything!  Andy even said, "…anything for a good picture!" Nicole looked over at him with a surprised look on her face and said, "You're turning into me!"  You see, Nicole has been reading our blog religiously longer than ANY other bride ever (I think)… probably since our very first entry (March, 2006). πŸ™‚ As a result, she's showed it to all of her friends.. and I mean to tell you… ALLLLL of her friends.  When we showed up to the reception, everyone already knew us.  It was awesome. πŸ™‚  I have a feeling there will be many many more of their weddings on this little blog in the future. πŸ˜‰

We cannot thank you two enough for making us feel like a zillion buckaroos and asking us to photograph such a perfect day.  We're two lucky ducks I tell ya!



Yep.  You found it.  Click here for some slide show love.  User name is Nicole's maiden name, and the password is Andy's last name, in all lower case.  Also, click here to view their entire gallery.  The event key is again Andy's last name, in all lower case.&nb
sp; Bon appetit!



Introducing the AMAZING ANGIE!… she's marrying sweet Erik in September.  AHHHH CAN'T WAIT!!! Their engagement session is in November, so luckily we won't have to wait THAT long to see her beautiful face again.  PS. Hi Sandy!


Of all of the questions that we get from other photographers, the most common is "how do you get people so comfortable and happy in front of the camera" The answer: I act ridiculous… and have ZERO shame.  I'm ALWAYS having fun and will do anything to get a laugh.  Afterall, how can we, as photographers, expect people to let their guards down if we don't let ours down.  KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'?! πŸ˜€

 Here, I'm showing off my amazing tan… and doing a little Michael Jackson move to do it. πŸ˜€ If you look at the second bridesmaid from the left, you can see her saying, "OH MY!" HAHAHA!!!!! PS. pleeeease pay NO attention to the rats nest hair… it always starts out amazing, I promise!


 I have NO idea what I was doing in this one!


EDITED TO ADD!!!!! Holy cowabunga how did I forget about this little moment?!  Thank you Paige for reminding me! Who can resist that Mikey butt??!?!? HAHAHAHA! The look on his face in the first photo is like, "what the hell is going on?!" Then he realizes and starts laughing.  OH how I love my job!  HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!! 



 At the end of the night, I'll often dance to one song with the bridesmaids… I GOT THAT BOOM BOOM POW!!!!! So here's that famous Bobbi dancing face.. SO PRETTY! πŸ˜‰ 

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