Many of you have seen the images on my Instagram feed or on our biz Facebook page. But for those who’ve seen one image without reading the previous entries or for those who may see me in public in the next couple of weeks (no giving my husband dirty looks), and for those who just like to read about a girl whose head moves faster than her feet… here’s the story.
This is really embarrassing, and it’s taking a lot of guts to tell it to you. Whatever, here goes.
We photographed a wedding on Friday…. the wedding of our dear friends, Kristen and John. SO thankful that this happened with friends.
In the midst of their ceremony, right as communion was starting… up walked the bride and groom to get the Eucharist from the back of the church. I was standing near-ish it. To grab my shot I backed up. Usually, I’m very good about looking behind myself before backing up. This time though… I didn’t. BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! Down went a huge solid oak book stand. Nothing broke… but… I squeeled in horror… loudly (and accidentally)! By the way, this isn’t the part where I got hurt.
I’ve seen these kinds of things happen to photographers on YouTube. You know, the photographer is walking backwards during the recessional and into the water fountain he falls. Or backing up and he flips over backwards on a bench. Never did I think that would happen to me. After all, because I don’t want to be that guy, I’m hyper aware of what’s going on around me when I’m shooting, always looking behind me before backing up. The second I don’t….. BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!
Needless to say I was frazzled. Very frazzled. I was horribly embarrassed. My heart was racing. My face was red. And I couldn’t shake it. I’m not very often embarrassed and I don’t think I knew how to handle myself.
Fast forward 20 minutes… The recessional. As the bride and groom exit the church doors I say, knowing that the sun was setting and their was gorgeous light awaiting us right around the corner, “keep walking, go right outside that door…”
Instead, the church coordinator stopped them… “No no, they have to sign their marriage certificate,” and then sked us to go into a room and wait for the priest to come.
I thought to myself… “Noooooo… the light… the sun… it’s setting… and we’re sitting in here… waaaaitinnnngggg…”
So, I gave it five minutes… realized that the priest wasn’t coming anytime soon, so I told the maid of honor and best man that we would be right around the corner for when the priest needed us… as I was not going to let this amazing light waste away.
By the way, at this point I still haven’t shaken the frazzlement from knocking over that huge wooden thing… heart was still racing and face was still red. Now add to that the setting sun, while photographing two people that I love and care for…. frazzled to the extreme.
So we walk outside the door, and knowing that I only have a few minutes before the sun sets, I’m walking full speed ahead… I walk around to this ledge that’s 2.5-3ft ish high to check the angle. I see that it’s no good and go to take a step down from it. But instead of stepping down, my right food stumbled… and, while walking at full speed, I fell face first… like a pendulum swinging forward from a pivot. My face landed just a few inches from a brick wall (when I think back, this part scares me the most).
I had my two new 5D Mark III’s with me, one in my left hand and the other hanging from my right shoulder. Instead of doing what most of us do when we fall, extend our arms… I was protecting my cameras. In the miliseconds it took me to fall, I quickly turned the camera away from the ground and thrust my chest forward and my head backwards hoping that my chest would hit first.
My millisecond plan worked! If I had thrown out my arms… I, for sure, would have broken my wrists. If I hadn’t thrust my chest forward, I, for sure, would have broken my jaw. Luckily I’m a bit chubby and was blessed with uhm… large coconuts… or something…
That being said, the back of my left hand was very badly bruised (the back of my hand and not the front because I turned my camera away from impact)… and right now, it’s what’s hurts the most.
When I picture the fall in my head, all I can imagine is that I look like Mario in the penguin suit sliding on the ice in Super Mario Bros Wii.
The only people who saw me fall were the bride and groom. They ran over, “OH MY… ARE YOU OKAY?!” I laid there, silent and shocked, then slowly stood myself up and untangled my cameras, leaving them on the ground. I looked up and Kristen, while seeing my face for the first time since I fell, exclaimed, “Oh! You’re bleeding!”
I looked at John and said, “Can you please go get Mike?” He runs off.
Meanwhile, I turned away from the scene and removed my beloved watch, which was now broken. That’s when Mike came around the corner, my back to him “Bobbi, what’s up?!” I turned to look at him and he realized then that this wasn’t just a skinned knee situation, he too exclaimed, “BOBBI! Are you okay?!”
“Yes yes yes, I’m fine.” I picked up my cameras and started shooting. Now, at this point… the sun had set… but damnit, I had come out here to shoot, I’m going to shoot.
“You really don’t have to do this Bobbi,” Kristen said (they saw each other before the ceremony and we shot the majority of their portraits then).
“Yes, I do.” Now, she was my personal trainer for two years… she, knowing me very well, knew and respected why I still had to keep going.
So, I shot about 3ish minutes worth of images… and checkmarked it (I’m sure that my shaking hands made for amazing images).
I followed behind while Mike photographed them signing their marriage certificate. As I walked by the family, shirt half untucked, blood dripping from my face, hair a mess… they just looked at me, stunned and wondering, I’m sure, “she’s the wedding photographer… what could have possibly happened to her?!”
I walked into the bathroom where I was alone for the first time since I fell… took one look in the mirror and started sobbing. You know, that big loud ugly cry that toddlers do. After all, my pride was hurt a whole lot more than my face was. I wasn’t having the best day.
I composed myself and walked into the sanctuary and started lining up family pictures while blood dripped from my chin.
Then we headed to the reception where I was able to get some bandaids… the cut on my face wouldn’t stop bleeding and kept filling up every bandaid I put on it. Five hours later, when I got home, I put a cotton ball on it and fell asleep. By the time the morning came, it had finally stopped bleeding.
The next day, we shot a wedding in Bloomington. On the way there we stopped to fill up our gas tank… three old ladies started giving Mike dirty looks. I told them that I fell. They clearly didn’t believe me. Whatever.
By Sunday my whole body ached… especially my abs and coconuts.
And that’s the end of my story.
Thanks for all of your concern over the last few days… means more than you know.
You know, I’m feeling incredibly fortunate. I keep looking at my face and thinking about all of the things that could have happened to me that didn’t. Such a scary fall.
The biggest thanks of all goes to Kristen, John and their families… thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being so compassionate and understanding.
Much love friends.
~bobbi [br] [br] [br]
Oh my gosh, I am glad you are okay! Falls are always scary, but it seems like this one could have been much worse. Sending you quick healing vibes!
Poor sweet Bobbi! No one wears it better than you, though! Still gorgeous all banged up! You’re such a trooper!
Mind the gap!
I told Bobbi she looked like Sarah Conner after she got the shit kicked out of her in Terminator – roughed up but definitely sexy. She wasn’t sure whether to take it as a compliment or not…
Oh sweet heavens! I’m so glad you (and the cameras) are okay, albeit bruised!!
I’m glad you are okay. <3 Definitely looks like it hurt!
NO WAY!!! I think the Mark III’s are bad luck. I just face-planted last week, tripped over a short chain that was connecting two posts. Tried to save the cameras, ruined myself. I cracked the filter on my 70-200, and had internal impact damage on the lens. No face bruises (ouch, yours looks so bad! Can I kiss it?), just some huge nasty ones on my legs. One is so dark purple right now it looks like it’s bleeding. Gross :/ Anyhoo… enough about my story. I’m so sorry to hear about yours! And I totally feel your frazzled embarrassment, gah! Glad you’re okay though, sounds like it could have been so much worse!!
Ooooh Bobbi! I’m so sorry this had to happen to you! Hope the bruise heals quickly! Have all the peanut butter shakes you want — you deserve it!
Well, you’re sore but you still have your front teeth (huge fear of mine when falling) and you still have your cameras!
You are great at what you do and handling this the way you did proves it. It could have been worse but it wasn’t, big scare though. Incidents like these can happen to anyone, I guess we all just have to be careful when wanting to get that perfect shot. Take care Bobbi and keep shooting amazingness
I got all excited and didn’t read the words right…I read “tumblr”! Bobbi’s on tumblr. Yay! Then I saw this. Sad, sad face. Hope you keep healing and sending lots of love your way. xo
Oh gosh, a photographer’s nightmare! But, you got through it and I don’t know how you managed to still look cute all bruised up, but you totally did!
Hope you heal up real fast!!!
You poor poor thing! My eyes literally teared up at the
glad you are one the mend!
“You know, that big loud ugly cry that toddlers do”
What a nightmare…x’s 2!!!!
Sending hugs and prayers your way!
Holy wow. Glad to hear you’re ok!
I still cannot believe it! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I am so glad that you weren’t hurt worse. Big huge hugs to you! I think I would have burst into tears long before you did.
You are amazing, that landing you did! I hope you heal quickly.
Hope you get well soon! I think facial bruising is the worst since nothing covers it up and everyone notices it. Battle scars, my dear. I love that power pose you have up there. Glad you’re alright and didn’t loose any teeth (my nightmare).
SO glad you’re ok Bobbi! And you have a lot of courage to get back up and keep shooting. That’s what we’re there to do, and thats what you proved could be done! Hope you get better soon!
Oh man Grigh!! So glad you’re ok. But you know me and ill want s reenactment next time I see you…lus. you
You rock. So inspired by your honesty. I was EXTREMELY embarrassed while taking family photos when I got my leg caught in a folding chair for FIVE minutes. Your story kicks mine in the face. Glad you’re healing and hopefully you can smile proudly about it very soon!
My mother in law always said that moments like this are simply “Making memories.” I have many memories I wish I didn’t have though! haha! Love how you kept rolling even when you’re knocked down. That is why you are so loved and adored…you know how much this means and you keep going. That’s why I adore you as much as I do!
Ohhhh sweetie – I am so, so, SO glad you’re OK! And I think you did the right thing by not breaking your fall with your hands because you definitely wouldn’t have done anymore shooting that day, if so. How is your left hand now?
Also, I can remember when I decided to “miss a step” coming down a flight at the cathedral here in town…thankfully, it was on my good foot.
I’m really glad you’re ok, and I’m really glad your camera’s are ok:) Thanks for the laugh on your behalf! Just this past weekend I joked about backing up and falling in the pool…I’m going to be extra careful now!
So so so glad you are OK! I think what happened to you – BOTH times – is all of our worst nightmares for weddings. I can’t believe you went on to not only finish up that wedding but to shoot another the next day. I hope that you got everything checked out at the doc’s though – just in case!!! Those bruises look pretty brutal and I can only imagine they get worse the closer to impact… ouch! Hope you feel better soon!
That’s awful, Bobbi! So glad you’re ok!
That sounds like a doozy of a day… so glad that you will be alright. Keep up your excellent work!!!
seriously, only you could pull of a fall like this, keep your composure long enough to work your shiz out, and wait until you got to the bathroom to sob like a baby. Kudos to you for sharing your story. And bless sweet baby jesus for your, ahem, coconuts. I bet you’ve never been happier to be well endowed
Hugs to you, feel better soon!!
That sucks! But after reading this, I feel like you’re a better Bobbi for surviving all of it. Mad props! Can’t wait to see the photos!!!
omg bobbi! I’m so so glad you are ok! And as frazzled as you may have been feeling it took a lot of composure to wait until you were in the bathroom to freak out! And to be smiling in all these pictures!!
Glad to read that you feel ok. Gald to read that it could have been worth, BUT IT’s NOT. Glad to read you are such a pro! Glad to read you finally. Hope you’ll be recovering quickly!
Glad to read that you are ok Bobbi.
Have you tried some Aloe Vera cream for the bruise? Usually works well.
So glad you survived and are starting to heal up, Bobbi! Much love!! (p.s. you are one tough betty for picking your face up off the ground and continuing! That is above and beyond professional, it’s just plain b.a.)
Bobbi! You’re my new hero! I would not have handled that situation with nearly as much grace and good humor! You know you rock, right?
Oh my goodness! So glad you are ok! Hope you feel better soon! Sending hugs and high 5’s your way!
Oh Bobbi! I’m crying reading this, I can totally relate.
Take care of yourself.
You’re such a wonder woman!!
So glad you are OK!!!
OMG!! Gavin and I read this blog post last night and we are glad that you are okay! And I love that you continued to shoot even though you were bleeding… True passion right there!! We hope you heal quickly and Gavin said that cookies and milk help with that
you POOR THING! i hate the aftermath of something like that when you can’t take time by yourself to settle down – it takes SO MUCH energy to deal with that shaky feeling. much love, feel better soon bobbi! (and kristen, you were such a beautiful bride!! can’t wait to see more pics
Wow. Compelling writing. The part about the dirty looks at the gas station–classic. Falling with two Mark IIIs had to be the most helpless feeling in the world. At least it wasn’t the wedding cake! Glad you are on the mend.
Oh you poor thing! I’ve taken a fall like that where you see it happening in slow motion, so scary! Poor Mike too! I actually walked into a door once and my poor husband was mortified for weeks while the bruises healed!!
Glad to hear you’re okay.
U r NOT chubby!!! And it was awesome for u to keep going. I love a strong will ;D
so, so, SO grateful you’re okay. you’re such a beast, woman!!
Bless your heart, Bobbi! I’m glad that you’re okay… but man that makes for a good story!!
Oh bobbi! I almost cried for you reading this- I know that sobbing cry you experienced in the bathroom and you are so brave to keep on going .. I might have high tailed it to the ER for stitches
You’re amazing and have now provided the bride and groom with a very great story 
What I love most is that you still look all cute and smiley in all of those pictures. OUCH!! Hope you are feeling better!!
Bobbi, I feel for you! I had a similar accident in early March and I’m only now back to full strength. My camera was hanging from my Black Rapid strap on my right side. I somehow managed to grab the camera and transfer it to my left hand as I fell down a short flight of stairs. Unfortunately, I braced my fall with my right hand and ended up with a serious sprain in my DRUJ joint. That’s pretty much the joint that does everything in the wrist. It was a long 8 weeks in the brace, let me tell you. My only thought at the time was: The camera is worth more than my body!!! I’m glad you had the instinct to not put your hand down and I hope you heal quickly!
Oh, my goodness. My heart goes out to you. My chest is tight just reading your story. No one realizes there’s a sport to photography & that even without a bad fall, we come home sore & exhausted. All I can say is you’re a champ. Hoorah!
Awwww, that sounded like the worst day ever….Despite the circumstances, you still were able to recompose yourself and finish (YOU ARE SO AMAZING, BRAVE, AND A TRUE PRO). A scrape and bruise sucks & hurts but will heal… Wishing you a speedy recovery, my fellow photog!
I almost started crying when I read this!!! I”m so glad you are okay and it wasn’t worse…still I wish it wasn’t as bad either! It’s okay to slow down even more sometimes!!!!
Hope you continue to heal up quickly!!!
I’m so glad that you are ok! You are such a champ! Next time someone gives you a dirty look, you can say “you should see the other girl!”
Oh my goodness! I’d been seeing the photos, but this story is more epic than I imagined. I fell down and sprained my ankle on the church steps at my brother’s wedding last summer while shooting with my mark II. Fortunately, only my 50mm 1.4 was broken, not the body. And it was just before the sparkler exit so my second filled in for that and then we were done. You are a brave one, for sure!
Bobbi!! You’re so brave and amazing. I fell off my bike about a year ago and my front tooth got knocked out of place. Thank the dear Lord for emergency dental care. Then a couple months ago after mopping I fell on the floor and banged up my arm. See, THIS is why I don’t exercise or clean!!
Glad you’re o.k.!
Oh Bobbi, I am so happy you are doing ok!!! What a horrible fall, but like you said, if that is all that happened to you, then THANK GOODNESS!!!
Oh gosh, been following on Instagram…glad to know you’re healing and relatively okay!
I saw these on Instagram and am so glad you’re ok. What a scary moment! You handled it so much better than I would have.
I am so glad your ok and I am way sorry this happened. I can’t believe you kept shooting too…you are awesome! (I can hear you say “Yer damn right I’m awesome!”
Oh my goodness Bobbi! I am so glad you are okay. I thought that is why God gave us the Coconuts! hee hee! It could have been a LOT worse!! Praying for quick healing. xoxo
Oh Bobbi, I’m so sorry! You handled this with so much grace, though. This kind of situation is definitely one of my top fears as a wedding photographer, but when you shoot hundreds of weddings, it’s just bound to happen. I had a friend recently who passed out in a post office and banged up her face and one of the hardest things for her was being seen by the public as a “battered woman” and watching her husband face judgement in public for it. You’re not alone, not at all. And thank goodness it will pass and you still have all your pretty teeth
Bon courage!
Good gracious Bobbi….you poor thing!!
SO glad you are okay Bobbi! Cracks me up that those ladies gave Mike dirty looks though. If they only knew the real story! haha
This post is such a roller coaster!!! First. So so glad you are ok. Bless you! Second. My stomach clenched when you knocked over the wooden book shelf. I literally had to squint my eyes and hold my stomach reading about your fall. The third grand finale: My heart broke when you asked John “to please go get Mike.” I’m so glad he was there for you and that you were with friends. Good weapons to have. You are one hell of gal!
Welp, now I am crying. Thank you so much!
Wait, that Thank you so much probably sounded snotty to everyone that is reading this. I am truly thankful and grateful for all your hard work. I told John on Monday that I was still in shock from this. It just now finally hit me, after watching it happen in my head all over again when I read the blog.
YOU POOR POOR THING!!!!! I HAD TO READ THIS WITH MY HANDS OVER MY MOUTH. It truly happens to the best of us though and if you didn’t get all hot and bothered, sweaty & even bloody, you wouldn’t be the Bobbi we all love. Will pray for your healing. XO MB
oh my! There’s probably nothing left to say other than you just kept going like a true professional and you let yourself feel your emotions too. That’s LIFE!! You rock it. Hope you’re healing okay!
How professional of you!! you were hurt and kept on shooting! way to go!
It’s a miracle you weren’t hurt even more with a fall like that. Thank God. On a lighter note, I like your picture with the sunglasses. Very Jacky-O meets Slug-O.
Glad your okay sweetie.
The Darwish Clan
i saw those on intsgram and my stomach hurts!! glad it’s nothing more serious than that! *hugs*
You poor thing! That’s one hell of a knock you’ve had there. But if it’s any consolation it’s a really good story
Daammmn, Bobbi! I saw the photos and thought it must have been bad, but this somehow makes it seem more real and scary! I’m so glad you’re no worse than you are, and major props to you for continuing to shoot the wedding AND shooting another the very next day. You’re freakin’ amazing. Also, props to Mike for taking care of you, as I’m sure he is!
Oh bless your heart! I just ache for you (and your pride) reading this. You handled it SO well!!! This job is dangerous, isn’t it?
You are the epitome of a BAMF and a huge inspiration always.
Oh my GOSH how horrible!! I hope you’re feeling better!
PS if you really want to mess with the people giving Mike dirty looks, just have him tell them “she brought me the wrong sandwich,” all nonchalant, like what?
Oh Bobbi, you rock the cottonball look.