The Mueller Family
The Mueller Family
The Mueller Family
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

I first photographed Sara & Mike nearly 9 years ago. For those who want to take a trip down memory lane, check out their engagement session and wedding. Sara has been trying to get me out to Wisconsin since sweet Lucy was born – and we were finally able to make it happen! I’m not exaggerating when I say that 90% of their session happened on this bed! It’s where she was the happiest so Lucy gets what Lucy wants! To my family photographer friends, you know how this goes – It’s the baby show and we’re all just along for the ride. Oh? You want to roll around in Cheerios? Then we roll around in Cheerios. Oh? You only want to play with this very ugly toy and won’t let it go? Then we play with that very ugly toy and we never let it go! Are you KIDDING me?! That sweet little face!!!!! The way the light is hitting her pony tail – I’m obsessed! …back to the bed Lucy has so much personality – and it was on full display that morning. ….alllll of the personality! And back to the bed… Sara & Mike, I love your love.

Much love friends!
