Mike here.
Remember those Mr. Men books from childhood with Mr. Tickle, Mr Grumpy, Mr. Bump, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Happy, etc.
For example, here’s Miss Sunshine.
and here is “Mrs. Orange Hair, Green Sunglasses, Rainbow Scarf, Smiley Head”
I think that maybe she was the inspiration for the original Miss Sunshine. But, I’m partial.
That’s all I had to say.
I think you might be right! 🙂
Haha too cute!
What a sweet hubby! I do remember those books! My younger brother especially loved those books. So when for Christmas I saw they had some shampoo, etc. with those characters on the bottle at Target, I had to get him one! Everything is coming back from our time! Or maybe they didn’t ever leave and I just didn’t notice. Anyhow, sweet photo!
Good Morning Sunshine,
I second that motion. I love you Mikey.
sooo sweet. 🙂
“That’s all I had to say.”
Stinkin’ hilarious!
mike- you are an angel.
when are you guys coming up to visit?
Mike, you are too sweet. You both are so lucky to have each other and I love watching you two interact. WHAT LOVE you two have. MEOW. Miss you in KC already.
You guys are way too cute! It is so obvious how madly in love you two still are.
And I must say that Bobbi is adorable in that picture! I also love the sunglasses and would love her forever if she let me know where she got them…
I just love you. 🙂
“guys” was supposed to be at the end of my previous comment. haha, much love!
How Cute!!! 🙂
MIKE! You write on the blogs? I had no idea!!! That’s very funny! 😀
Have fun this weekend!!!
AWWW!!! Love it!
❓ I totally see the resemblance bewteen Miss. Sunshine and :!:. It is uncanny! LOL
Oops. That was supposed to be ❗ .
that is to cute!
hahah! I saw this post earlier today, then turned on the tv to find this is a show on Cartoon Network- weird.
that last shot is really cool! 🙂
First of all, I’m a frequent offender of the no-comments reader! My apologies! Found you through Heather’s blog. I simply ADORE your work, it is so incredible and fresh and inspiring to me. I’m still learning the science of photography…
Second–I still have most of those books! I found them in an old attic box, how cool is that?
It’s a Mikey post!! Too funny. I love the pic of Bobbi!!
Oh, this made me laugh so hard!!!!!
You’re so cute, Mike! And how lucky for you that you have a Ms. Sunshine in your life.
Adorable, this post made me SMILE 🙂
Mike you are one of the sweetest husbands ever, you and bobbi are so amazing together!