Megan has the BLUUUUUUEST eyes in the world! Oh, and meet Nancy… she did an AMAZING job on everyone's makeup! HI HI HI NANCY!
Megan's bridesmaids = HOT TAMALES!
I love that the only person who's not looking at the camera is the mom of the flower girl. It's my favorite thing about this image 🙂
Okay okay… I went a little OTT with the bridesmaids photos but AYKM?! They WORKED IT OUTTTT! PS. HOW CUUUUTE are their shoes?!
In the midst of photo time… it POURED rain… so, this was taken under an awning in the back yard of her parents house.
Watching a funny YouTube Price is Right clip…
Doesn't he look like he should be cast as the next Super Man?! OH SO HANDSOME! Man oh man I LOOOOVE men in tuxes!!!!!!!
Right before the walk down the aisle. Mikey's favorite ❓
Isn't it gorgeous?
The happy couple!
I love this image.
My favorite ❗
Dad's speech… here, he's showing Shawn how to dance.
A lit
tle YMCA action…
CINCINNATI, Ohio. Megan and Shawn… what a perfect-for-each other couple! And how lucky were we that they asked us to capture their day?!
HOW MUCH FUN DID WE HAVE AT THIS WEDDING?! LOADS OF FUN!!!!! (Okay okay… that was a redundant question, and I still answered myself… GAH!) Megan and Shawn's friends and family are such an amazing group… it was so great spending the day with them. Man oh man, we love Friday weddings… I don't know what it is about them… we just love them! (we had a Friday wedding ourselves!)
As I mentioned earlier, it rained and rained and RAAAAAAINED… I mean, it rained BUCKETS! Megan and Shawn took it like champs though… they didn't allow it to ruin their day. And… just as our weatherman Mikey predicted, it quit raining right before their ceremony ended… which gave us JUST enough time to get some photos of the bridal party and OH SO in love bride and groom… 😀 YEAHHHHH, MIKEY TO THE RESCUUUUUUE! 😀
We got to the reception when Megan informed us all that her seamstress told her that because her dress was lace… it was unbustleable. I know that's not a word… whateva. What does unbustleable mean?! It SUPPOSABLY can't be bustled. WHAT?! Now… I've NEVER heard of a dress that can't be bustled!!!!! (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong!) So, with six safety pins and RIGHT before she was announced at her reception… I CREATED a bustle in about 5 minutes… I'm not going to lie… I'm quite proud of my handy work! Go back up there in this blog post and look at the "INTRODUUUUUCING" photo to see it. 🙂
Megan and Shawn (and Debbie, too) thank you SO much for EVERYTHING!
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
Viola! A little slide show action anyone? click here! The user name is Megan's maiden name, and the password is Shawn's last name, in all lower case.
Also…Megan and Shawn's full gallery may be seen by clicking here! The event key is Shawn's last name.
In this photo… we're like Spy vs. Spy from Mad Magazine. HA! 😀
just call me [b]obbi 😉
❗ + ❓
holy cow, that pic with the mom looking at her child just did it to me. I’m streaming tears.
OMG.. her eyes!! *speechless*
Excellent bustle, Bobbi!!! It looks great!
Also, I just can’t get over how wonderful the picture is with the mom looking at her little girl… I do that all of the time with my 15 month old daughter and I can’t imagine how much it will touch that bridesmaid to see her love for her little girl captured so completely in that image. = ) Beautiful!
great photos as always.
Oh Bobbi this wedding is PERFECTO!!!
I’m in LOVE with this day!
Yea, I actually noticed the bustle before you mentioned it. You rock.
BTW< I thought of you yesterday and knew you had to be sore!!! Go get yourself a massage girl!!!
This wedding was stunning!! And yes, your bustle ROCKS! Love the shot of your [b] move. I love everything about these photos…the day was just so beautiful, despite the rain.
oy vey….these are awesome! and heelllooooo bustle master! oh yeah, and the shoes! so stinkin cute!
P.S. I’m guessing this was from this past Friday night? It’s pretty rad that we were downtown Cincy shooting a wedding at the same time! I would have cracked up if we ran into you guys on the streets. 🙂
First, let me tell you that you guys rock! I love your work but mostly your personality! Bobbi, your writing skills are phenomenal!! (Ehem, hint, hint…maybe a book in the future?). As a photographer I gotta tell you that I visit a lot of other photographer blogs and love their work but rarely find interest in their comments. Kinda like flippin’ through a book at the book store just for the pics. However, when I go to your blog I LOVE to read your comments as much as I LOVE your images!! I actually find myself LOL most of the time when on your blog! You see, when I read your comments I don’t even feel I’m reading, I feel like as if I’m listening to you in person! THAT’S CRAZY AWESOME TALENT!! Btw, your images from this wedding are insanely good!!! My favs: ALL OF THEM!! But especially (going down) #5 (What a great group pic!! ), #7(wow!),#14 (R U kidding me!! What an amazing structure and your angle on it is PERFECT!), #19 (Amazing! So much feeling and beautiful tilt lens effect!).
Going back a bit to a previous post, I just thought you’d want to know that I can’t get the image of Mikey jumpin’ in the air with a sword out my head!!!! It’s freakin’ hilarious!! LOL!
another great time you’re having! That ring shot is super fun!
I die! These are amazing, every last one. And I’m totally going to call you [b] bobbi now. Or maybe just [b]obbi?
That’s hilarious! Becker’s got NOTHING on you.
SOOOOO AWESOME!!! Love the girl’s shoes! This is one of my fav weddings of yours 🙂
Gorgeous as always!
I looovvveee that shot of the bride and bridesmaids on the hill under the tree where the mom is looking at the flowergirl. Amazing.
Any like a few other people who have already commented, I too noticed the bustle before I read that you did it with safety pins just before they were introduced. Great work!!
As always love the images, and the commentary!
hahaha! [b]obbi rocks! 🙂
these are gorgeous!
Honest to goodness, when I looked at the picture showing the bustle I thought, “What a pretty little bustle.” I’m NOT kidding! So, great job!
I also loved the nod to [b]ecker. 🙂
Look at your sporting your bustling skills! Impressive!!! I love love love the bridesmaids photos…how could you not take so many with those shoes?!
Really these are just beautiful, really amazing work.
You guys rock!
Love them all, but the image of the ladies under the tree rocks!
What a GORGEOUS wedding! Best bridesmaids shoes ever! I want a pair 🙂
Miss you b+m!
I swear I just pissed myself and snorted, okay I admit it, I snorted damn it. First of all, OMG…beautiful pix. Love, love, love em (as usual). Second of all, the snort came from your last picture and comment. You rock at relaxed portraits!
I CANT get over her eyes. Oh my goodness!!!
The bridesmaids totally worked it with those shoes!
But the entire wedding was awesome!
O.K., I don’t know that I’ve ever commented on your blog before today, and then I comment twice in one day. But I just got the latest issue of Professional Photographer, which is one of my favorites, and low and behold there’s a shot of a bobbi+mike Christmas card. How fun!
You guys are just….well….damn good. I love the rich colors in these.
I LOVE that shot of all the hands along the back of the pew. It just speaks volumes.
Great job on the bustle…now we can add seamstress to your list of talents!
aaahhhh. Another fabulous wedding! I love the bridal party shots! Their the best!
and the [b]obbi squat is just one of the many reasons why you RULE!!!
nothing short of remarkable — I’m a big fan of you two, but come on, this couple was so hot – like something out of Hollywood, like you said, AYKM – dream couple—-great job as always!
Hi Guys, you got a mention in my blog for your inspiration on a shoe shot. Check it out: Thanks again for sharing with others your wonderful work. Cheers, Antony.
hi [b]obbi…that was so funny that I spit out my green tea! I love the photos and those shoes are amazing!
Pretty pretty bride! I love the bridesmaid’s shoes:) Love the pics!
Really!!? That bustle is unbelievable! You always surprise me:o)
THIS WEDDING IS AMAAAAZING! Your bustle work, wowza! Good job, Lady!
so.. the rings on the martini glass…
my FAVORITE ring shot everrrr!
when you come to terre haute in october,
i wanna see you! is that at ALLLL possible?
love you guys.
ummm that ring shot made me curse out like i had tourettes ! how i love thee, let me count the ways!! you have really raised the bar guys!! dang you :0) you’re so awesome it hurts!!
this is my favorite wedding session yet!! i can’t wait for you to do my wedding!!!
wonderful pictures….LOVE those shoes!
Oh my goodness. These pictures are awesome. I especially love the photo of Miss Megan and the bridesmaids on the hill. You couldn’t have picked a better location. The balance with the tree is perfect. Love them all.
Bridal party by the tree with the wide open space just got filed away in my brain under beautiful.
I am so late on posting…but this is a stunning wedding. Amazing job!