
While in Vegas, we held a few private consults šŸ˜€

Meet Laura and Jeromyā€¦ a ridiculously-in-love husband and wife photo team based in Louisiana. šŸ™‚

They were curious to see how we interacted with people during a sessionā€¦ so, in the midst of the consult, we headed outside and took a quick walk around our hotel.

ā€¦and by quick I mean that these images were taken in about 15-ish minutes.
Theyā€™ve been married for 9 yearsā€¦ together for 14. The love, respect and trust they have for each other is obviousā€¦ if youā€™ve ever been in the same room with these two, you know exactly what I mean!Theyā€™re from Southern Louisiana. šŸ˜€ Jeromy has a pretty killer cajun accent to prove it! Iā€™d never heard anything like it before and found it fascinating. If you donā€™t know what it sounds like, do a YouTube searchā€¦ Itā€™s a combination of mostly French and English with African and Indian mixed in too (errrā€¦. Thatā€™s what google told meā€¦..). šŸ™‚Oh, I havenā€™t mentioned yetā€¦ the have five children. FIVE! The latestā€¦ twins! šŸ˜€ Right at the very end of the quickie session, I had this kooky idea to really show their size difference. šŸ˜€ You see, heā€™s 6ā€² and strongā€¦. while sheā€™s 5ā€² and oh so petite. I said, ā€œLaura, can you hang on to Jeromy like a backpackā€¦ hiding your face?ā€ She did it perfectly! Then I said to Jeromy, ā€œLook at me likeā€¦ you knowā€¦ my backpackā€™s hotter than your backpackā€¦ you gotta problem with that?!ā€ And BOOM! Our favorite ā— + ā“ Good work Team Reaux!
Then I walked up closer, ā€œLaura, I want you to give me the ā€˜What?! You have a problem with hot backpacks?!! Bring itā€¦ā€™ ā€  I seriously couldnā€™t stop laughing about this! Actually, Iā€™m still not done laughing about it! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Thanks you two for playing along with my silliness!


Las Vegas, Nev.

laura+jeromy    ā€¢    Lafayette, La.

married 9 years   ā€¢   11.2.2

together 14 years ā€œand still CRAZY in love!!ā€

Laura    ā€¢    hometown: New Iberia, La.   ā€¢    Photographer

Jeromy    ā€¢    hometown: Lydia, La.   ā€¢    Photographer and Marine Electrician (that sounds way fancy!)

their family    ā€¢    Camden: 8    Ella: 7    Maya: 5    Pilot: 2    Finn: 2

how they met, as told by Laura    ā€¢    ā€œWe met on a weekend camping trip when we were 14-years-old. He was with family and I was with friends.  We hung out together with a group of friends at hockey games, carnivals, a movie theaterā€¦ and finally had our first date the following year.  Four and a half years later we were married, and had five kids in the next six years!  BAM!ā€


Weā€™d love to photograph a real session of you two + your five. šŸ™‚ You guys are the definition of fun!

Much love!

~bobbi+mike ā— + ā“