Meet Kellie and Eric… they’re awesome You’ll see
ohhhh white space how I love you… or wait… ohhhhh blue space how I love you! Uhm… just doesn’t have the same ring to it, eh? To my graphic designer friends out there… What would you call it if it’s not “white space”… “negative space”? I think technically negative space is when the space surrounding an object forms a shape… right? You know… like the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo So, help me out here… what is the “blue space” in this image called????
We shot these photos where Kellie and Eric work out. It’s within walking distance of her apartment… and it’s such a gorgeous setting! However, I do have to say the people who run here are freaking INTENSE! As in… if you’re not paying attention… runners will knock you down and trample you to death. Okay, I’m exaggerating… but only a littttttle bit.
I’m SO in love with this photo.
I posted this photo as a teaser (like I always do) on our Facebook biz page… where Ryan (a past groomsman) wrote, “…more like kellie+epic!” Eric saw that and replied, “Thanks for the new nickname: ‘Epic.’ I’m asking Kellie to call me that from now on.” So, how’s that going for you Epic??? My favorite
When Kellie first moved to Chicago she bought a bike from Target… you know, a cheapie, so that no one would steal it. Cheap or not… it didn’t work, it was stolen. So, they bought vintage used bikes and had them fixed up at a local bike shop… GOOD AS NEW! Now, they can practically leave them unchained and no one even touches them! GEEENIUS!
You two are good sports
more bars in more places… kellie&eric.
Kellie played soccer for almost her entire life… so when I saw this game happening I asked them to step in front of it so that it could be in the background. Yeah, I’m creative. As soon as they went down there the ball went out of bounds and Eric was about to have his soccer moment of glory… UNTIL that girl in neon green smashed his hopes and dreams… DEEENIED! Maybe you had to be there… it was hilarious, I promise.
Oh, to the photogs out there… doesn’t Eric look a wee bit like Justin Lyon???
After about 10 minutes of shooting here, transit authority informed us that photography was not allowed and asked us to leave. Sometimes I’m convinced that I look like a terrorist. You know… of the Cabbage Patch variety. So Chicago photo friends, just an FYI… the “L” stands for “off Limits to photographers”
kellie+eric | chicago
wedding | may 21, 2011 • cincinnati, ohio
together | january, 2005
engaged | april, 2010
kellie | advertising account executive • hometown | cincinnati, ohio
eric | writer/editor • hometown | laporte, ind.
how they met (in two sentences), according to eric | “I was an editor at Indy Men’s Magazine, and she came to work there. I tried to set her up with two of my friends before she took a job and moved to Chicago, which is we we both realized, “Hey, wait a minute…”
You two are the definition of awesome.
Much love friends!
I was thinking of the next thing we were going to do when I realized that I was standing there in quite the pose… I turned my head and said something like… “Oh! I didn’t even notice I was posing like this… sexy just comes so naturally to me that I clearly can’t control it!” Of course my husband took a photo.
I wish I could remember what I was saying…
It really makes my day when you guys pop up on my google reader. Beautiful and inspiring work, keep it up!
What a great session! I love how creative each shot is. My favorite is the one of them flying over the tracks.
Great great great….I did laugh out loud at your cabbage patch terrorist line….yes. red haired ball of cuteness armed with her camera out to detroy the L one snapshot at a time. BOOM!
SOOO many creative and unique shots!! LOVE the jumping in the sky picture…it’s prob my favorite picture ever! GREAT JOB!
Great set guys! bootiful, bootiful!
Every single one of these shots could and SHOULD be a canvas.
Well done you two. Way to represent Chi-town
I agree with Gail! These are B-E-A-utiful! What a cute couple! I know for a fact that Eric is an awesome guy, and Kellie seems to be the perfect fit for him :o) These photos are amazing … epic, if you will.
WOWWWWWWW. This has to be one of my favourite shoots of yours, ever. Their bikes are amazing, Eric + Kellie are amazing, and you + Mike two did such a great job capturing THEM!! -high five-
A) These photos make me want to live and die in Chicago. (Workin’ on it) But, seriously, you captured their sweetness AND the city so perfectly! Awesome as usual. B) Yea, Mike is pretty darn good lookin!
Love! All of it – but especially Mike’s shot with the skyline in the background. Nice! And where did you get your jacket Bobbi? Please don’t tell me last season at some odd store.
AAAH! LOVE the Matrix reference!
Also, CTA Photo/Vid policy: “The general public is permitted to use hand-held cameras to take photographs, capture digital images, and videotape within public areas of CTA stations and transit vehicles for personal, non-commercial use.”
The CTA personnel probably assumed you were in violation of teh non-commercial use language. However, the CTA fails to define ‘non-commercial.’ I’d do the same – it gives room for them to interpret it as necessary. Non-commercial is a fairly narrow term, though you might argue that you were not selling any product, advertising any service, or participating in any transactions. Moreover, even if your use wasn’t non-commercial, you’d still have an argument that the policy does not explicitly prohibit commercial use.
Love these! I am always a sucker for jumping shots. The ones on the L are great, you rule-breakers.
Your rear is looking so skinny too. I would have been showing it off if mine looked that way.
love this…LOVE LOVE LOVE this shoot. so….kellie & eric…I want Mike’s favorite as a canvas on my wall.
Please?? haha jk Seriously though–LOVE..nothing but love.
bobbi + mike = amazingness.
I was just in Chicago and this set brought back some awesome memories. Great work! Oh, and I noticed your simple shoes, aren’t the BEST EVAARR?!!
you and mike are just adorable. your public affirmations of his handsome make my heart happy. {and you are looking so amazing bobbi!!}i just love happy married people. hope you are having a great marriage day today!
LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE!!! Makes me want to move back to Chicago, just so I can photograph in places like this.
“More bars in more places”
haha hahaha
love it!
you guys rock!! all these shots are so much fun and creative.
always an inspiration!! keep up the great work!!
Do you even KNOW how much I think you rock? Oh no, you do not. You rock SO much that if you even remotely considered doing a bb+mk workshop, I would drop everything, rearrange my schedule and be in Indy before you could say, “AYKM??!!” Oh, and the two shots of them jumping? Pure brilliance, just sayin’! BOO-YAH!!
PS. Nice butt!! XO
Bobbi + Mike – Thank you!!! We love the all of the above. More importantly we had such a fun day with you both. Thank you for capturing us in some of our favorite city settings doing some of our favorite city things. Epic and I look forward to sharing that day in May with you.
Genius as always, just g.e.n.i.u.s! I too second a workshop!!
So, I love the photos, per usual! But I wanted to say… how great are you looking in those jeans?! Go Bobbi!!!
these pictures are so much fun! you guys capture such great pictures of couples (and candids of each other)!
Love this shoot!!
My favorite bb+mk post ever. You guys are incredible.
i love all the shots, really, every single one of them! Its too hard to pick a favorite!!!
and I literally died laughing when you called yourself a “terrorist of the Cabbage patch variety”….made my night!
I’m in love with these! So rad!
FAVORITE SESSION EVER! Didn’t mind the HILARIOUS commentary, either. When we finally meet, I WILL call you a cabbage patch terrorist. Totally agree with Gail – these should all be canvases. Actually, if I email you guys a photo of me and my husband, could you put our heads on the bicycle-riding-with-the-Chicago-skyline-behind picture? I would pay $1 BILLION dollars for this. I will have my courier deliver money at your service. Please thank you for your time and countenance.
Holy shit, guys – you need to stop getting better. I’m so far behind I get whiplash when I look at some of this stuff. Negative space. Mike is pushing it with the TS – I wish to sweet baby jesus and three other white dudes I could rock it like that – dope, dope frame, bro.
Love the matrix shot…my favorite too!
I haven’t commented during my bobbi+mike stalking in a while – but I think these may be some of my favorite pictures you’ve ever taken!! [with the exception of our wedding photos of course!] I can’t wait until I come up with a reason to hire you two again
Wow. Bobbi + Mike- you guys have outdone yourself. I don’t even know them and I want every image as my wallpaper on my computer. The jumping one….so cute! Your energy and passion just JUMPS out of every picture!!
DANG! These…are truly awesome.
Totally love like a TON of images from this session!!! You are too funny and I really enjoy reading all the funny commentary… I can totally get your personalities and I haven’t even met you. One day I hope to
These are FABULOUS!!!!
bobbi! you’re SO CUTE!!!
You guys are so incredibly talented, it’s not even funny! Seriously – amazing images! I love that you dominated the sun in a mid-day shoot!
Looking at this session again, has anyone ever told Kellie she looks like Gwyneth Paltrow??? Man, I love her.
Love, love, love!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your sexy pose shot. Hilarious!
so cute! they are an awesome couple and I love the faces in these pictures
ahhahaha smile
i have to say, i LOL’d at almost all your comments on this post here. and thanks for letting anyone know about the L rule in chicago. seriously?! no pics? i love all of these and am a huge fan and so inspired by your work and your love of your hubby is just
I wish I had something witty or cute to say about how much I adore your photos, your creativity, and even your funny quips about the people you photograph~but nothing I can think of comes close to capturing how amazing you two are…you both are simply inspiring!