Heyyyyyoooo, I’m Bobbi the blogger! I mean, kinda. More like, I’m the artist formerly known as Bobbi the Blogger. Well here I am again and I promise you I’ll be back here next week with something from the unblogged archives.
Now on to business!
Meet Katie & Evan. They’re perfect for each other! You’ll see. Just keep scrolling.

If anyone has been following my blog for any amount of time you know that I love coming across something totally unexpected and making it work; this time it was this little pop up shop in the middle of the sidewalk. Oh, also… ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THE ONE ON THE RIGHT?! You knowwwww how much I love me some symmetry.

In Katie’s first email to me she mentioned that she’d been following my blog since she was in high school so you know how I had to ramp up that old school bb**! (IYKYK) And now, here you are; looking incredible with your incredible fiancé!

Before every engagement session I always ask my engaged couples what their favorite physical feature is about each other. Katie’s answer: “His cute little face.” This image of Evan below is exactly what she meant by that! At least that’s what I think she meant.

“Little People, Big Sky” was never officially requested but knowing that she had been following my work for a while, I really wanted to make it happen. That said, it’s not always an easy spot to find, so I found the best spot I could and here was the result. I wish that I had a photo of the scene, you’d be shocked at this result. Honestly, I was kinda shocked by the result! 😉

If they aren’t the most adorable couple you’ve seen this week, then you must be surrounded by some insanely cute couples!


On the right, we were chatting and about to head to our next spot and when in the middle of the conversation, I see this random concrete block in the middle of an overgrown parking lot. I interrupt us and say, “this may or may not work, but I’d like to try,” so I set them up like this, took three steps back and audibly gasped. “Oh! this is most definitely going to work!”
Katie, you’re stunning. Truly beautiful inside and out.

Indianapolis was really showing off for us that night!

This is the kind of image you share with your grandchildren, imagine if this were your grandparents, it would be a most prized possession. That’s how I always try to look through the lens, photographing people and families as though they’re my grandparents.

Love this, love you.

Your adoration for each other is so genuine and sweet.

Katie & Evan, I am beyond excited to photograph your wedding.

Thanks for tuning in friends. I’ll be back soon!
Much love friends,

PS. I’m still blogging WAY out of order and I really am working to post all of the past weddings and sessions. There are just so many, it’s a bit overwhelming.
So good to your magic on here again. It’s been too long!