
FINALLY BLOGGING OUR FALL WORKSHOP SESSIONS!!!! šŸ˜€ I assure you teamā€¦ it will be well worth the wait! First upā€¦ Kaitlyn and Joe! šŸ˜€

Iā€™m warning you nowā€¦ I have quiiiite a few favoritesā€¦ hereā€™s one of them. ā—01_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14It rained the entire timeā€¦ and it was really coldā€¦ and wellā€¦ it wouldnā€™t be legit a bobbi+mike workshop if we were handed an easy situation! šŸ˜‰ Side note: if you know meā€¦ you KNOW I cannot resist me a John Lennon poster! After all, he IS my favorite Beatle! Mikeā€™s favorites ā“02_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14How stinking CUTE are they?! 03_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14Uhmā€¦ Kaitlyn? YOU.ARE.BEAUUUUTIFULLLLL!!!!! Another favorite. ā—04_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14Man oh manā€¦ I canā€™t thank you two enough for rolling with the punches!05_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14Most of what youā€™re seeing here we shot under awningsā€¦ unless you see them carrying an umbrellaā€¦ 06_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14You two have the best smiles! šŸ˜€
07_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14ā€¦.have I mentioned that these two were a couple of troopers?! YEAH! THEY WERE! 08_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_1409_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14I love your love. šŸ™‚
10_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14I canā€™t not smile when I see this. ARE YOU WITH ME?! Of course you are.. I see you smilinā€™ over there!
11_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14My final favorite! ā— AHHHH!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!12_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14

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Indianapolis, Ind.

Together  ::  November, 2011 ā€¢  Wedding  ::  May 17, 2014  ::  Indianapolis, Ind.

Kaitlyn ::  School-Based Therapist  ā€¢  Hometown  ::  Indianapolis, Ind.  ā€¢   five words  ::  Beautiful. Outgoing. Compassionate. Godly. Creative

Joe  ::  Farmer for Public Greens   ā€¢  Hometown  ::  Anderson, Ind.  ā€¢   five words  ::  passionate, kind, gentle and a beautiful human.

How they met, as told by Kaitlyn   ::  We were both underage and sneaking in the back door of a bar to see an awesome band play in Muncie. I was taking a photo of some friends in that secret hallway when a cute boy stuck his booty in front of the camera. I snapped the photograph. It was tagged on Facebook and two days later he asked me on a date! The rest is history šŸ™‚


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Can you SEE the rain?! ā€¦.yeahhhhhā€¦. šŸ˜‰ I was NOT telling you lies Internet!13_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14Best friend Ben helpingā€¦ šŸ˜‰ He reminds me of Steve Martin in The Jerk, ā€œā€¦and thatā€™s all I needā€¦ā€ šŸ˜€ On the right, itā€™s Mike wearing Kaitlynā€™s hat! šŸ˜‰ I really am the luckiest girl I knowā€¦ to be surrounded by some of the best/silliest people Iā€™ve ever metā€¦ Never a dull moment I tell you! 14_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_1415_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_1416_KaitlynJoe_bobbimikeworkshop_14Official Team Portrait of Worskhop #17!

A HUGE thanks to ProDPIRenaissance AlbumsRewind DocumentariesSecond Street CreativeVSCOLawTogProPhoto BlogBlogStompAlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop šŸ˜‰ for your contributions to our workshop!

Much love friends!

~bobbi+mike ā— + ā“

Weā€™re announcing our Spring Workshop dates THIS WEEK! To be the first to know, sign up for our mailing listā€¦ they always get first dibs on booking. šŸ˜€ BOOM!