One of my all time favorite families at one of my all time favorite houses…
This is the fourth time I’ve photographed this family I adore so much. The first time, second, third and now this.
This time Jess and Brett wanted to have the session in their home.
Why their home?
Well because the week after this session they sold their house, bought a trailer and have since been traveling across the country experiencing life to it’s fullest. Follow along with their adventures here and here.
AAAADIIINNNN! I know how much you hate getting your photo taken… BUT WHYYYYY??!?!? LOOOOOK HOW HANNNNDSOME YOUUUUU AAAAAARE!!!!!
I love everything about this image.
I usually have a pretty strict 12-18 blog images from every session… but I couldn’t resist going a liiiiittle over board on this one. Don’t judge me.
As I was photographing them, I noticed how their legs fit into each other so perfectly. I love marriage.
Hi Gabe. You couldn’t remind me any more of your daddy if you tried.
I adore this team.
Jess’ favorite room in the whole house.
I kiiiiiind of have to agree…
It really is perfect.
Jess, what paint color is this wall?
Riah is incredibly talented. He’s an artist, a musician and will someday be an architect. No one told me that, I just decided it… just now…
The youngest of the Z family… Gabe… the session was scheduled on his birthday. YOU KNOWWWW HOW MUCH I LOOOOOVE BIRRRRRTHDAYYYYYS!!!!! I went a little crazy when I arrived.
I’ve never seen a more comfortable marriage.
Priya, you are a beautiful, talented and intelligent woman both inside and out… those of us who know you and love you… we’re lucky.
Jussssst because he’s 8 doesn’t mean he’s not the baby anymore, right momma?
AYKM?! Same Same! I told you Gabe was his daddy’s mini-me.
How can you not adore this family?!
He wanted to show me how good he was at flipping the pancakes. For the record, he reeeeeally is good at flipping pancakes!
Dinner time!
Happy Birthday Gabe!
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Cincinnati, Ohio
jess+brett :: married ~17 years • 12.23.98
How they met, as told by Jess :: Although we went to the same small private school growing up, he never knew me, but I noticed him. We officially met when he was 23 and I was 19. After hanging out as friends for a few months we both were smitten. We married 6 months later, and have been making magic (and babies) since.
Jess :: Homeschool teacher/Photographer :: five words – compassionate, intuitive, virtuous, meek, purposeful
Brett :: Homeschool teacher/Photographer/Software Engineer :: five words – dedicated, inquisitive, persevering, foodie, mountain-man
Priya :: 16 :: five words – ambitious, joyful, gregarious, independent, musician
Adin :: 13 :: five words – amicable, driven, inquisitive, determined, nature-lover
Riah :: 11 :: five words – creative, sensitive, thoughtful, athletic, perfectionist
Gabe :: 8 :: five words – daring, tender, big-hearted, energetic, comedian
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Much love friends!
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It’s so interesting to see their house photographed by someone other than them. It’s so different from your perspective. Lovely session!
Beautiful. I know how hard it was for them to sell this house, I’m sure these images will be treasured forever. Love this gorgeous family!! You did an amazing job, Bobbi!!
This is just the coolest family I have ever seen. I’ve loved getting to watch them grow on your blog. There is obviously so much talent in this family. As the mother of an almost two year old boy, I adore the image of the 8 year old being held by mama. I hope mine stays that sweet that long!
No, but for real, WHAT’S THAT BLUE WALL PAINT COLOR! This family is awesome. I want to be one of their kids ;).
i’ve followed their story and its so amazing! i cannot imagine picking up and traveling like they did! So incredible! i love it when you post sessions of this beautiful family!! my fave fave fave is the one of brett and jess sitting in their backyard. so gorgeous. i love everything about this session. they’ll truly cherish these in their beloved house forever! wonderful job, friend! xx
Dayum, if that was my house, I would NEVER sell it! What a gorgeous place and gorgeous family!
could not, could not, could NOT love these moooooooore!!!!!! gasping at the perfectness of these!! i have always loved your sessions with this amazing family, but this one. THIS one is above and beyond. so life, so beautiful, so real…so perfect.
well that was amazing. duh. and how about all the muscles in the family?! good work, bobbi.
You are good Bobbi Sheridan! These are just wonderful.
Thank you, sweet friend!! We will forever cherish these moments you captured for our family! Now I’m missing my long hair, my bathtub, and I’m wanting some pancakes, pronto. xo
Lovely. I always enjoy seeing your photos of this fabulous family!
Favorite family to have ever stepped in front of your camera! So grateful that my friendship with you introduced me to this Z crew! These photos are EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful. Even more so knowing the bittersweet factor of it being their last year in that house. Also, WHEN DID GABE GROW UP?! (I think my favorite thing about the whole session, in addition to you capturing Jess and Brett’s bond perfectly, were his little biceps
And Priya’s curls!!!)
Super duper wonderful, and all kinds of perfect. I love seeing this family again and getting to see a bit inside their world. They are all so stunning in their own ways. Bobbi, well done, friend!
I seriously need to meet this family. Selling our home and traveling the country for a year with my family is in my 5-year plan!
Love this session so freaking hard! I think this might be my favorite ever Bobbi family session!!! You really outdid yourself here, my friend!
i love their family chemistry! and i love the way you captured it!
I loooooooove this session. The hair in this family is INSANE. Gorgeous family and ridiculously perfect photos.
ok- who wants to adopt me, or at least let me house sit, for like…. ever?
What an amazingly beautiful family! Bobbi, you did such wonderful work here, I totally got their vibe. Perfect!
I am practically speechless over this session! I don’t even know them and I feel like I do after scrolling through these photos (and I did scroll through about 5 times) They are perfect in every way. You completely outdid yourself on this one. Beyond amazing!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Every one. Every single one. I can’t. They are just TOO perfect.
These are perfect. They show exactly how it feels to be a family! You captured their bonds and personalities so well, I feel like I know them even though I’ve never met them! Beautiful images!
This session is absolute perfection!! Is it weird that I love this family without having met them? Seriously!! Might be my fav family session. <3
OMG Bobbi! These are such absolute perfection! I love that these are the real deal and that I got to see so much of their personalities and lives in these! Amazing!
#familygoals amazing job, bobbi!
I don’t know this family, but somehow I was still a little teary looking through these. This is possibly my favorite family session of anyone, ever. It’s just so, so natural and real. To see a family with older kids that just fit together so perfectly makes me excited for my kids to grow up! I feel like you captured everything that any parent could ever want in this session. Beautifully done!
I need this session in my life
These photos capture this wonderful family perfectly. Just beautiful.
These are gorgeous images Bobbi! What a fun and beautiful session capturing such a sweet family! I think my favorites are the ones of them cooking together. I love the one with Jess and one of the boys by the mixer. Someday that child may stand taller then his mama looking over her shoulder at the mixer…..Life is a beautiful journey and you photographed it so perfect.