Meet Janine and Scott 🙂
My favorite!:!: LOVE the lines in this 🙂
AYKM?! "Don't be afraid of space rays" ?!!! We saw this and knew IMMEDIATELY that we MUST get a photo in front of it! OHHHH INDIANA HOW WE LOVE YOU! 😉
ORRRRR maybe THIS one is my favorite ❗
YOU BE BEAUTIFUL!!!! Oh yes you are 😀
Mikey's favorite ❓
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. I've known Janine for a while now… you see, when I quit my job in graphic design four years ago, she's the one who filled the position. BUT, we've only communicated by phone… UNTIL NOW! It was so fun to jump out of my car and see her standing there… she was exactly as I had imagined! It was a crazy trip down memory lane reminiscing about all of our past design clients and coworkers. CRAZY! She has since quit that job (it was in Terre Haute) and moved to Indianapolis.
She and Scott are such a great match 😀 Janine is full of personality and always says exactly what she's thinking (love it!) and Scott is a go-with-the-flow, laid back guy… and it works together perfectly! AGAIN… personality traits that are quite like Mike and I's… 😀 So for you singletons out there looking for your soulmate… this formula works! 😀
Their wedding is in June… so, we'll see you then!
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
Somehow throughout almost every shoot… my hair turns into a ducktail. NOT PRETTY!
Anyone out there read It's a site dedicated to these crazy/weird/hilarious fixes of everyday items that just aren't working anymore. You MUST check it out! ANYWAY, when we came upon this during the session… Mike and I looked at each other and almost in sync said, "THERE, I FIXED IT!" And of course, he snapped a picture 😀 You see… that window in the drivers side has been busted open… so what a better way to fix it than with an umbrella! 😀
❗ + ❓
Space rays? Really? Is that how they do construction down there? lol Gorgeous photos. I have to agree with Mike about his favorite!
I love this location! The walls are incredible. I tried…but I can’t pick a favorite-I love them all 🙂
I LOVELOVELOVE the shot where they’re in the corner. Stunning!!!
Beautiful! I think Mikey’s favorite is my favorite, too!
Super cool session. Love all the rad locations and compositions.
So fun!!! I love the second one!!! Great shoot you guys!
You crackle me up. When you were just a little thing, your favorite saying was “I fix it.” LOL…
What a great session. I am selecting Mikey’s as my fave once again. Sorry Bobbi.
Wow, another fantastic e-session! How do you do it??? Love them all, I’m loving all the black and whites on this post, especially the reflection of the couple, so beautiful! And the one of them in the corner of the brick walls with all the lines – seriously cool.
Great work! And because I voted for Bobbi’s yesterday, today I’m voting for Mike’s fave! 😉
I call that hair style “the duck butt” thanks to my stylist. Awesome session! I love the one with all the brick.
I love that 1st one of them holding hands! So beautiful!!! I see a canvas in that photographs future!
When my car was broken into last year I had to do the same thing all weekend. LOL
love this shoot, looks like so much fun. u two are so creative, you rock!!
You guys are amazing! Seriously. Every session. I love your wedding stuff, but I particularly LOVE your family shoots. One day I’m flying my family to Indianapolis for a shoot. Or. . .will you ever be in the Utah area???
oh my god I LOVE the arrow pointing snuggle giggle shot.
AND the hand holding kiss shot, angling up-i literally took almost the exact same shot last night, only with a small family. HAVE to show you-when i saw yours I was like OMG OMG how funny! 🙂
LOOVE the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL light in this post!
I LOVE “Don’t be Afraid of the Space Rays”!