Since we got married in 2003… I’ve gained a LOT of weight. Most of that weight came after we started the business… with being so incredibly busy, the lbs just kept on coming. As most of you have noticed, I’ve spent SO much of 2007 sick (more than I’ve EVER been sick in the past) and I think that’s a result of poor diet, no sleep, stress, lack of exercise, etc…. I’d REALLY like to change that!
SOOOOO… I’m going on a diet starting when I wake up tomorrow. I’m going to start going to the gym. I’m going to start eating healthy. I’m going to change my life. I’ve never been one to have New Year’s Resolutions… and this certainly isn’t one. It just happens to be the time when things start to slow down a bit for us so that I can get a handle on my health.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I need your support. I need to be held accountable. I’m going to tell you guys every Friday how much I’ve lost. If any of you want to join me, you’re welcome to comment how much you lose. It’ll be fun. Right?
I’ve set some short term timeline goals for myself to keep me motivated. If I don’t lose x amount of lbs before the WPPI (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International) Convention in Las Vegas (March 16-20)… I’m not allowed to go.
I’m so nervous… I don’t want to fail. Any of you guys with me?
I knew that the moment I told all of our blogreaders about this diet… that I’d REALLY have to start. SOOO…. here I GO!
Thanks in advance for all of your support. AHHHH I’M NERVOUS!!!!
Love to you all….
~ +
Good for you, Bobbi! I admire your determination! YOU CAN DOOO EEEETTT!!!
I’m SO glad you made this public! The last couple times we planned to start “going to the gym” something has always come up. Now theres no excuses! I’m totally with you, except, I’m going to be posting how much I’ve GAINED… HA! (For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a complete string bean and it’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to change). Good bye 2007, hello self confidence! I can’t wait…
I have to say, it was nice to see that someone else had the nerve to share their weightloss, get healthy, goal with their blogreaders. I did the same a few weeks ago although I wasn’t brave enough to say that if I didn’t lose xx by such a date, I’d not be able to go on the planned trip. That takes serious guts!!!
I’m on this journey with you, have really started to hit the gym and am feeling physically better already. (I too felt more sick last year than ever before.)
You are going to do great…dont’ be nervous. Just weigh in first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything and empty the bladder first too! And wear very light clothing if you can’t be completely nekkid!!
Go Bobbi Go!!!
Hi Bobbi!
I joined weight watchers to learn how to eat healthier….something I totally stink at. So, I just wanted to point out to you a really cool website… It gives “point” values for TONS of restaurants! So, when you are eating out you will know what’s good and what’s not.
Also…. have you tried Laughing Cow (Lite) Cheese?? YUMMY! Anyway… I think it is wonderful that you made this known to all of us! How cool and you are of course an inspiration to many of us now in a whole other way! YAY BOBBI!!!
AWESOME! I’m totally with you!
hi bobbi!
when i read your post i thought “this could be written by me”. since we started our business 2 years ago i gained a lot of weight, too, and really feel unhealthy. next weekend is our last “stressful event” for the past season, a wedding fair. after this i will be totally with you. i wish you so much staying power (and me too ;D), we`ll make it! keep on posting, i`ll check back often to see how it works for you.
If anyone can do it, it’s you! I started doing yoga and it’s really helped out with my stress level and losing some weight. Good luck, you can do it!
Hi Bobbi,
I am a long, long time lurker and HUGE, HUGE fan of your work. I probably should have chose to come out of lurkdom one of your beautiful picture posts instead of a weight loss post. Haha. But, I just wanted to say congrats on the goals. I did something similiar earlier this year and it felt (and still feels) great.
And, I had to suggest something that REALLY worked for me (for the first time in years). You probably already have a gym membership but, in any event, I joined Lifetime’s Team Fitness program ( There is also a Team Weight Loss program ( Itis a 12-week thing that met 3 times per week. All 3 times are exercise – cardio mixed and resistance. You also have complete access to a dietician who did cutomized meal plan for you upfront and then checks your food journal with you every week and offers advice/tips. It was such a well-rounded program that, for the first time since turning 30, I finally feel like I KNOW how to be healthy and STAY healthy. I now know HOW to each and, more importantly, HOW to work out in. Before, I was just doing stuff and then would get frustrated because it wasn’t successful. Plus, the accountability and motivation of a group session is really, really nice. It was WELL worth the money because I walked away with the tools to do it on my own.
Anyway, I’m not sure that this will help at all but I like to suggest it for anyone who is really looking to get healthy. It definitely helped me. Ok, sorry for the long comment!! Good luck. You guys are awesome.
My gosh, my first post is full of typos and bad grammar!! SO SORRY. That is what I get for writing on Saturday morning before I am awake. Ugh. I’m normally not that bad:(
Bobbi, I am so PROUD of you! We are behind you 100%! LOVE YOU!
Way to go, Bobbi. Marriage can do that to you. I know! We get happy and comfortable with our lives and the weight seems to creep on. Good for you for making a change. I lost quite a bit of weight before the holidays (put some of it back on since T-giving) by doing South Beach. The 1st 2 weeks were really hard. But you start to introduce healthy carbs back in on week 3. It became easier after that. Now I am doing better and making good food choices. I’ve never been one to work out, but my NY res. this year was to join a gym so that I can continue to have a healthy body and keep up with my 2 little guys.
Anyway, sorry to write a novel. ha ha
Good Luck to you.
BTW, love your blog.
bobbi, i agree with some of your other posters. this one could have been written ver batim by me
i’m with you, not a resolution, but a change in lifestyle. i need to lose beaucoups of weight, so let’s do it together!!!! i wish you guys were in the same city as i so we could all work out together. wouldn’t that be a blast!!! it’s always so much easier to workout with friends who will motivate you. so with that said, good luck, wish me luck, and i know i’ll see you at wppi!!! you can do it! tara 
Good luck Bobbi! I’m right with you all the way! We can do this!
I’m with you!!
i love you guys.
Way to go sista! I have started on my road to a better, healthier life this year as well. We will keep each other honest! Let me know what I can do to help you. Girl – we are going to look GUD!!! Love you.
You ROCK Bobbi! I am excited for you. You will feel so much better and have more energy. I have been improving my food and exercise decisions with much of the motivation being our upcoming photos. I tried to get Mel to come she said she had to work.
Although you with more energy is not easy to picture
You are going to feel soooooooo good by reclaiming your health! I would start slower though, maybe set just an eating goal and a couple weeks, then add the working out, etc… building on each success because it may be overwhelming to go nuts at all once?
I know that last January, my trainer challenged me to 1. not eat after 8pm and 2. drink my 8 glasses of water. That was all I was accountable for and anything extra was just gravy. After I’d accomplished those things and made them habits, then we added more structure to it.
All that being said … just recognizing that you want more energy and value out of your life is a HUGE step and you rock!!!!!
good for you bobbi! joe and i are also starting a healthier lifestyle this week! not just for the wedding, but for our health as well…along with making better food choices, we are also doing the “couch to 5k” running program ~ we’re here for you! 20 pounds by the wedding is my goal!!
You can do it, You can do it!!!
I know you can! Just don’t set crazy high goals and be disappointed. You can lose the weight and eat healthy. If anyone can do it, you can!!
You better go to WPPI, I think I am going this year
I did not read all of the comments yet, but I just wanted to say don’t call it a diet. Diets usually fail. Just start working on healthier habits (exercise, stress-relief, eating habits, etc) and start making them a part of your life. I’ve just started the process myself again (after losing 100 lbs on a “diet” and gaining it back plus 20 more).
I start a belly dancing class on Thursday. I’m scared to death but it will be run!
We can do it!!
er fun, not run.
I’m with Jen. Don’t refer to it as a diet. It sounds so restrictive. Think of it as a new lease on life. Don’t measure your success by a number on the scale, measure it by your ability to sustain an aerobic heart rate for longer periods of time. Start small, make minor changes along the way and you’ll see big changes.
My girlfriend and I started six months ago and have made super strides….she has lost 18 lbs…I have lost 6. I’m focused on the fact that I can outrun my girlfriend:) HA!! I do love her though. I’m with you…and I’ll post along too!
Damn you know a lot of Jen’s!!!!!!!!
Look at all of your support!!! You are going to do great! I believe in you
My only advice…don’t think of not loosing weight fast enough as a failure…keep positive (I don’t think you will have a problem with that)
I hear ya! I’ve thrown out a challenge to my brother to lose weight by the time my whole family goes on a cruise in Nov. 08.
We found this great site that we track our weight, calories, exercise and such and at the end, the winner gets a 200.00 gift card to the clothing store of their choice. So far the competition has kept me going and I’m down 3 lbs. since the first. Good luck!
wow, first off i dig what you are doing. i def need to do this myself. it seems like a trend with us photogs.
Good luck! You’re so cute! Here’s to being healthier (more sleep yay)! You can do it!!
Good luck Bobbi! I’m in a wedding in June, so I understand the pressure of loosing the weight by a certain date. A friend and I are setting up a workout schedule together as soon as we get back to school. Maybe you could drag Mike along for moral support. ;o)
You ROCK! Go for it!!!

p.s. Just-so-ya-know, you mentioned marriage/owning your own business as a couple of the factors in your weightgain…I’ll TAKE your marriage/owning your own business, MATCH IT and RAISE YOU one divorce! Yeah, that takes its toll too.
Not that it’s a competition, but we all have our “gainers” and they’re real reasons why our lives take dips, curves and OH…do I have curves! Gimme less curves! Coincidentally, I’m on the SAME type of plan as you are as of 01/01/08. Here’s to losing! (in a good way)
As always, LOVE bobb&mke (especially without the eyes!) but you guys will ALWAYS be boobiandmike to me!
Bobbi, there is no doubt in my mind that you can do this. We are here to support ya all the way. Go Bobbi Go Bobbi!!
Tell you what Bobbi-kins, Cathy and I are totally with you. We’re eating healthy too and we’re trying to lose weight as well!
So give us a line or an IM if you’re needing support cause we will probably need it too! Ah!
Also, Cathy got her XTi tonight. She is most excited. Little miss timid was jumping around in the parking lot waving her arms.
You go Grill. I know you can do it. You are so goal oriented. Just look at what you have already accomplished. You have completed college, six years in the Army National Guard, built a killer business and married the next to perfect Husband who loves you unconditionally. You make me proud.
Love you Bobsterooni,
I’m not one that needs to talk about diets and healthy living (because I suck at it BIG TIME) but my Commander (a guy that is UBBER healthy) suggested a book to me, which I just picked up at Borders, that looks interesting… It’s called “Body for Life”. I’ve gotten half way through it and it seems to be pretty health oriented, not just “fad” diety if that’s a word. Lots of chicken and healthy vegetables and some good exercise routines that take only minutes a day (which we need because time is precious right?) I’m with you all the way on this… support is sooooo important and I want to lose at least 20 pounds myself. Soooooo, here’s to a healthier 2008 and more changes to come for me, thanks for sparking the “Most be GREAT in 2008”!!!!!
I am 110% behind you on this and starting on January 11th, I am part of a “biggest loser” at my work. Until the 3rd week in March, I will be working my BUTT off, my goal is to lose 30 lbs. That’s a LOT and I will have to do some MAJOR shopping afterwards, but I will feel so much better! I want to lose weight before we have a baby, that way afterwards I will be able to kick butt and lose the weight off again!
Best of luck to you, I am so proud of you for doing this. We all know how extrememly busy you are, and no matter if you lose 5 lbs, we will all be proud of you for making time to do this. You need a clone, someone that can do the blogging and editing of all your pictures, and then you can do all the eating healthy & exercising!
Cheers to a happy and healthy New Year!
GOOOOOOOOOOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me and the wifey are tryin the same thing. we think you’re cute just the way you are, but being healthy is important we know you can do it and hopefully we all can be healthier people. good luck!!!
You can do it girl! Just remember to give yourself some rewards in the process and focus on how you feel, not the LBs that come off. The exercise will be addictive and give you so much energy! You will love it! One more thing to remember, we love you for you – no matter what – so don’t forget that!
You can do it!! I don’t know if this will help you or not, but Ken and I took our “life makeover” in small steps. First thing was to adjust our diet. After we were comfortable with that we added in cardio, and progressed from there. Try not to get overwhelmed with so many changes at once, it makes it seem impossible!! Getting Mike involved will make it more of a game and be soooo much fun for the both of you. Good luck!! Can’t wait to hear about the progress!!!
WOOHOO!! I’m so excited for you … and it will be easier for you to stick with this because from the time you start you are only going to feel better and better. I’m not one for “resolutions” either, but I have decided to try yoga. I also need to be in better shape/healthier but get bored going to the gym or running … so I’m hoping this will be something that will keep me interested. I’ll let you know how it goes! Good luck with this endeavor … and don’t think of it as a “diet” (that word has bad karma), just think of it as modifying your eating and lifestyle changes. YOU’RE AWESOME
I’ve made the same promise to myself, Bobbi. A former avid gymgoer, I’ve let my business sap all my time and energy so I don’t go as often as I should. But that’s about to change!
You go, girl! I need to join in the momentum…I’ve had “baby weight” for much longer than what is acceptable (in my own mind) & I’ve been in denial that I’d actually have to work to get it off, because I certainly didn’t have to “work” to get it on!!!! I guess it’s not just going to fall off…..I am going to set some specific goals when I return from PPA… Can’t wait to see you at WPPI & I know that I will!!!
You can do it Bobbi
Although we love you how you are, we want you to be healthy and happy 
Todd and I signed up for a class at our gym last week – it starts tomorrow and we’re going to step foot in that gym for the first time tonight… we joined in July 2007! That’s sad, eh? You just have to be ready to make the time, I guess.
I couldn’t agree with the last post more – I want you to feel great literally and about yourself – so go for it, you have our support for sure! Love to you – rock on!
Jamie + Todd
First time poster myself, but I adore you and have heard such great things about you from Betsy and my friends, Josh and Megan, whose wedding you shot in Sept. ’06! (Nate and Amanda shot our wedding two weeks later!)
Really admire what you are doing on wanting to get healthy – and here’s my two cents to add to all the other bits of great advice on here: Sign up for an event — be it walking, or, if you want to brave it, a 5K, because there is NOTHING that will get your butt in to gear more than signing your name to a line that registers you for an event. My husband and I are doing the Mini in Indy again this year, and our training starts today – yikes! But I know without holding myself to that date in May, I’d be WAY more likely to blow off training sessions at the gym. And it’s a GREAT feeling to cross a finish line – even if you come in dead last – because you know all the work that went in to you getting there!!!!!!
Good luck!!!!
Gail Werner
I so support you and I am right their with you. I’m tired of ducking out of pictures because I don’t want my fat self in them. Lots of things are coming up this year that I want to look much better for you.
GO BOBBI! You can DO this!
Hey Bobbi,
I’m totally holding my fingers crossed for you. I started my 2008 with great motivation – loosing 60lb until the end of June 2008. Detox, healthy diet, walking with my dog, bike in the summer and belly dancing exercises couple times a week – this is my plan. I think that being photographer and keeping diet is not easy, some people are thinner when busy – I’m opposite.
I wish you will keep it and feel so much better!
My candy – wedding in Rome in July 2008, I want to fit again in the”European Weight Standards;)”
Good luck!!!
I vote for eating everything you want this week so that losing weight next week easy breezy!
Seriously though, I feel like there are two ways to diet – one is to think about what you can’t eat, and the other is to think about what you need to eat MORE of. I tried the first way for a while and only gained weight because as soon as my brain thought I was being deprived of something, it went into binge=storage mode. So, take it slow and focus on what you need to eat MORE of – veggies and water. Drink a glass of water before you eat your meal. Drink a glass of water in between each soda, juice, or other sweet drink. Eat as many veggies as possible before moving on to your meat or bread. Add more fiber into your diet – look for items that are high in fiber content like whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, etc. More fiber in your diet will help fill you up quicker with fewer calorie intake.
Portion sizes is another great way to cut your calories. Use smaller plates and bowls when you prepare meals at home- than you won’t feel like the plate is empty if there’s less on it. If you go out to eat, ask the waiter for a box when they bring the meal so that you can put half of it away and out of site – than you won’t have to feel like you need to have it all at once. You’re not depriving yourself, you’re just saving more for later!
Give yourself a day of rest. If you’re good 6 days out of the week with your diets and foods, give yourself a day to indulge in one or two things that you really miss so that you have something to look forward to each week. The key is to keep it within a 12-24 hour period so that your body metabolizes it all at once. One day out of seven isn’t going to blow your diet, but it will give you something to look forward to all week long.
All that being said.. I’m going to try to have less deserts this year, and I’m going to be more active. Let me know if you ever want to try rock climbing with me!
go you with the resolutions!!
im a pal of melanie pace and i love your photos!
good stuff.
Hey Bobbi!! Great idea. I’m IN!!
I am also one to duck out of pictures using the I’m the photographer excuse…I’m behind the camera that’s why there is no pictures of me!! The only picture of myself that is allowed to be on display in my house is one that was taken 10 years ago! How sad is that? My goal is to get MY picture taken…lots of them. And I would LOVE if they were taken by YOU!! Wanna come to Florida??
So, I feel like a slacker since we moved and I have been so on and off the internet. BUT, I was catching up on my bobbi+mike blog time and saw this post. After almost 5 years of being together I have convinced Tom to run the Louisville Mini Marathon with me (his first time, my 4th). We joined the Y and he has been swimming for the first time since he graduated high school. We are SO with you- to support you, uplift you and get you back to your senses when you struggle, because I know we will be going through the same thing. I’m so proud of you!!
Thank you for continuing to be not only such an inspiring artisit but motivating and beautiful person as well. : )
PS – Has anyone else noticed how easy it is to eat well before the wedding, but afterwards, man, it’s like, total lack of motivation. boo for that! I think I’m just going to pretend I’m getting married every other month (without the stress), and see if that mindset works this time. haha!
love to youguys!
Bobbi that is fantastic. Last July Maryjane’s brothers and I started a biggest loser competition. We went from July until Xmas. I won by losing 29lbs. and more than 10% of my body weight. I was pretty excited. I won Colts tickets from my Brother-in-laws. I also cannot wear the suit I wore in my wedding last March. It really is a life changer. I am so much more happy. I did take some time off during the holidays. But I am getting ready to get back into the swing of things. I support you 120%. Good Luck!
P.S. We love our wedding album!!!
I am with ya Bobbi. I hope I will be able to keep up with you!