Here it is… the last of the Spring workshop sessions… and I can’t tell a lie… we went out with a bang!
We absolutely adore this duo!
…they also happen to be PERFECT for each other…
Holly mentioned to me that Tim looked like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast (but without the narcissism)… I’d call that an accurate statement!
REALLY?! Two perfectly timed bicyclists just HAPPENED to stroll on be RIGHT at the perfect time?! AHHH! I’M IN LOVE! My favorite
This patch of land was nothing but clovers… as in… I don’t think there’s ANY grass in this field… as in… I LOVE IT!
Oh? Did I mention that the original workshop models that we had lined up canceled last minute and these two came in for the win? And did I mention that they had JUST gotten engaged like three-ish days before this session?!
Wow. WOW! ammiright?! WOWWW!
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Together :: 2.24.12 • Engaged :: 4.22.14 • Wedding :: 4.11.15
Holly :: Cytotechnologist • Hometown :: Noblesville, Ind. • five words :: Forgiving, intelluptous (intelligent plus voluptuous, of course), creative, caring, fiercly-cuddly
Tim :: Global Site Coordinator • Hometown :: Valparaiso, Ind • five words :: Passionate, talented, so-silly, handsome, home
How they met :: Holly would always see Tim socializing in the hallway at work, and thought he was the hottest guy ever, but was too shy to talk to him. Then one day, when Tim thought Holly was lookin’ fine in her scrubs, he introduced himself to her. They realized they had some close mutual friends in common, but had never met until now. Eventually, they started having lunch in the break room together and even went to a karaoke bar on their first real date, where Tim awesomely sang (and danced!) all of N’SYNC’s “Bye, bye, bye”. And they lived happily ever after.
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Some people are just naturally bendy… We learned that Tim was one of the chosen few… then Mike did the secret hand shake to communicate to Tim that he too was one in the bendy club. I tell you… these two should be BFFs.
Hail hail! Here we are!
[br] [br] [br] A HUGE thanks to ProDPI, Renaissance Albums, Rewind Documentaries, Second Street Creative, VSCO, LawTog, ProPhoto Blog, BlogStomp, AlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop for your contributions to our workshop!
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike +
We’re announcing our normal Fall workshops NEXT WEEK! To be the first to know, sign up for our mailing list… they always get first dibs on booking. BOOM! [br] [br] [br]
Beautiful!!!!! And just so FUN!
It’s like i got to relive it alllll over again!!!!!! AHhhh!!! And HOLY SKINNY BOBBI!!! My fave is of Holly laying down on Gaston (I mean Tim). Holly, you are freaking gorgeous!!!
I will be the first to admit, I am not in the bendy club. Kudos to Mike!
Lovin’ the use of lines here ! Lots of cool shapes and colors! Way to go Idaho! ( or Indianas) Great work as always!
Wow. I mean, WOW! How you two keep outdoing yourselves in beyond me, but you’ve done it again.
PROUD doesn’t begin to describe how I feel about getting to be a part of this. Amazing as always. Inspiring above all others. Holly and Tim are an incredible duo. I absolutely love this session. And I LOVE those CLOVERS! <3
LOVE THE LAST BLACK AND WHITE! And the laying down in the clovers.. hoooolllly cow so beautiful. This couple is so perfect. ALSO…. Bobbi… you are teeny tiny now!!! Goodness you look good!
BOBBI!!!! YOU are SO thin!!! You look FABULOUS…I mean, check out your bootie!!!! Also, I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for these. SO beautiful. The metal stairs and clovers are my favorite parts. Holly and Tim were so much fun and SO perfect. Makes me super glad the other couple couldn’t make it. Love these, and LOVE you guys!!! HUGE thanks to all 5 (had to include the pups :)) of you!! XOXO!!!
Holly is one of the most stunning beauties I know. You guys captured her countenance perfectly. So happy you chose this wonderful couple!
Ohhhhhh i LOVE this session! That bicycle image — STOP IT!! Bobbi and Mike — I just love all that you do!!
Having seen these taken with my own eyeballs makes them all the more enjoyable to look over now. I love the overhead shot in the clover—I wonder how many four leaf ones Sarah and Jenny could find?
These are all beautiful, but of course I’m not surprised! And Bobbi, way to look super tiny, my friend! Wish I could hang out with that group every single day. Miss you all, friends!
I’ve been waiting for these!!!!!!! Love love love those images in the clovers, I mean, are you kidding me!? Gorge! I love so many from this session, plus they were so darling and sweet together. You guys rocked it again, always.. And with all of us hanging around too… Psh, rock stars. xxxxx
gorgeous and fun all wrapped up with a bow of awesomeness!!! clover shot is screaming my favorite!! sooooooo good.
So freakin’ fun- I love these! What a beautiful couple! And the colors are gorgeous! Man oh man, that last black and white one is stunning!
Okay, here it goes…ahhhhhhhh!!! I love you guys SO MUCH. Bobbi, you look adorrrrable in that one pic. Seriously when I saw it, I was like woah…And Mike, you and Tim could totally be bendy broseph’s. I’m all for it. Workshoppers, you guys are so awesome!! You made the experience even more fun! Thanks for being so sweet. And BBMK, All of them are my favorites. Thank you!!! We will CHERISH these, forever. <3
P.S. Best friend Ben wins the group pic
Gorgeous, fun, unique, quirky session just like always! You two are SOOOO good at what you do!
Wow! You always find the BEST locations for your sessions. Loving all the colors and lines and smiling faces! I think that last black and white is my favorite – her eyes! Stunning! PS. BOBBI you look AMAZING!!!!
He TOTALLY looks like Gaston!!! I love the clover one, and the black and white of Holly look at the camera! Congrats, you two!!
Also, Bobbi, dang girl!! Smokin’ hot!!
I lOVE these. What a great, adorable smitten and fresh couple! Of course the photos are FABBBB!!! I expect nothing less
Seriously….great stuff!
These guys are sweet as they are adorable! We were so excited to see how these turned out and they are even better than expected! BBMK, you always outdo yourselves.
Amazingness!!! Every single one! I love the colors, the fun, this couple, the love…la la laaaaa! I’m jealous of the bendy club and holy Toledo, Bobbi! You are in the skinny minny hottie totter club!
Oh boy. I can’t even type my name right
that’s what happens when I type with my cat laying half on my lap and half on my lap top! Love you guys!
And by “totter” I mean “tottie” – I’m not that much of a creepo!
Magnifique photo! I found a four leaf clover, lucky that in France
oh my gosh, these are the best! that bike shot! and the last b+w one! aahhhh love!
Love the first one. How fun is that?!?
Bbmk, your images never… NEVER cease to amaze me! They’re so full of love and intimacy, while at the same time are endlessly and ridiculously and wonderfully creative! I can’t even begin to pick a favorite! You two are the best!
AMAZING session! Did anyone tell Tim that he looks like Superman, because that’s about the first thing I thought. Also, I died a little bit when I saw the field of clovers. I would like to go lay in that field right now, please. Great, as always, BBMK!!
So so beautiful!! Love these, and love the shot with those bikers passing! Awesome!!
These are just so awesome! It was even more awesome that I got see all of these get taken! So fun to see all these, it was like reliving the day all over. That very last photo is my absolute favorite! You guys are amazing!!
Love the fun workshop”ers” and their comments, this is a cute couple! And body that action shot, lookin’ good!!! YOU GO GIRL!