You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
-David Viscott
So, I gained. just a bit… but it was a gain. Argh. 4.66% lost since April, 2010.
Then I remembered…
Kristen told me that I may be gaining in the near term as I’ve been doing some pretty major weight training for the past month. She was right.
So, I decided to take my measurements… even though I’d JUST taken them 2 weeks ago. What the hell… what do I have to lose?!
In just two weeks I’ve lost .25 inch on my upper arm and .5 inch on my waist… I mean… for just two weeks, that is not bad… ESPECIALLY given the fact that I’ve GAINED. Are you following me here? I’m having a hard time explaining this.
My point is this… DO NOT put all of your faith in the scale… there are so many factors that affect that number.
Have you fully emptied your bladder?
Did you go out to eat last night and have too much salt on your chicken? (too much sodium causes water retention)
Are you weight training?
Are you poo-pooing regularly?
Is it your time of the month?
Are you taking prescription meds?
Do you have a sunburn? (another cause of water retention)
Gaining two pounds on occasion is no biggie… if it’s happening every week then maybe you need to adjust fire.
Hope you all listened to me in the beginning and took your measurements
Let’s make it a goal not to be so hard on ourselves, k? Are you, overall, moving in the right direction? Yes. It’s allllll about the long term, right? RIGHT!
Speaking of long term and measurements…. Since October, 2008 here are my inches lost:
Upper Arm: 3.25″
Chest: 4.5″
Waist: 6.5″
Hips: 5.25″
Upper thigh: 5″ (this has been the biggest change to me)
TOTAL: 24.5″
Very proud of that.
Current top five six:
Jill Pollitt 19.3%
Devan Whitson 15.35%
Michelle Hunley 11.3%
Chris Rivera 11.2%
Jessica Harrison 10%
Kelly Ritter 9.9%
To those on the train, be sure to weigh in via the Google doc!
A few quick reminders:
- Next official weigh in is August 20th.
- If you’re a twitterer, be sure to add the hashtag #healthytrain to your HT tweet.
- Join “bobbi’s healthy train” group on Facebook… ANYONE can join… not just the people with the before pics. My trainer is an admin … so if you have fitness questions, ask ‘em there! Dane is also an admin, so if you have questions about diet/need motivation… he’s the guy to talk to. We’d love to have you…
- You don’t have to be officially competing to participate.
- Finale date is October 29th.
Love to you blog readers!
PS. I bought a bathing suit for the first time since my honeymoon. Regardless of my weight loss… I’m having a near anxiety attack at the thought of wearing it in public. Wish me luck friends. EEEEKS!
I know what you mean about not judging based on the scale. I feel like my 6 pounds loss is not a lot, but my inches lost has been pretty significant. 8.5 inches in the last month!
I’m stoked. Can’t wait to see where this road takes me.
I am so happy for you!!! My weight has changed a lot in the last year and a half and it is so good to hear of your success!! I’m not even on the healthy train but reading your post was what I needed to hear. Thanks!
I had been pretty bummed that after my first pounds lost I hadn’t really shed much more. However, when purchasing a dress for my brother’s wedding I kept having to go down two sizes (to a size I don’t think I’ve ever been). I figured it was just the store. However, I went bridesmaid dress shopping the next week and was fully prepared for the bridal store sizing and prepared to go up a size, only to get to go down again!
I just wanted to add, that if you start a new or more intense exercise routine, your body tends to retain water for a couple weeks after the start of the new regimine. It’s kind of like, “Whoa! What are you doing to me?! This is way stressful! I’m sweating all the time, I’m totally keeping this water!” But after 2-3 weeks it will release, so you may see a few extra pounds on the scale after the first couple days/week of the routine, but it’ll melt right off in no time.
13 more pounds to my GOAL!!! =)
Sorry I haven’t been weighing in — I’m still here! I was on vacation and didn’t have a scale — But I just got home and weighed in
Thanks for the motivation Bobbi!
YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION BOBBI! I can’t believe all those inches lost especially since I met you in October of 2008 and you were adorable then and adorable now! The fact that you’re sharing all of this great information regarding being healthy and (especially) what can make you hold weight just shows how awesome you are! Okay, it’s starting to sounds like I’m sucking up or blowing smoke up your ass…but I’m not! I promise! XOXO
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