This is going to be a SUPER long blog entry as I have four ladies to cover here 🙂
Mike’s mom, Karen is the most patient woman in the world. Confession time: (I CANNOT believe I’m telling you guys this right now… but I really want to put into perspective what an awesome woman she is) As we were starting our business and gathering capital, Mikey and I moved into the basement of his parents house. When Mikey and I FIRST started talking about opening our own biz, the only way we could do it was well… living in their basement. Then, it was time to ask his parents. EEEEEKS! What did we hear from his mom? “OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!!” HOW AWESOME ARE THEY?! One month later… the moving truck was at our house in Terre Haute to move us up to Fort Wayne. I’m not gonna lie… I was VERY nervous! I’m, as you all know… an only child so the thought of living with Mike, his mom, dad and two brothers was not something that was necessarily in my comfort zone. But, we were accepted with open arms. In that time, I became SO incredibly close to his family… ESPECIALLY his mom! When it was time for us to move on about four months later… Karen didn’t want us to go. She still talks about how much fun we all had… because we REALLY did!
That woman would drop anything and everything for us if needed… and has. She loves her boys more than anything in this world. Every single one of her boys are also crazy about her. They’re all a bunch of “momma’s boys.” (Which also makes them all potentially GREAT husbands… I know one of them already is!). How fortunate am I to have “in laws” that I adore?!
My parents divorced when I was four years old. At the time of the divorce my mom and dad lived in Alaska (my dad was in the Air Force). So, after their divorce my mom and I went to live with my g-mom in Kansas City, while my dad stayed in Alaska. Though it was “joint custody” I didn’t see my dad much… it’s not like a trip to Anchorage every other weekend wasn’t really in the cards. So… it’s always been just “bomba and momba” She, along with my Aunt Karen and G-mom pretty much raised me from the age of five. So really… this post is dedicated to “my three moms”As a child, I ALWAYS looked forward to Friday’s. We called it “our night.” We were far from $ rich… so, our night usually consisted of $1.50 egg rolls from the local Chinese restaurant or if I was REALLY lucky, I got to eat hot tamales right out of the can (YUM!!!!). THEN… off to the $1 movie theater. I had the MOST perfect time EVERY time! Every week, I had a countdown to Friday. I’m smiling right now at the thought of it 🙂
As I already mentioned… $$$ wasn’t a big part of our life. But, that NEVER mattered!!!! I can tell you this… I NEVER did without. In the 6th grade, my mom worked her BUTT off for an entire year to buy me a computer. In 1992, computers were NOT a common household item, ESPECIALLY one that was ALLLL mine. It wasn’t the “family computer” it was 100% mine. Are you kidding me?! AN ENTIRE YEAR SAVING?!??!?! I used it for seven years… it was SO hard for me to give it up. I’m quite computer savvy now… and I think that’s mostly because I loved that gift so much. My mom is such an awesome woman.
Ever notice that she writes a comment on nearly EVERY blog entry?! She’s working a ridiculous amount of hours at Value City lately, yet she still takes the time to do it. Mom somehow feels like she’s letting the couple down if she misses one. She’s the most loyal blog reader we have. I read a LOT of other blogs and NEVER have I seen a mom commenting like my mom does. I really am the luckiest girl in the world.
When I meet her friends… they always know everything about me from the second I say hello. Why you ask? Because she is the proudest mom on the block. I love you mom.
As I got a bit older… Mom was working three jobs to keep up. I hung out with G-Mom and Aunt Karen a LOT! My three favorite ladies in the entire world… I can’t get enough. Nearly every weekend, G-Mom and Papa would come pick me up, take me out to eat at the Hardware Cafe and we’d spend the weekend going to antique stores and flea markets…. though, that really wasn’t my scene… I was with two people who loved me so incredibly much, I was in heaven. I ALWAYS came home with something new. MAN OH MAN I WAS SOOOOO SPOILED!!!! Well, I still am 🙂 I love her so much.
My mom moved to Indiana in the middle of my Junior year of high school. I was SUPER involved in high school activities and did NOT want to move. Mom made the huge sacrifice of letting me live with my Grandma and Papa. How freaking awesome is that?! Rarely do people have the opportunity to get to know their grandparents on such a personal level. I value that time in my life so much and loved EVERY second.
Alright, rewind back to my childhood…. on Saturdays, it was over to Aunt Karen’s house. That woman was and will always be my personal hero. I can’t put into words how amazing she really is. SO much of who I am, my morals, my attitude, etc… all were instilled in me from a VERY young age! I don’t know how many times Aunt Karen made me look up the word integrity in the Dictionary. She’s such an incredible person. I’ve lived so much of my life trying to be like her. Man, I’m sorta teary right now. She really is my hero. She’s always been supportive of my big dreams. Still to this day, before making any big decisions in my life, I can’t do it without calling and getting the seal of approval from Aunt Karen. I SO wish she lived closer to me. There is SO much going on in the world of bobbi+mike right now (more on that soon) and while it’s all exciting to me I can’t help but wishing she were here to experience it all with me.
Happy Mother’s Day to four of the most amazing women I know.
Love you guys!
~ ❗ + ❓
PS. I’ve now received 6 emails… NO I AM NOT PREGNANT! 🙂 Just thought I would clear that up 🙂
Hi Bobbi:) Just read your blog today and, darn it anyway, I JUST put on my make-up to head out to a party . . . and now have to redo it b/c tears were flowing as I read your blog. What a sweet tribute to the four special women in your life . .. I loved reading about these very special women. You are very blessed I’d say:) Now I can understand how you got to be the amazing person you are today. I especially liked the photo of you in your wedding dress – you were sooooo cute! Hey, you think sometime if you are not too busy you can post some more photos of your and Mike’s wedding?? I would LOVE to view them:) Thanks so much for sharing such a personal part of your life! Anne Woehnker
I love how you are so genuine. You are amazing as are all of these women in your life. WOW! Happy Mothers’s day everyone!
This is so sweet. I haven’t read many mother’s day tributes because many times they seem so sappy and contrived. BUT I wanted to read yours because I know how genuine you are. You are truly blessed! Thnks for sharing your joy and appreciation!
This was such a sweet tribute to the women in your lives…it had me in tears. It is so awesome that you are open and share these pieces of yourself on here with the world. Very heartfelt and sincere words. And how LUCKY you are to have so much love in your life!!!
Your momba is wonderful. I agree, that all the blogs I read, I have never seen a family member so diligent at commenting. What an awesome support. That is beautiful.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mama’s out there!
Hey moms! Thanks Bobbi for getting this up… the lake cottage doesn’t exactly have much in the way of an internet connection!
Love you!
awwww my Sappy Samantha came out as I was reading this and made me all weepy. I think motherhood is theeee hardest job in the world!
Happy Mama’s day to all the mamas!
Awesome post. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day!!
what an awesome post !!! you are such an incredible woman and am in awe of all the other awesome women in your life who made you what you are. AWESOME!!! happy momma’s day to all of bobbi’s special women in her life!!
Bobbi- that was an amazing entry! And you are so completley right…Karen is an amazing mom and woman! She is also the greatesst aunt ever too! This family really is an amazing family!
Wow, Moms truly are the greatest gifts to the world, we wouldn’t be what we are today if not for them.
Thanks for sharing bobbi, It’s like I told my girlfriend Denise once, that some people are put on earth with inheritance in hand and they have $ forever. But when I was placed here on earth I got a treasure box full of people that would love me whole heartedly and teach me about life. That’s worth more than any $ can buy. With $ people will always want more, but with family its such a blessing and so easy to be grateful for.
Shain, I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Oh Bobbi,
Where to begin? I love you more than life itself. You are the only “True Love” of my life.
I am so glad to hear that you did miss the “hungry years.” Although success does taste pretty good, doesn’t it Little Love? You make me so proud to be be your Momba.
If it wasn’t for you I would not be able to celebrate this Mother’s Day. Thank you.
I love Mikey dearly. He has done what he said he would do on your wedding day. “Pick up where I left off”. But you know there is only one Momba.
Every Mother’s Day, Birthday, Christmas or Just Because holiday, I recall you asking me “What do you want?”, for whatever particular occasion. All ever I ever needed was for you to make me something homemade and from the heart. You have definitely out done yourself this year with this posting. I know you put a lot of thought and love into all that you said.
You are the best daughter a Mother could have.
I love you.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of them 🙂
Darn it Bobbi and Momba.
What beautiful relationship you have.
Bobbi…my heart is spilling over for YOU.
How blessed you are!
When I adopt my six crazy boys someday, I hope I can be a mother that loves as sacrificially as yours!
Love you!
ha ha i totally thought that you were preggo too!!!! moms are the best, aren’t they?!
what sweet words, you always know how to say them perfectly.
how lucky are you to be able to celebrate mother’s day with 4 spectacular women!
p.s. after reading the last line, I said outloud “is she pregnant?!” and andy says “what bobbi’s pregnant!” haha…thanks for clearing that up for us 🙂
we are looking forward to hearing what your exciting news is!
Love you!
I too have a fabulous momma! It’s so great to read your tribute to the special women in your life. Should I be happy you’re not pregnant, or a little sad? I don’t know what I feel about that. Anyway, thanks for sharing such a touching post today. All moms should feel so blessed and loved.
I lost it at the end of Mike’s mom paragraph and it went downhill from there! You’re a lucky gal, Bobbi and they are blessed to have you put into words your appreciation. Have a great day!
What a wonderful post 🙂 I enjoyed reading it!
Of course they all are, but I thought I would make special mention of how incredibly gorgeous your mom is–seriously! What a fox!
Sarah, my mom is gorgeous. Thanks for noticing! YOU ROCK!
~ ❗ +
Bravo!!!!!!!!!! What a great tribute to your moms, you rock. It is always special to hear those words coming from a daughter and I am sure you make them proud every day of their lives..