



Those books are HEAVY!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


Okay… so I’m feeling pretty damn good about myself. This week, I lost 3 lbs ๐Ÿ˜€ Uhm… That’s NINE FREEKIN’ LBS LOST!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! OHHHH MYYYY GOSHHHHH!!!!!!

When we visited Lauren on Wednesday, she said that my face was looking thinner. I don’t see any difference yet… but WOWZERS…NINE POUNDS!!! YEAHHH!!!!

As ALLLLL of you already know, Heather Cole is my weight loss buddy… which I encourage you ALL to do! It’s SO great calling her up when I’m down in the dumps about having to go out to eat and then getting WAY overly depressed about it when I get home…. she picks me RIGHT back up. And just an FYI… HEATHER COLE IS A SKINNY BETTY!!!!! She lost 2.9 lbs this week ๐Ÿ™‚ Go check out her blog to see how she’s doing it. Oh, and be sure to tell her how SPICY she is ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m SOOOO incredibly proud of EVERY single one of you for signing on to this healthier lifestyle thing with us. You guys keep me motivated and excited about losing weight. I know that some of you are looking at the “weight” photos that I post here every Friday here for inspiration, I won’t lie… it’ s a bit of pressure BUT… it inspires me to keep working hard at losing weight.

One thing that I did notice… some of you who are talking about your weight loss here are referring to it as “ONLY one pound” or “a measly two pounds…” or “I didn’t lose ANYTHING! ๐Ÿ™ ” And shut that up! That’s a pound you didn’t gain. Be proud of it! Here’s my favorite comment from last week, “I only lost 1 pound. Doesnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt seem like much until I tried to picture what 4 quarter-pounders would look plastered in odd places on my bodyรขโ‚ฌยฆthen it seemed like A LOT! That visualization was because of YOU Bobbi! I didnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt take a photo of any burgers but I think you get the idea.” I think that comment sums it ALLLLLLL up! So, work it out you guys!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

And here’s our list of the participants. If someone didn’t report their weight loss last week, I assumed they didn’t want to be listed… so I simply removed their name ๐Ÿ™‚ No biggie. If you EVER want to join us, it’s never too late. You can join any time! (just comment below) ๐Ÿ˜€


Bobbi Heather Cole Katie Baker Scott Neumyer Danialle
Giovanna Mandel Jill Amanda W. Mrs. Fun Angela Hubbard
David Bock Cathy Bock Dawn Momba SEXY MIKEY!
Lisa Russo Brooke Brand Andie Dan Brand Molly Bennett
Jill P. Brynne Jenny Grise Steph Jay
Cheryl Faye Sommer Mandy A. Jen Bobbie
Lauren Tara Tori Clements Lisa D.  

The TOTAL weight loss to date for all 34 of us… 112.9 LBS!!!!



Now, for most… that’s based on what I knew of your weight loss based on last weeks comments. SO, I’ll be updating that number all day… HOW AMAZINGLY EXCITING IS THAT?! 90 POUNDS OFF OF OUR FAT BUTTS!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Keep up the good work team!


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