Anotherrrr workshop session comin’ atchya!
Proud of these images my friends.
Ohhhh how I love symmetry!
You have to admit that’s an impressively awesome beard!
I love how much you love her.
You two are just the cutest.
Have I mentioned how proud of these images I am? Because I am. I AM!
The workshop attendees requested a Wacky Bobbi photo… we here at BBMK Enterprises aim to please!
Thanks friends for being down with all of my crazy ideas.
We got SOOO lucky with awesome weather for all six of our workshop sessions! Usually the opposite is the case… My favorite
You two are meant for each other… congratulations on your first year of marriage!
“…may the odds be ever in your favor…”
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Together :: 11.1.11 • Wedding :: May 10, 2014 :: Indianapolis, Ind.
Elise :: Accountant and Blogger :: Hometown • Apple Creek, Ohio :: five words • stunning, smart, hilarious, influential, visionary
Joel :: Musician and Creative Arts Director • Hometown • Monroe, Ind. :: five words • strong, handsome, witty, affectionate, optimist
How they met, as told by Elise :: We met in a church parking lot when we were both running late one Sunday. I remember thinking that I wasn’t going to meet anyone that day, and was shocked when this gorgeous, bearded guy randomly showed up at church. He smiled at me, we chatted, and he asked me out on our first date the following week!
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Taken in one of those reflecting windows… I wonder what was on the other side of the window… PS. Mike… You are ridiculous.
Shooting position #741.
HIII BENNNN! These two images were taken at the exact same time.
You know you’re at a bbmk session when you’re asked to lay on the ground…
Yep… you guessed it… that’s Mike… you know… just flyyyyyinnnnng through the air… the norm….
Us with our Carey Limo Bus.
PS. brides… if you’re in need of transportation on your wedding day… call Carey Limo and ask that Ed be your driver.
K? k.
HEEEERE WEEEEE ARRRRRE! Workshop #16. Photo by Ed.
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A HUGE thanks to ProDPI, Renaissance Albums, Rewind Documentaries, Second Street Creative, VSCO, LawTog, ProPhoto Blog, BlogStomp, AlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop for your contributions to our workshop!
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike (and best friend Ben) +
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We’re announcing our Fall workshops SOOOON! To be the first to know, sign up for our mailing list… they always get first dibs on booking. BOOM!
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WOAH! I am loving the tilt shift images – particularly the vertical blur on a horizontal image – it is amazing and different!!!!!!!!!!! I just adore this collection of images to pieces. Elise and Joel are perfectly quirky and unique and you captured that so incredibly well. Its all the angles, the compositions, the fun, the interaction… I am always so impressed.
How you capture the most authentic emotions in the most perfect lighting constantly blows me away!! Beautiful work, as always!
Looooooooove every single one of these!!!
Every one of these is fantastic. The light, composition, and moments captured with this couple are perfection. I need to make it a point to get to another one of your awesome workshops!
These images were awesome. And that workshop group looks like a group of really awesomely cool people..
Yeah, a group of REALLY awesomely cool people
Ummmm. Psh. I have no words. I loved every single freaking image. WOWZAS!!! You guys KILLED it on this session. First, that beard, love it! Elise, you are stunning!! Love that last one, and the huge parking garage one. Nailed it!! Xoxo
WOW…I’m almost at a loss for words because this session is AMAZING! So many faves. I love how you can get genuine reactions from your clients every single time and in such fun and quirky settings to! So inspiring. What a cute couple!
Your images always just blow my mind. They are always… and I mean always (how do you do it?!?!) so amazing. GAH! So beautiful. So, so beautiful.
You guys are fricken amazing. Seriously. I love every single one.
HANDS DOOOOOOOWWWWWNNNN, one of my favorite sessions of yours. ever. like top 3…or 2…or 1!! absolutely amazing! every single shot. i’m speechless.
You got extra creative with the parking garage in this session and I LOVE IT!! Seriously, every picture is amazing. I can’t even pick a favorite cause they’re all fantastic. Awesome stuff as always!!
whoa. i came down here to tell you my favorite but as i was scrolling, i kept finding more and now i don’t even know how to choose! seriously might be one of my favorite sessions ever from you.. thats huge! these two are absolutely adorable and the images are perfection!
Okay — you are always amazing, but these might be some of the MOST RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING images from you ever!!! My jaw was on the ground with each image!!! I’m in awe and currently unable to speak! Every single one is my favorite!
Good golly, Bobbi & Mike! No words. How do you do it EVERY time?! Really loving the little people big parking garage. I’m jealous of all your new workshop friends!
I love this. They were so much fun. I’m really glad I could be a part of it.
Holy crap!!!! The creativity in this session is out of this world!!!! Elise & Joel are adorable and you guys gave them insanely awesome images! And I now want a beard just like Joel!!
WOWZA! You out-Bobbi’ed yourself on these, my friend. I am absolutely head over heels for this session. COOLIO!
Amazing…ah-Mazing!!! Just really truly. I love how you guys think out of the box. Also…I’m not a beard girl, but his beard is fabulous! And she is stunning! What a great couple!
OH EM GEE! Freaking fabulous! That one with them laying down on the steps…DYING! LOVE!!!
Fantastic work as usual bbmk!
Good god this is my favorite blog post now! Okay, maybe after my own, but… this is over the top great. Over. The. Top. The symmetrical tiny people big parking garage rules.
super beautiful
these are freaking AMAZING!
Amaze balls!!!