Clary is an OH SO talented photographer based out of the St. Louis area.
We’re SOOOOOO glad she brought her family to Indianapolis for some photos because uhm… well, you’ll see…
Meet Hughes, he’s a giggler and we’re crazy about him! Notice little Jettie back there eating her shoes? HAHAHAHA!!!!! Yeah, we’re in love with this family!
The ADORABLE Jettie!
Hail hail the gangs all here!
I kinda can’t get over how perfect they all are.
AHHHHHH!!!!!! HOW FLIPPING CUTE IS THIS?! One of my favorites
A bobbi+mike FAAAAAAAVORITE!!!!!!
I couldn’t resist her beauty…
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Hughes had us laughing the entire shoot! His cuteness was a little bit too much for us to handle. His little giggle… I wish I had a video of him so you could hear it. And the SWEEEEEETNESS that is Jettie??!?! She smiles at the drop of a hat! All I had to do was sing… However, the melodious tunes that were coming out of my mouth that day would make any child smile… I’m sorry that I’m such a good singer and I might intimidate you with my talents. HA!
And to Clary and Travis… you guys ROCK! I cannot WAIT to photo you again! You REALLY do have a PERFECT family. Can we be you when we grow up?!
Life doesn’t get much better than this!
~bobbi+mike +
PS. Mike just pointed out that I used approximately 1,762 exclamation points in this entry. Don’t be mad that I was yelling this entire time. Can you blame me?! THIS FAMILY IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, my husband smiles when he shoots. Yes, he’s perfect in every way.
Okay so this is SOOO CUUUUUTE! Remember I mentioned earlier that Mikey took the kids for a bit while I took photos of just Clary and Travis? We were all finished when we walked over to find THIS! He quickly said, “she wouldn’t stop crying and needed to be held!” He was a bit embarrassed that we caught him. HAHAHAHA!!!!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!
PS. to our moms… don’t get your hopes up
YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Man oh man, Mikey and I are quite freckled this summer!
Great photos as always. I love them.
oh my!!! what a precious little family!! those babies look so sweet. ok, now I’m jealous. I want a family session with bobbi + mike too!!
We’ll have to add that to the “next spring” to do list.
you guys did an awesome job as usual
Oh man, that picture of Mikey with the baby is SO CUTE! What a great smile! Love the black and white family shot at the top too! Love you Bobbi!!!!
AWWWWW! The one of Mike holding the baby KILLS Me. That’s the cutest thing ever!!!!
This makes me miss you guys!!!
Good gosh! I know Clary and you all did an amazing job capturing her family’s spirit. TOOOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!!
And she is so gorgeous… sigh.
Dearest bobbi+mike,
We would’ve gone around the world for these pictures!! Our warmest, giggliest, biggest, loveliest thank putting your heart in these pictures. You two are the best!
Lots of LOVE!
Mike should hold more babies! Maybe a red-headed baby?!?!
Ok Ok…I’ll shut it.
These are some of the best family photos ever! Cute-as-button kids and a smokin hot momma. I’m sure they will treasure these for a lifetime.
p.s. I am dying to know….is “Jettie” short for something or is that the full name? Its so cute and different!
So stinkin cute…you have been doing a lot of kids, recently. Really cute stuff…you’re just all around good. Good is actually not an apropos word…how about GREAT?
Still not a big enough word!
oh how i love these! she is too cute and that v-dub pic is my fav!!!
hey, we were featured on trash the dress and named you as one of our top inspirations, cuz you guys rock the party!! we heart you!!
AW! Mike holding Jettie is too cute. He holds her perfectly!
Great pictures as always, I’m a big fan!
Oh and DON”T discriminate on the exclamation points! They were created for a reason!!!
Gorgeous pictures of an incredible family!
Clary’s family is so gorgeous and these pictures are amazing!!
Oooh, so sweet. That wee little girl has the brightest eyes. I wouldn’t mind a family session with Bobbi+Mike. That just made me think of how long it has been since we’ve even had family portraits taken. Eeeeek!
Oh, Clary, you have such a perfect family! How stinkin’ adorable. Bobbi & Mike – I’ve never seen your work before this post, but I’m your newest blog stalker! Awesome work!
Thanks Sara about Jettie’s name! Jettie and Hughes are both named after my 5 foot tall great-grandma, Jettie Mae Hughes:)
Mike looks adorable holding that child. Are you trying to tell us something?
Not at all.
Well SOMEONE found their way back to the IMA.
Check your voicemail.
Also- I just texted Val & Adam Clark (did you know they’re PREGO!?) And told them to check out the cool names in this family!!!!
I love Jettie looking up smiling and the one below that with Hughes (aka GiggleMonster) laughing!
You know by now that I only comment when I really feel inclined…
Well I really feel inclined!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this set… So PERFECT! If I had a family I would DIE for a set of photos like these
Great job friend(s)!
These pictures are wonderful!! Now I know why Clary told us that she finally found the photographer that she wanted to take their family pictures!!! I might as well come out and say it, I am Trav’s mom and I am very partial to this family, and I love what you did with them. It will be very hard for mom/grandma to decide how many to order. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job!!!
what a gorgeous family… and Mikey, LOL… too cute!
These pictures are phenomenal … you were right when you said it was a perfect family!! Soooooo cute
You guys are great!
as always….every pic made me smile!
Oh how I love you guys – that photo of Mikey and the baby made me laugh. Come out to LA and play!!!!
Hey you two! Those two babies are adorable! As usual, you two completley outdid yourselves(and I’m saying this knowing that my family pics are super fantastic!) The one of Mikey holding Jettie, which is a great name by the way, is sooooo cute, but I know, I know, no hints toward the future there. Awesome job guys! Love to you both!
Great pics! I totally think Clary resembles like Liv Tyler–especially in the one of her by herself and the one in front of the Bug How could you not catch that Bob-a-licious???
Andi…. NICE NOTICE!!!!! I’m mad at myself now!!!!!
I’m sorry but this shoot was FREAKIN amazing. And P.S. Now I want you to have kids. ASAP.
hee hee
Heather, you’re not funny
these may be some of the most joy-filled images I have seen. SO BEAUTIFUL and lively!
Hey Bobbi and Mikey,
What an awesome shoot. I love them all although I have to say that the third picture touches my heart.
Love you both,
great set…beautiful family…awesome work!
Bobbi and Mike,
I had so much fun that day with my family and the two of you. The awesome pics are icing on the cake!
I can’t wait to get a 20×30 of my hot tamale mama-wife for my cube wall.
PS. to all. Mike and Jettie got caught by the camera, but Bobbi did pretty freakin awesome with the kids too, she somehow eluded Mike’s camera.
Guarantee we’ll be going to Indy for pics again.
Thank you.
These are soooo fun. And those eyes, Wowza.
I really need to shoot my kids
This reminds me how fleeting their childhood really is.