I’ve just started this blog post and I’m already out of words. Ugh. I don’t even know how to start this because… well… it’s them… and they’re incredible people who had an epicly awesome day. Okay. Heeeeere weeee goooo!
Tsone (pronounced Shō-nāy) couldn’t tie his tie because he was so nervous. Luckily Abe came in for the win.
Christy (pronounced Kris-tē ;)) with her mom while reading Tsone’s letter before the wedding.

The men were all asked to buy royal blue suits. Abe and Timi laid their suits on the bed and then noticed how well they matched. Ani heard this and proudly walked in with his own suit proclaiming, “I’m about to nail this!”
“Watch it be black…” Timi jokingly said under his breath.
Ani then throw it down on top of the others and and shouted, “BAM!”
“NOOOO, ANI, NOOOO!!!!” -Timi and Abe
“Wha?! I could have swore it was blue.” -Ani

Oh my goodness Christy, you were such a beautiful bride!

These two had the sweetest ceremony.

Tsone is a photographer himself (I met him at one of my workshops yeeeears ago) and at one point he was looking over at me during the ceremony when the officiant had asked him a yes or no question. Tsone was too distracted. I looked at him and mouthed, “say yes!” Tsone realized he was supposed to be looking at Christy and said, “Yes!” followed by, “Sorry! I’m just so distracted by her beauty!” Good save Tsone.*
*I mean, it waaaaaas a good save until I just told this story! 😉

This is often my favorite part of a wedding: WEEEE’RE MARRRRIED!!!!

The ceremony started pretty late so by the time it was photo time, the sun was setting. D’oh! So…. Meg$$$ and I did what we doooo! We quiiiiickly powered through family photos (I just looked at the time stamps: 11 minutes. WHOA!) and the wedding party (8 minutes) so that we had enough light for the bride & groom.

….and I have absolutely ZERO regrets about that! My favorite below.
Have I mentioned I love this duo!?
Because we were on such a tight timeline, pretty much all of the bride & groom photos that we took… they never left that rock. I would re-adjust their pose periodically. Megan and I moved around them and switched lenses to diversify the images as much as possible.


Ani’s toast.

Christy’s sister Alexandra incorporated the shoe game into her toast. If you’ve never heard of the shoe game before, click here. I’ve only seen it a few times and every time I laugh.

The parent dances.


The dance floor was full allllll night!

That’s Christy’s momma Rose dancing with her favorite of the Boyo brothers. Tsone is having none of it!

From left to right: Christy (duh), Christy’s cousin Tamara (who flew in from Haiti!), Tsone’s dad Paul (told you he looked like his dad!), and Tsone’s sister Toju (who looks just like her brother Abe).

Behind the scenes
Don’t mind me… I’m blennnnndinnnnng!

I’m so dang short.


Christy and Tsone, we cannot thank you enough for… well… everything. We couldn’t love you two more! So, when do we get to do this all again?! No really, when?
Much love friends!
This is perfection!
Oh my! They are gorgeous!
So excited to see these!!!
OH MY GOD YOU CAME TO OTTAWA?!?!?!!?! I might have to get married all over again… <3
Daaaaaaaaaaaannngggg! What a beautiful couple and setting! Wow. Way to knock this one out of the park, team!
Oh my . Congrats Tsone and Christy! Im so happy Bobbi photographed your wedding, so we could all peek in and see your joy. Bobbi and Meg$$$, stellar photography, perfection. I feel like I was there and it was incredible! Thanks Bobbi for sharing!
These are incredible! Her veil, that location….you captured it all perfectly! And all the angles of the groomsmen with the ring are hilarious! So so good!! Looks like this wedding was a lot of fun and it shows through the pictures! Great job as always!
ohhhh i have been waiting for this!!!! you may have had a tight timeline but nailllleeedddd those beautiful bride/groom shots at sunset. absolutely stunning! i adore you , Tsone and the beautiful story you captured!
Damn. Just… damn. This is sooo beautiful!! All of it! The photos, the words, the love. Amazing.
Every single one of these is so amazing! I’m obsessed with all the vibrant colors. Way to go Bobbi and Megan! These are absolutely perfect!!
I have been waiting for these and they certainly did not disappoint!!! Geez Bobbi and Megan – you two are crazy good!! Tsone – I love it all!! I remember meeting you and listening to the way you spoke knowing you were going to marry this girl!! Congratulations!!!! Gorgeous couple and wedding!!
I have no words!
Is Tsone catching a tear in that pic??? That is so amazing. These two are so sweet together, and that BW photo digging for the ring…TOO FUNNY!!!
I don’t think so. From memory he cried twice and it wasn’t then. 🙂
Bobbi Photo looks like he’s catching Christy’s tear 🙂
Oh! Yes! He was!
Oh my gosh. I’m crying!!!!
Seriously going down as one of my favorites ever Bobbi!!!
Congrats Tsone!!!!! Love your happy faces!!!!!
Unreal! So beautiful!!!!
Amazing photos!! Happy to see you travel to Canada Bobbi.
amazing you captured the whole experience and love story love the black and white
LOVES IT! They are too cute and the photos are so beautiful…..LOVE YOUR WORK BOBBI!
Oh MY, maybe my favorite wedding on this blog?! That’s quite a statement. It’s right up there. My fav might be when he’s putting the ring on her finger. GORGEOUS! But of course the b/g portraits are all perfect too! Just love them all!!
The pure happiness that is visible on your faces says it all. The emotion in the photos…simple perfect. Tsone I feel so lucky to have met you at this workshop and am so happy for you both!! xoxo
These are beautiful! I can feel the love!!