FINALLY! I’m blogging our Fall 2013 workshops. I first had to get through all of our normal sessions before I could get to these. THAT BEING SAID, I genuinely believe it will be worth the wait. Proud of these two sessions my friends.
You can’t tell by looking at these images, but it was sooooo cooooold outside when we shot these! I tell you what, Brianna and Jon stayed in the best of spirits for the entire session! You see, workshop sessions are twice as long as normal sessions so that our attendees can see the maximum amount of locations / ideas / posing / lighting scenarios. One of my favorites on the right. These two are getting married in 2014… and they couldn’t have been a more perfect couple to “model” for us.
The first and foremost reason they were perfect for our workshop? They’re crazy about each other!
The second reason? They are ridiculously fun!
I’m kind of obsessed with her hair.
My view.
On the right… that was Mike’s view of the same setup. He shot both of the images below with our 45mm 2.8 Tilt Shift.
I’m obsessed with black and white images. This one’s Mike’s favorite
And well… another favorite of mine, too!
I just adore these two!
Then we ended the session in the field that we end almost all of our workshop sessions.
Have I mentioned how much I love black and white images?!
Thanks you two for being awesome.
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Indianapolis, Ind.
Together :: December 7, 2011 • Engaged :: October 7, 2012 • Wedding :: 2014
Brianna :: sales specialist :: Hometown • Leechburg, Pa. :: five words • Beautiful, Spontaneous, Funny, Wise, Considerate
Jon :: self-employed studio engineer and producer • Hometown • Speedway, Ind. :: five words • hilarious, passionate, witty, chivalrous, handsome
How they met, as told by Brianna :: We me through mutual friends in college. He needed a haircut. I convinced him that I knew how to cut hair. I cut his hair. We fell in love.
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Oh hey there funny girl! PS. For the first half of the session… I was coatless… I forgot it when I got on the bus. On the way to location #2, we swung by and picked it up. WHEW!
I win at life. You know why? That hot tamale man in the green jacket… he’s my husband. BOOOOYAH!
See left the man in the black coat on the far left? His name is Ed and he’s quite awesome. He’s been our official workshop driver now for two years. He also always takes the group pic.
So if you’re in the Indianapolis area and you’re looking for a limo driver for any occasion… Call Carey Limo and ask that Ed be your driver. JUST DO IT!
Every time I take a picture of Mike in this position I can’t help but sing… “he’s hunting waaaabits… hunting waaaabits…”
Having a moment.
What can I say? I don’t have a bubble!
HEEEEERE WEEEE ARE!!!! Workshop #13!
[br] [br] [br] [br] Spring workshop announcement coming today… so make sure you’re on the mailing list! (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). We’d love to have you!
Sending love and high fives to every single one of you! Thanks for everything friends!
~bobbi+mike +
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PS. Do you already “like” our Facebook business page? If not. DO IT!
Also… the business is finally on Instagram so be sure to follow @bobbiandmike
For my personal Instagram feed, follow @bobbi_bbmk… though be warned, it’s mostly photos of our beloved pup #MurphyMo.
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You guys are the best. If my husband and I are ever in the states…. it would be a privilege to have our pictures made by you guys!
Whoa. Some seriously fun, quirky, perfectly BBMK images going on in this post! (And…you were having a seriously great hair day!)
These are the kind of images that keep me coming back to your blog over and over. Perfection.
LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEE!!!!!! I remember this day and these pictures being amazing but they are so much more wonderful than I remember!!! I can not say enough amazingness about this workshop. Game changing. If anyone is even kinda thinking about attending….DO IT!!! Bobbi and Mike are as incredible as they come!!!
Jon and Brianna, you two are wonderfully adorable together! Thank you for making the experience so great.
Aaaaah!! So much amazingness!!! *LOVE* the zig-zag ramp photo of just their legs.
Oh my gosh, I’m obsessed with this session. Talk about amazing!! These are all absolutely amazing!!! Love love love love love!!!
These are some of my favorite images ever! I adore these! So fun, beautiful and romantic!
Also, can we get the credit roll for her outfit?! Love!
Every image is so full of life!
Beautiful stuff. But you already knew that
Oh you guys!! These are amazing!! This looks like it was a super fun workshop I’m sad I missed it!!
SO CUTE!! these are adorable… simple and FUN. LOVE.
her eyes!! mesmerizing!
So lovely! Miss you two!
Beautiful as always!
Woooohoooo! The finished product does not disappoint! I had a total beyond blast at this workshop!!!! I learned so much, stuff that I am adding to my shooting process now (esp. the hamming it up! ha!) Thanks for making everything SO MUCH FUN!!!!
Bobbi and Mike rock!
oops! Forgot to give mad props to John and Brianna! It was COLD that day, and they were troopers! So nice to meet both of you!
Oh wow I love these! Every image is beautiful!! That photo with their foreheads touching and her hair blowing is my favorite. Absolute perfection there! I always get a little jealous when I see a workshop post, I want to relive it again!!
Beautiful. These images are awesome! Soooooo perfect and true to your style! Great workshop, looks like