I first heard from Cory in an email that I got in 2014, here’s what she wrote to me way back then:
I have been following your work since you photographed my friend’s senior portraits in 2007! My boyfriend and are aren’t engaged yet, but you would think we were by the way we plan our wedding. But the thing I’m most excited about is that after I showed him your work, he agreed our budget would be based around hiring the two of you and I’m so thrilled he feels the same way! I can’t wait until we get to meet you (someday in the next couple of years, of course)! 🙂 That’s all I wanted to say, for now, have a wonderful day!
Fast forward to July, 2018 where I did a little presentation at my good friend Rachel Vanoven’s studio where both Cory and Adam attended. She excitedly introduced herself and told me again that when they became engaged, I’d be the first one they called. Talk about filling up my love tank!
Fast forward again to September of that same year:
Bobbi!! I got engaged YESTERDAY and my first official move is to contact you! We’re potentially thinking September or October of 2019. Do you still have any Saturdays open for those months?
The VERY next day I was officially her wedding photographer! I’ll tell you this, Cory is most definitely a woman of her word!
During the wedding consult phone call Cory says something along the lines of “I’m about to look prettier than I’ve ever looked so I’m going to want a lot of photos to remember this!” I don’t know about that whole “prettier than she’s ever looked” thing but I definitely DO know that she looked incredibly beautiful!
And I can’t leave Adam out! DAAAAAMN ADAAAAAM!!!!
That teal sofa?! I’M OBSESSSSSSED!!!!!
Cory and Adam, I truly hope you never forget the way you both looked at each other for the entirety of your 4 minute and 3 second ceremony* (that mayyyy be a record!). 😉 But really, I do wish that for the both of you!
*those numbers are 100% accurate and were calculated with time stamps.
MegMoney’s view on the left, mine on the right. Generally being short is considered a liability when it comes to being a photographer… howeverrrrrr…. it’s quite the asset when I can OH SO easily hide behind anyone taller than me when I’m supposed to be blending in. 😉 Full disclosure: I didn’t know there were stairs on the left side of the stage so when I approached the right side, I weeble wobbled my short (yet surprisingly quite strong) legs wayyyy up there in a very awkward yet seamless way. Thank goodness I did because as I mentioned before that ceremony was quiiiick!
This was the first time I’d ever photographed an event at The Cyrus Place and it was a really awesome venue!
But of course Nano had to join them for a few photos!
This photo is so on brand! I love that the people who I’m lucky enough to photograph wholeheartedly trust me. And by that I mean, there were zero dresses harmed in the making of this image. If there were even a 1% chance that the dress would have been tarnished in any way, I would have never asked her to sit!
…that light though?! YUM-TOWN!
As we were walking back from portrait time (and running a bit late) when I see the crosswalk coming up and quickly say to the bride & groom, “Cory, you’re John Lennon; Adam, you’re Paul… take your shoes and socks off!” I realize I was being a bit aggressive in my requests but let it be known that 1) Cory is a HAYUUUUGE (like, huge) Beatles fan so the second I thought of it, they knew EXACTLY what I was going for and 2) we were running close on time and the light was about to turn so time was of the essence!
They read their letters from each other right before the walked into their reception. I loved that!
Someone asked me at my wedding last weekend (while taking photos of Megan), “are you getting that LinkedIn profile photo?”
“Nope! (haha) I’m just testing my light so I have a ton of photos of her all over the country standing in random places… so if she ever does need a LinkedIn profile photo, I suppose I already have it covered!”
Cory and Adam, we loved spending such an awesome day with the both of you. Cory, thank you for deciding way back in 2007 that I would be your wedding photographer. 😉 You truly did make my heart sing when you asked me to document your biggest day. Love love love to you two!