Louisville, Ky.

This session occurred during the winter amongst the frozen tundra of Louisville, Ky – that’s dramatic. But for real, it was SO cold! 28* to be more precise.  If you’re a photographer and you’ve taken photos in similar conditions you know all about the challenge of making images appear as though everyone was comfortable and having the best time.

“Relax your shoulders”

“Unclinch your fists”

“I need to see your hands, don’t bury them in your cuffs”

Sound familiar? Yeahhhhh. So when they were in town specifically for these engagement photos, rescheduling wasn’t an option. No need to fear, Amanda and Sunny were up for the frozen tundra challenge!

Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny

Did someone say it was 28*? Because it looks like a nice cool fall day from here.

Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny

Amanda is so full of joy and her smile is downright infectious!

Amanda & Sunny

See what I mean?! If you’re not smiling while scrolling through these photos, doublecheck that your heart is still beating 😉

Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny

You’d never have guessed that a meth head had just thrown an EpiPen at us while yelling gibberish in a bit of an intimidating way right before I snapped this photo. OMG! It was crazy! We took these photos in a fairly safe part of town so we most certainly weren’t expecting anything like that! I entertained the crazy man’s notions so that he’d hopefully leave us alone.  It worked, but let it be known, we avoided that man like the plague after that. Shout out to Amanda & Sunny for rolling with it.  Side note, aren’t EpiPens really expensive?  I’ve never been a drug addict but it seems like that selling it for drug money was a better idea than throwing it at someone.  But what do I know?

Amanda & Sunny

AHHHH! I can’t with these two! Also, this photo is so on brand 😀

Amanda & Sunny

I’m obsessed with this one.

Amanda & Sunny Favorite
I love their love.
Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny
Amanda & Sunny


Much love friends!




Indianapolis, Ind

Hellooooooo blog readers! Going through the archives and getting some older sessions posted. It’s been so long that there’s no way I’ll be able to get everything I’ve shot blogged.

I know I know, I’ve failed you. Truth be told, moving from Indianapolis to Louisville and gaining three awesome bonus kids was overwhelming and totally shifted my priorities (in all the best ways).  Before long I was so far behind with my social media that I felt completely paralyzed; being so deep in the weeds that instead of actually doing it, I just buried my head to it all. I have adult ADHD and that is quintessential attention deficit behavior.

Allllll of that said, here’s an engagement / family session that I’m extremely proud of. Without further ado, meet Lauren and Mike. I truly love these images and I hope you do too!

Lauren & Mike

The first half of this session was an engagement session for Lauren & Mike. For the second half, we added Ezra & Ruby (Lauren’s kids and Mike’s bonus kids).

Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike

I love their love. Throughout the session Mike kept lovingly gazing at Lauren and saying, “she’s just gorgeous!”

Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike

I first met Lauren in 2009 at her brother Steve’s and his fantastic wife Jenna’s wedding. One of the photos I took at Steve and Jenna’s engagement session became one of my iconic images. This photo was taken over 15 years ago so I’m not sure anyone will even remember it, but here it is!

Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike

Lauren’s jawline and cheekbones?! There are no words!

Lauren & Mike Favorite
Symmetry + genuine smiles = perfection!

….I mean… that photo on the right?! COME ON!

Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike


Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike

This session took place in November, hennnnce the amazingly curated fall vibe – Lauren, you should be a photography session stylist.

Lauren & Mike

Lauren & Mike had bought this house right before we did their session – it was such an incredible home.

Lauren & Mike

Ruby & Ezra are twins – just a bit younger than my boy/girl twins.

Lauren & Mike

I’m obsessed with Ruby’s dress. Think they make something like that in adult sizes?! No, for real. Do they?

Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike

I adore everything about this family. Since this session Lauren and Mike have moved to a new hone and had two more beautiful children. It’s been wonderful watching your family thrive.


Much love friends!




Lauren & Mike
Lauren & Mike
two years!

Today is my two-year cancerversary – The day I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Happy to report that I am still indeed in remission 🙂 

My annual mammogram is next week and, well, it’s a deeply emotional experience full of PTSD and uncertainty. When you’re a cancer “survivor,” you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Back ache? Must be cancer. Bruising easily? Must be cancer. Breast pain? Has to be cancer. More hair falling out than usual… you get the idea. 

When I went for my first mammogram, I had gone back into the screening room at least five times to get more scans before eventually being moved to the ultrasound room.  My appointment started at 8am and by 4pm and a thousand scans/tests/ultrasounds later, “Bobbi, you have breast cancer.”  Talk about a before and after moment!  As I’m writing this, it’s almost two years to the minute that I was diagnosed. Dammit, I’m crying. It’s all just a lot. 

A few days ago Claire and I were discussing my upcoming appointment and what life was like back then. When we were talking about how it had affected us the most she said something along the lines of, “I mean, yeah your personality had changed, you were easily agitated, and just not as fun.  But you were going through a lot, we all knew. It was a scary time for you and you were allowed to be angry.”

I teared up, “Claire, you are so wise and I love you so much.” Our whole family grew in ways we didn’t know possible.  Cancer changed all of us for the better, and for that I’m thankful. Howeverrrrr, DO NOT RECOMMEND! 

For the record, I’m still taking Tamoxifen to suppress my female hormones and am required to for at least three more years.  The side effects are whoa. If you know, you know

To my family and friends, thank you for standing by my side through the ugly – I know it wasn’t easy (I’m a person who feels my emotions in a big way).  

I love you all more than ever.


Also, here’s your reminder to “feel it on the first” of every month. I’m Lumpy Boob Bobbi and thought I would never be able to find a lump because, well, it all feels like lumps!  I’m here to tell you, my tumor did NOT feel like the rest of my breast; it was a very distinct difference. 

And for my 40 and older friends, if you’re not getting an annual mammogram – do not pass go, do not collect $200, make an appointment right now. Please? I’m begging you on behalf of the people that love you. 

Lastly, for all of the horror stories you’ve heard about how painful a mammogram is, they’re a bunch of wimps!* It’s easy and breezy. 





PS. Thank you Stephen for making today so special.  I love you so damn much!

*they’re not actually wimps, maybe I have a higher pain tolerance.