

Now, I don't attend workshops very often… however, in March, I had the opportunity to attend an incredible workshop with four of the absolute best photographers in the industry.  Jose Villa, Nate & Jaclyn Kaiser and Jesh de Rox.  

I don't really have the words to describe how awesome of an experience it was… So, in a nutshell… I learned a ton, hung out with some of the most amazing people I've ever met and well… had a BLAST! 🙂

I didn't shoot much there… but here's a few that I did take….


Here's the ridiculously talented Jose photographing the ALSO ridiculously talented Jeremy and Ashley Parsons 🙂  So, I aptly titled this photo "Ridiculous talent" I'm funny.




On the day that our team was with Jose, he gave us each a few minutes to photograph the Parsons. 🙂 Here's the OH SO SWEET Angie Baxter taking her turn 😀 She came ALLLL of the over from Australia to attend this workshop!


Here's my favorite from my quickie little session with them.


 Here's one that my roommate and friend Cheyenne Schultz took of me taking the photo above. 🙂 If you've ever been photo'd by me, you know exactly what I'm doing here 🙂


INTRODUUUUUCING Team Awesome 🙂 (we were split into 3 groups… so I named our group Team Awesome for obvious reasons)

Top row: Angie, Jeremy, Ashley, Ajit, Dale, Becker, Des, Ben and Cheyenne

Bottom row: Ben, me, Jose, Carrie, Cristy and Lacie (WHEW! all that linking took me a LONG time!)


All of the photos above were taken when we were with Jose on day one.  I didn't get my camera out when we were with Nate and Jaclyn…. but I couldn't resist taking one of my friend Jesh on the last day 🙂


 ANNNND last but not least…. Becker took these of yours truly… I snagged them from his [b] school blog.