Does this team even need an introduction? They’ve been on this blog so many times they should have their own category! You see those red heads? Those are our god daughters and two of my favorite kids in the world. You see that guy on the left? He’s our art director and best friend. You see that gorgeous lady on the right? She’s the head honcho. Big decisions don’t happen before talking to the HMIC (head momma in charge). Together we’re one big happy Framily.
Last month the six of us got together and we all went camping for August Rose’s 2nd birthday. In the midst of our camping getaway, we snuck away and grabbed a few new family photos.
OHHHH August Rose… you MELT me!
They’re incredible parents… and it oozes out of them in every image.
August is quite the daredevil! Addison, on the other hand, is as girly as they get!
We’ve shot this exact image every time we’ve photographed this family.
I’m about to hop on my soapbox… so consider yourselves warned!
These images aren’t the most creative ever taken… they’re not shot in front of the coolest background… they’re not full of never-been-done-before-over-the-top poses.
I’ll tell you what they are though; they’re images of a genuinely happy family who have a crazy amount of fun together. These are the kind of images that we strive for every time we photograph people.
Alright… off my soapbox…
Can’t you just hear them giggling when you see this one? I know I sure can!
Then it was back to the campsite to finish off the birthday evening.
This girl was made for the outdoors.I flipping love this family. They make my heart so happy. Random observation: The look on Andrea’s face reminds me of the image of Michelle Obama giving a fist bump to the President.
August loves birthdays as much as I do! She was SO hype about this cake!
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Crawfordsville, Ind.
andrea+ryan :: Indianapolis, Ind. :: married 6 years :: 8.05.06
How they met :: In high school we were in constant competition and could often be found arguing over who was the best at any given task, test, or skill. We wizened up and decided it would be smarter to join forces and take over the world together.
Andrea :: hometown – Fort Wayne, Ind. :: elementary school principal :: five words – Stubborn. Compassionate. Unshakable. Focused. Snuggly.
Ryan :: hometown – Fort Wayne, Ind. :: art director :: five words – Thoughtful. Driven. Innovative. Daredevil. Doting-dad.
Addison Noel :: 3½ years old :: born 12.24.08 :: five words – Stubborn. Inquisitive. Structured. Self-Assured. Teacher.
August Rose :: 2 years old :: born 9.29.10 :: five words – Stubborn. Fearless. Affectionate. Talkative. Excited.
Their perfect Saturday :: Breakfast made by dad. Dance party! Cultural outing of the girls’ choosing (it would sound pretentious if it weren’t true). On Saturdays you’ll find us at the farmers’ market, zoo, library, Children’s Museum, or whatever festival or parade is happening. Mama loves being around people “gathered for good” (or for food).
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Don’t judge my hair… I was in camping mode!
Soapbox moment! I am so in agreement with you!!! Sometimes I beat myself up a bit because I don’t seem to be “keeping up” with what everyone else is doing. BUT! What I am producing are (in my opinion) timeless portraits. No frog poses, no props, no fuss. Just faces. Pictures that people will love 10, 20, 50 years from now…or at least I hope so. Not pictures that they will laugh at years from now and say, “Oh. My. Word! Why did we dress up our baby like an owl?”
Andrea doing the Michelle face makes me the president, right??
hunleys for president, all around. coolest family on the block/globe.
What a beautiful family! And gorgeous photos of course:) I would love, LOVE to load up my family for a road trip up to you for a session!!
You should stay on your soap box forever. These images are so beautiful! I am no where near pro, but I love taking pictures, and I’m truly inspired by people who capture reality — I believe those pictures are the ones you will love in 20, 30, 40 years and beyond. Thanks for being awesome!
I’m so in love with this family, these images, your work, the kid’s smiles, this moment … oh my gosh. So amazing. I’m speechless. I wish I was a writer and could explain to you how much these images have touched me. Amazing.
These are fabulous!
i’ve never met them but i know i’d love them. they always photograph so well. love it.
ps. ryan got some HEIGHT on that toss!
I love them so much, and I love every single one of these photos. Probably because the people in them and the people who took them are some of my best friends! You are all amazing.
I can’t pick a favorite?! Amazing, all of them! Bobbi, that one of August in the camping chair made laugh out loud. Now I just want to drive to Indy! lol
Such a happy family…makes me happy to see the love
BBMK…beautiful work as always!
I just watched Ben and Leslie get engaged on Parks and Rec and now this session!? Tears. As a mom of two little girls… just perfect.
These are absolutely perfect in every way…right down to each sweet little grins on those girls! LOVE these so much, and the peeps in them, and that took them! xxoo
Perrrfffeecctttiioonnnn! Love allll you guys. Seriously these are amazingggg!!!!
We are endlessly grateful to have these images that so authentically reflect this crazy ass time in our lives (let’s be real, it’s been crazy from the jump). And while your photo takin’ skills are unmatched, it is really the friendship we treasure – thanks for always being there. That being said, how perfect are these images? You guys are so good at taking the time to discover and showcase all of the little quirks and interactions that are so dear to us right now – word to MurphyMo.
Love everything about these images. What an amazing family who you captured in the beautiful simple ways. Makes me realize how in need of family photos we are and I have been putting that off waaay too long. Can’t wait till the day that you photograph these girls marrying our boys. Ha!
I am not one to tear up easily and these made me cry. My kids and I love camping, too! What a special way to celebrate a birthday. Oh, yeah, and if Ryan were running for president, he’d have my vote, for sure!
it’s sessions like this that make me sooooooo happy i’m going to your workshop next weekend
that freakin’ hurricane better move out by friday morning or i’m going to be very upset! 
First of all….not the perfect images? Um, they are perfection and exactly they type of photos I would want of my family….the same type of images I love to shoot. Real. life. love.
Side note, you have Ryan as the principal and Andrea as the art director in your links. I was very confused for a minute thinking Ryan was now a principal!
Love you guys!!! SO inspiring!!
Oh My Goodness… I cannot believe how big the girls have gotten and yes they do look like the happy, happy family…
Love you both,
WOW!! Those are beautiful!! Even though these pictures might not be the most creative, or the best poses, the emotion that you capture in all of your photography far outweighs any of those other things! I am in AWE of your work!! Great job!!!
I love everything about this shoot! The color, the composition, the energy, the little cheeky looks… amazing amazing job! Why USA have to be so far from Switzerland, I don’t understand…
I saw these the other day and swooned, but didn’t have time to comment. I adore all of these- it’s true that love always wins over perfect backgrounds, never before used poses, etc. But I have to say these are impressive in all categories
I saw these the other day and swooned, but didn’t have time to comment. I adore all of these- it’s true that love always wins over perfect backgrounds, never before used poses, etc. But I have to say these are impressive in all categories
These images are happy and perfect & the reason I am a lifestyle photographer!!!!
beautiful work ya’ll! I love following you!
Such a great shoot!! They are one good looking family
I love how the first word that describes the girls is “stubborn”! That is SO my redhead and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
As always I am taken back by your pictures and just adore them! You truly did capture the essence of this family! Thank you for sharing
Ok so, even if you didn’t feel like they were the most “creative” shots you’ve ever taken, all of your blog readers can look at these images and feel the love in these photos. You guys are perfectionists at capturing the moments and who people really are. This family is so incredibly precious. I love love love every time you blog photos of them.
And the picture of the four of them on the blanket…ALL TIME FAVORITE!!! Each expression told an amazing story.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this session!!!! You guys are amazing.
Oh. Em. Gee. The one of them laying on the blanket w Addison all snuggled under Ryan’s arm, perfection. I love seeing this family on the blog. It’s fun to watch those two little firecrackers get so big. These pictures made me melt. Love love love.
I found myself smiling while looking through this whole post. Genuine happiness and love is what family photography is all about!
I love it when you photograph this family each year because you photograph them as them and what shines is their personalities, their beauty and their relationship. A recent session was just me and a family wandering around their property with the dog. And I love everything about the session because it is about them, not about poses and backdrops. Hubby looked at my blog images and asked if I had been channeling my “inner bobbi”.
Its images like these, that convey such peace and happiness, that make me look forward to having my own little family someday. Hopefully, if I am lucky, bobbi+mike can come and capture some images for us
BEST FAMILY IMAGES EVER. hands down. i really do feel like i know this family through you guys, and i freaking love them. what a special family.
I love this family! You guys (all of you) rock!
????Oh! That pretty pictures, that tender! It looks a very happy family.
Congratulations on a great job!
I love your family stuff more than anything. It’s beautiful.
over the top adorable – just such a loving and gorgeous family! well done!
I love this blog Bobbi :’)
You should try scrolling down listening to Adele’s 21…
You’ll love it, and keep up the good work
what are you talking about? these are perfection!
I had to comment because these images literally made me smile. So beautiful and genuine! I think these photos are timeless and I kinda wish my family had some like these….
I absolutely love the candelit cake shot!
Get back on your soapbox honey because these are EVERYTHING! Beautiful Friendship, beautiful family, beautiful love!