
Hellooooo party people! 😀

Many of you already know Amanda and Andy… You see, they’re photographers right here in good ol’ Indianapolis. 😀 My friend Ryan has been helping them with an entirely new brand.  With the new brand they needed some new bio pics. WHO YA GONNA CALL?! bobbi and mike betties! 🙂

In all seriousness… I was absolutely honored that they asked us to photo them… they’ve spent a LONG time working on their branding… and wanted every element to be perfect! I won’t lie.. I was feeling the pressure. And now, I’m happy to say I’m 100% excited about these images! I think we nailed the look they were going for!

They’re new brand? Vintage/sweet/timeless/soda pop.

The ONE and only thing they REALLY insisted on was a photo with a classic car. I guess finding old cars is a WHOLE lot easier said than done. Then… RIGHT at the nick of time… a very nice man came to the rescue! 😀 (but, he wouldn’t let us in… whatever, we made due…)

Starting things off with my favorite image from the day. ❗

Oh, hello beautiful eyes… thanks for joining us here today! A BIG OL’ shoutout to Kiralee for the amazingness that was this makeup.

Hereeeeee’s Cheddar! 😀 Now, if you’ve been following this blog for a bit, you know that it’s no secret that I’m not necessarily a dog person… uhm… strike that… dogs don’t like me… therefore they all want to attack and growl at me… therefore dogs aren’t amongst my favorite things. Dogs just KNOW that they scare me. HOW DO THEY KNOW?! Anyway… all of that being said… Mr. Cheddar was one of THE most well behaved dogs we’ve photo’d. (Oh, and Nicole… yours are up there too 😉 )

Halfway through the session… Kiralee mixed it up a bit and put her hair in a side pony and added red lipstick. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone wear red lipstick so well! Amanda, you need to wear it every day for the rest of your life, k? k.

While Ryan was designing her new logo… I was sorta in on the process. Why, you ask? Because Amanda asked my opinion. If there’s ANYTHING you need to know about me… if you ever want brutally honest feedback, ask Bobbi 😀 SO, because I knew her new brand pretty well… it was easy for me to get the kinds of photos that she envisioned.  Oh, and for the record… this session was 1000% styled by Amanda. Impressive, right? 😀

OHHHH how I adore this image!!!!!

Uhm, ARE YOU KIDDDDDDING ME WITH THIS BEAUTY?!!?!?! No… no… I’m not kidding…

A peach tree with a basket of apples? Don’t mind if I do!


“Andy, are you comfortable up there?”

“Uhm… yeah… I mean…  I’m laying on hay… so uhm… no… not really…”

Maybe you had to be there… I cracked up. 🙂

BTW, really proud of this image… 😀


indianapolis, ind.

amanda+andy | married 9.1.07

amanda | photographer | hometown • nappanee, ind.

andy | photographer | hometown • nappannee, ind.

how they met according to amanda | we both grew up in the same town, met when we were in kindergarten. we lost touch and started dating after college. 🙂


Amanda and Andy (+Kiralee)… SO fantastic spending our evening with you. You two really went above and beyond!

Much love friends 😀

~bobbi ❗

PS. a huge congrats on your new site… it’s perfect!


Sometimes… when I’m standing on huge bales of hay… I like to booty dance while giving high fives. But… only sometimes… 😉