she must be looking at someone telling HILARIOUS jokes…
Some of the best wedding shoes I've ever seen! What more would you expect from a girl who wore shoes like THIS in her engagement photos!?
Love this!
Alicia, you're beautiful!
the priest was Irish… as in.. FROM Ireland… as in… the most awesome accent I've ever heard! It was like Bono officiating the ceremony… but cooler!
Nothing like a bagpiper at your Irish wedding…
bobbi+mike FAVORITE!!!! AYKM!!??!?!? +
Canvas? check and mark…
Oh, and just so you know.. this was a real moment right after the ceremony as I sat in the front seat and rode with them to the reception hall.
Even sweeter, right???
You two are awesome together. K? k.
This one is SO Alicia!!!!
My view…
Mikey's view of the exact same moment…
LONG ISLAND, NY. Alicia and Chuck, as you can clearly tell… had a FABULOUS day! Not ONE detail was overlooked… Alicia planned the entire event perrrrrrfectly!
Right before the ceremony started… it was just Alicia and I in this back room. She looked over at me and said, "I'm so happy you're here photographing our wedding…" I teared up a bit and gave her a big hug… talk about making a girl feel loved!
In New York there are lots and lots of Irish families… Irish families that all stay together and don't move… Irish families that are deep in tradition… Irish families that like to dance… Irish families that look JUST alike! I sort of felt like I could be everyone's sister… little noses, pink skin, big eyes, freckles, auburn hair, rosey cheeks… it was awesome. They even did an Irish choreographed dance! One of the BEST parts about our jobs is that we get to see so many different traditions… traditions that we never would have seen if we weren't wedding photographers…
You know, different parts of the country do weddings differently. For example, in Indiana… we usually have really long dancing receptions while in Kentucky, they're much shorter. In New York… they spread the events out throughout the entire reception. For example, Alicia and Chuck walked in and immediately did their first dance… then… EVERYONE got up to dance for an hour…. THEN we had dinner…. then lots more dancing (this was a DANCING group!)… THEN toasts…. and of course more dancing…. THEN father/daughter, mother/son dance… etc, etc, etc. The reception just had a great pace to it and really kept the energy high.
Alicia and Chuck, thank you for asking us photograph your amazing wedding day!
Much love!
~bobbi+mike +
OK…so you've waited oh so patiently. Here you go! Click here to see Alicia's and Chuck's slide show! The user name is Alicia's maiden name, and the password is Chuck's last name, in all lower case (no apostrophe). Also, click here to view their entire photo gallery. The event key is again Chuck's last name, in all lower case.
she WAS looking at someone telling hilarious jokes!!!!!!
Who knew that THIS is what I look like when I'm jumping… and trying to get bridesmaids to laugh?!
Gor….GEOUS! Looks like a great time filled with love. D&D.
That shoe shot is simply beautiful B+M. The whole set is amazing. I also love how Mike always looks fantastic at weddings.. the black shirt blazer combo is really killer.. great work!
The backlit shot of Alicia is STUNNING – you guys need to work that look ALL the time girl!
How tired do you get of hearing “Job well done”? Never, right?
Also, Bobbi, I feel the need to bust out a “you” on this thought here: AYKM with how svelte you’re looking? That shot of you in the salon???? YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Loooovin’ your longer hair!
Beautiful wedding photos…you always leave me wondering ‘how on earth did you get that shot’ but I’ve solved the mystery in figuring out you simply have the power to levitate…like in the shot of Alicia putting on her veil;)
As always I love it!
The one of you jumping is hilarious but oh so cute 
Bobbi & Mike! These are so beautiful!
The moments you guys capture are priceless! LoVe Them! Outstanding!! 
These are goooorrrrrgeous!!! Love the DoF in every shot, especially the shoe shot and the button shot and ring shot, AYKM!!!! Amazing job, as always! What a lucky bride and groom!!!
droooooling over these images! beautiful beautiful!!!!
Her shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE her shoes!!!
Oh My Goodness… Look at all those “Irish eyes a smiling.” I can see what you are saying, Miss Bobbi, about you feeling like you were with family. I too love you and Mikey’s favorite selection. Although the photos of Alicia standing alone next to the car is stunning. What a wonderful job you two did.
OMG I love, love, love her shoes!! You both rocked this wedding as usual!
I adore the limo shot and the two after it!
Hi Bobbi and Mike!!! We had so much fun with you both. So glad that we had you there for the day of our wedding. Hope you had a good flight back home. I can’t wait to see all the other awesome moments!! I can’t pick a favorite bc every moment was amazing to me….you captured the moment and the emotion! I must say that after looking at all the other wedding day blogs I couldn’t wait to have one of those shots at the end with you guys!! Awesome night and perfect wedding! Thank you Again! Alish and Chuck
Great photos!!!! Alish you look so beautiful!! So glad to share in your special day…you have awesome photos to remember all the great moments of your wedding day! Great job Bobbi & Mike can’t wait to see the rest.
OMG!! This is freaking gorgeous!!! The bride IS stunning!!
I love your enthusiasm!!!
Bobbi, you must be the most joyful and funny photographer I’ve ever seen!!
you two are so amazing. one word for the car shot: GORGE. well, i guess that’s half a word.
you take my breath away with every entry. congrats.
Beautiful wedding! I LOVE her shoes! I love the behinds the scenes images, too… y’all are so fun!
HOT, HOT, HOT as usual!!! I actually wrote about those Cole Haan’s a while ago over on WeddingAces ( – they are SOOOO pretty
Welcome to the EAST COAST where they o everything BIGGER!!! And LOUDER!!! Glad you enjoyed the Irish….sooooo much fun…like the Scottish and Italians that I grew up with!
L-O-V-E the backseat shot! Amazing as always you guys!
Holy Crap. Awesome. yep.
The bride is STUNNING! OH MY GOSH! LOVE love love these… the car shot. AYKM???
Those shoes took my breath away – LITERALLY (as do your pictures as always).
Alisha – the photographs are amazing! You look so happy. I am so glad Carrie sent the link to me so I could see your special day! You are beautiful!
Lori Schlesman
I don’t know why but I just sooo love that shot of the buttons of the dress. Keep looking it! And the back of the car…I feel the romance! Why to rock it out in NY!
So cute pretty woman ^_^
Bobbi- My sister and i were in charge of the flowers for this wedding. I remember when we were delivering the personals to the bride at her house, you were taking some shots of her shoes in the hallway and we kept getting in your way! later i went home and immediately looked you guys up and fell absolutely in love with your work. if i had known who you were then i would have given you a huge hug! love everything about you guys!