

So rumor has it someone's turning 28 today…not that anyone's been counting down to today like a gleeful 9 year old about to hit 10.  ๐Ÿ™‚  

Last year, we celebrated by taking off the weekend and seeing Wicked in Chicago (aka "Shikaga" depending on where you're from).  

This year we did stay in town, and did photo a wedding.  Laura and Joe and all of your family, you guys were a wonderful kick off to Bobbi's birthday!  They even had a birthday cake for Bobbi yesterday evening…how freaking awesome are our couples!?

And for today, lunch with friends (Lauren and Robbie!) and then, as you can tell by the photo, it's time for a wardrobe update!  Hello 1992!  Actually, Ms. Thang here doesn't have a lot left in the closet after a year of busting her butt at the gym and trading bon bons and cheetos for carrots and humus.  I've started her off today with a few pieces from the always awesome Silver in the City on Mass Ave and we'll see where she goes from there!

Happy Birthday, girl.  โ“