SOOO… I mentioned it in our last blog entry… but, I'll remind you anyway. Mike and I did a little speaking thing at the photography conference we went to last week. We spoke at the mpixpro booth in the middle of the tradeshow floor.
Wanna see some images? Okay, if you insist! But first, let me ramble…
I was RIDICULOUSLY nervous. As in, as I'm writing this remembering how I felt before each talk, my heart is racing. But you know what was the absolute best best best (calming) feeling in the world? Many photographers who I greatly admire, our amazing friends, and nearly every photographer we've photographed (who was in Vegas for the conference) was there on the first day to show support. When I noticed this… I started to well up. Oh yes, I'm a drama queen. I can't tell you how much that meant to us. Once I realized we were amongst friends, the anxiety faded (but not completely… AHHHH!) Here are just a few that came out to show their support over the 3 day period…
Lauren Chapman
Robbie Gantt
Nate and Jaclyn Kaiser
Maya and Patrick Laurent
Jessica Limeberry
Jeff Newsom
Clary Pfieffer
Matt and Angie Sloan
Jasmine Star and JD
Amanda Wilcher
David and Cathy Bock
(If I left anyone out, I'm so sorry… it's been a long couple of weeks!)
We spoke all 3 days the tradeshow was happenin'. It was awesome. I mean really awesome. I mean… REEEEEALLY really awesome. I got to meet so many of you blog readers… many of you who are active commenters I knew RIGHT away and gave BIG hugs to.
I do have to say though, MAN OH MAN I have an ENTIRELY new respect for people who have to work/speak at the conference… it's EXHAUSTING!!!!! I had to be responsible! Usually I'd be partying it up wayyyyy late, but this year… NOPE! I couldn't stay out too late, couldn't be too loud… afterall, I had to save my voice! (Though, that didn't work… I sounded like a 12 year old boy going through puberty at all of our talks), I had to make sure I was ready to have our names in lights! You know… Roxy Hart style! If we ever do this again, think we could arrange for that???? HA! The mental picture of that is hilarious to me. ANYWAYYYY… I'm being weird.
I'll move on to the images. You know, the ones you've been DYING to see
We didn't take ANY photos while we were there… so I did a shout out on Twitter/Facebook to see if anyone would be willing to send in shots they took… THANK YOU for sending!!!! Now I can prove to my grandma that I wasn't making this up… and that people REALLY do think I'm hilarious, RIGHT?! So, thanks!
images by Dale Benfield
So, I haven't seen candid images of myself since our wedding day. I had forgotten how expressive I am. I mean, I'm the DEFINITION of animated!
WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?! There are at least two people in this crowd who think that I'm as hilarious as I think I am. (PS. Don't judge my hair… I was missing a brush for the first 2 days, AHHHH!)
image by Vince Foo of Leslie Wong Photography
My husband is cute. This was one of the few times that he was able to get a word in… I'm kind of a talker… GO FIGURE!!! (random Bobbi trivia: in the 6th grade I was voted "Most Likely to Talk to a Brick Wall")
images by Bill Blakey
Please take special note of the microphones we had around our ears. When I was telling a friend about our talk he said, "OH! I can't wait to see you with the Britney mic!"
I couldn't get it out of my head! The SECOND I put it on my ear and was live, I couldn't resist saying, "it's Britney, b____!" OH YES… I SAID THAT… Ever have things just fly out of your mouth and you WISH you could take it back RIGHT away?! THAT was one of those moments.
Oh yes, THERE IT IS… My FAMOUS green jacket!
Day 3
images by Eddie Bojorquez
These two are my favorite images… FINALLY an image where more than one person is laughing at me. SEE G-MA!!!! I AMMMM FUNNY!!!!
If this doesn't represent what I was talking about I don't know what does?! Nice capture Eddie
It was THIS moment on the last day that I got REALLY nervous. That's Jasmine Star and her hottie husband JD. She's spoken to rooms full of 1000+ people! WHEW! It was SO incredibly sweet of them to swing by and show us their support. When I opened up for questions she raised her hand (my right leg started shaking).
"What has been your biggest mistake in business and what did you learn from it?" she asked.
Our response (after three seconds of silence… OH SHIZ… WHAT DO I SAY?!!? I'M GOING TO SOUND STUPID, GUARANTEEEEEEED!!!!!):
"Trying to fit into a professional mold that we thought clients wanted. BIG mistake! Most clients don't want 'stiff professionals.' Most want a friend to hang with. As soon as we started being more comfortable being ourselves… the faster our business grew. Oh, and the ones that DO want Stiffy McStifferon won't hire us… win win!"
A HUUUUGE thanks to all of you who came out to listen… and remained patient as I spoke in my usual ADD fashion I can't TELL YOU how amazing the whole experience was and all thanks to you guys. Thank you. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I also want to give a BIG OL' shout out to the companies that featured our images at their booths. Renaissance, the ABSOLUTE BESSSSSST album company in the world, (more on this later) displayed lots of our albums.
BluDomain launched 5 new website templates with our work being shown in a few of those. And, last… but not least… mpixpro had some AMAZING products that really and truly showed our work in its absolute best light. We stand behind that lab 1000000% THAAAANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!
Oh, and like the good photographers that we are… we ALSO managed to not bring our point and shoot. I went on Facebook and grabbed a few of the tagged photos
Oh, and note to self… and others
iPhone photos taken in fluorescent lighting aren't flattering to the bags under my eyes.
When did I start to look like a real grown up with wrinkles?!
After lunch, the four of us girls randomly noticed that we were a cornucopia of hair colors. Oh yes… this is what grown up women talk about. Well, that and making babies (I'm the only non-Mom in the group!). When he went to grab the shot, we got perfectly in order… you know… like you'd arrange a fresh box of Crayola's… blue to purple to maroon to red to orange to yellow to lime to green to turquoise, etc.
Now, for some reason… you can't really tell but I assure you, the three of us on the right don't all have the same hair color! That crazy film! SO, it's yellow to light orange to orange to brown. SEEEEE like a box of Crayola's!
Anyway… I'd like to formally title this photo ROYGBIV
From left to right: Jaclyn, Amelia, me and Candice.
Next year, I PROMISE to bring my point and shoot…. PROMISE!
Thanks again!
Much love friends…
~bobbi+mike +
sad that i didn’t run into you this year! how did THAT happen?!! seriously! hah!
Jamie, I didn’t run into MANY people that I thought I was going to
I was just so dang busy…
Next year I’ll manage the fun with the business a bit better and make time to live it up! 
Hon, I am SO ridiculously proud of you. And Mike. And speaking of Mike, HOLY CATS IS HE A HOTTIE. Like, every shot of him. Dannnngggg girl
I can’t wait to get in on those hugs next year. I would have been your cheerleader, Spartan SNL style
Miss Thang…you have an AWESOME memory!!! You rocked the mic like cryptonite. F’real. I love you!! Keep rocking it out! xoxo
Well, I have not had the opportunity to make it to WPPI yet…but I hope when I do go you’ll be speaking again. Of all the blogs I read, I am pretty sure that yours is my favorite. It’s true, people do love REAL and they love personality!!! Even a few others from good ole Lafayette, LA have commented about your blog at our recent Camera Club gathering.
Anyhoo..keep it up. I find you very inspiring; and as a person, not just a photographer!
Hey you guys! So pumped I bumped into you two… only regret I didn’t have more time. Next year… lunch? I’ll buy. Keep up the good work!
Oh, I am such a bum. I haven’t posted any of my pics yet. I blame it on Jetlag and Daylight Savings. Yep! That’s my excuse and I’m stickin’ to it. Spencer actually got a good shot of the two of us. I missed your call for pictures or I would have definitely sent them to you. It was absolutely great meeting you in person and thanks so much for knowing who I was.
Command of the mic! You guys looked like you kicked ass! Next year I’ll come and click through your slides. Chief Tech Assistant. BAM, can I get my own little bb+mk icon then?
YAY Bobbi!! You looked great up there with your Britt-Britt mic!
Ryan, consider it done! Just need glasses and a little scruff!
Yay! Oh, how I would have loved to go to this! The photos cracked me up. I really fancy the odd bending at the waist photo. Makes me giggle.
Yay! Oh, how I would have loved to go to this! The photos cracked me up. I really fancy the odd bending at the waist photo. Makes me giggle.
Can’t believe that the first year I miss WPPI you two speak.
I hope you will be there speaking again next year!! You look so happy in all of the photos!!
I am also even more proud to use MPIX pro knowing that you guys are with them!
Thanks for being awesome!!
Awww Thanks for the love yo.
We truly enjoyed listening to your talk. It really got us all pumped up and inspired and at the same time reminded us over and over again why we hired you for our big day and why we would again in a heartbeat. 
awesome post! thanks for sharing. wish I could have been there to hear you speak! I love your work and totally believe exactly what your saying – be yourself and the rest will follow
So wish I could have been there! I would have sat through every talk….
still hoping for your fall workshop, RIGHT?
Love the WPPI update. Hopefully I’m there next year to see you guys
so super proud of you guys…I know you rocked it out amazingly, because, that’s what you do. you’re a great speaker- ADD and all!!!
love you and so wish I could have been there to hear you, and snag some fun action shots. next year I will. Gail and I will be cheering on the sidelines. P.S. that mustard jacket you are wearing in a couple shots….SOOOO your color. rock that bad boy OUT more!
Had I been in Vegas this year, I would have been there cheering you guys on! First time in 4 years that I’ve not gone…
So happy for you guys…I’m sure you were both amazing to listen to! xoxo
You guys rock!!! I wasn’t expecting to be move to near tears during your talk, maybe laughing tears, but I was. You both have beautiful energy and are greatly inspiring!!! Thanks for being real
I’m so sad that I missed you at WPPI this year!!! I saw some of your stuff at the mpix booth and it looked amazing! You guys rock!
You guys were awesome! My favorite thing about your talk (aside from the inspiration I got from it, of course), was that you managed to work “stiffy” and “there’s hair in my Britney” (day 3) into the talk. I mean, only a pro can do that so seamlessly! Hope to get a chance to see you again!
It sucks that I wasn’t there to see you speak. I missed you and WPPI! Can’t wait for next year.
You guys are too cute!! Looks like a lot of fun. I hope I go someday and see you speak. Lots of inspiration I’m sure.
Congrats on rockin’ it out at WPPI! Wish I could have been there…maybe some day! Keep up the awesomeness! Love all your jackets and that polka dot cardigan!
You were an amazing speaker! I was there the first day and was so crazy excited to meet you. You both are such a huge inspiration to me and your blog always makes me smile. Love it!! Thanks for the hug and picture
I didn’t tag it in time to make the blog….:)
BAH!! I’m so sad I missed you speaking! I guess that means you’ll have to do it 12 times next year again
Anyways, I loved this post because I could catch a bit of what you talked about … and I have been thinking A LOT about being yourself and not a professional mold person etc etc etc, especially in my first year when everyone tells me to pay to advertise and attend bridal shows … which are not my thing. I’m happy others are paving the way like you and that I have someone to learn from — someone doing their own thing. Sooooo…I have only done what I love since entering this industry and I have remained booked AND happy!! So thanks for that! BTW — a HUGE thanks to you for not thinking I was a crazy person (or at least not telling me so) when I came straight up to you in the elevator lobby area and said I LOVE YOU. haha. You were sooo sweet and talked to me about my name even. Love you more now!!
Sooo sad we couldn’t make it out this year! Definitely next year!
And Bobbi, I’m sure you did an amazing job speaking.
I swear, I will make it to WPPI next year. For real. And yes.. that is how I feel.. BE YOURSELF and you’ll get the clients you want. That’s what I live by.. and I love my clients!
bobbi, you are just so darn cute!
Saw you and Mike talk on the 3rd day and it was AWESOME!!! And so inspirational
Too excited that we made your blog too (we are the 2nd from the bottom pic on the right…I am on the far right)!
Hope to see you next year!
Milisa Smith
it was great hearing you guys speak! too adorable for words!
Bobbi, you are ADORABLE.
Hello gorgeousness!! It was SO good to run into you for a few seconds at WPPI this year! I so wish you could have closed the clubs down with me one night while we were there. Next year, you, me, and Studio 54 baby.
I saw you speak on day 3, and it was by far the most inspiring talk I heard while I was at WPPI ! Your honesty and your thankfulness is so evident when you speak. You are not just a amazing photographer, you are kind and real – 2 things I really respect.
I am very excited I made it on your blog, I am 3 down, picture on the right!!
Nice blog! Sorry we missed it this year, but I just can’t bring myself to leave the kids for that length of time; however, next year…I’M IN!!
I wish I could’ve been there to finally meet you guys! you’re my faves!
How fun is this!!!! Great post!!! Too bad I wasn’t there! But next year I hope to give you a big hug!
: )
Ummm you look super skinny.
Bobbi, your presentation was one of the major highlights of my first WPPI experience! Fo sho…and you are freaking hilarious, don’t let anyone ever make you feel otherwise!
GRIGH!!! You famous!!!! and I love your green jacket
YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING!!!!!! Seriously, my hubby and I loved listening to you guys! I posted some pics of you in my wppi recap on my blog! With my little point and shoot
You two rocked the MPix booth! So proud to call you guys our photographers!
And the Brittany _____ into the mic. Still makes me laugh!!!
THANK you for speaking!!! It was perfect and just what I needed to hear.
You are even better in person than on the computer. (Which is saying alot, because you are a pretty dang good person on the computer!)
Until then, I will continue to stalk your blog. 
Hopefully next year, I will get a picture with you.
Stiffy McStifferon. LOL. Loved meeting you at WPPI.
Bobbi & Mikey,
You two are the BOMBA. You have made the Big Time!!!!!
I want to personally thank the guest you had, that were kind enough to sing Happy Birthday to your Momba on her 50th B-Day.
Thank you for being the BEST.
Love you,
So yeah…you left me off that list of supporters! but i’ll forgive you since you did give me a hug when I ran into you in the halls.

You and Mike did soooo great speaking. I was so impressed with you guys. No wonder you had so many people there supporting you! rock on.
So Nate and I were totally standing by Bill when he took that first photo and I remember you giving him the thumbs up. LOL. And I was sitting at a table across from ya’ll with David Baxter when you ladies were taking that hair photo. LOL. Glad Nate and I finally got to meet you that last day since our paths seemed to cross so often. Let’s hang out when we’re in Indiana! K? Thanks. *MUAH*
Bobbi, you are too cute! And, you look FANTASTIC!
I’d be happy to be stuck in a crayola box with you any day:)!
Your talk was one of the best I heard at WPPI, seriously was inspired. You’re awesome and so fun! Thanks for being honest and being yourself!
ps. I made your blog! I’m the one that looks like I’m coming out of Jasmine Star’s face
Yay, I’m in your blog! Well, sorta. I’m on the second photo (top left part of it) haha!
I’m bummed that even though I got to see you, I didn’t get the chance to hug you! You guys were mobbed soon after, and little ol’ me couldn’t pave my way through. Hopefully next year! 
Dear Bobbi, I flippin laughed soooo much when I got to hear you speak at the booth! And ummmm how did NO ONE tell me I was on your blog!? So exciting! p.s. Can you tell how happy I was to meet you in that picture of us? I <3 it!
it was awesome to randomly meet you outside of Rouge, Bobbi! thanks for the hug.
your presentation rocked too!
I have already declared my love for you but I will shout it to the roof tops again, you guys were my “best new find” of WPPI! You know how you are super excited to have been featured in three pro photo ads in the mpix ad? Well I feel the same about my picture being in your blog post. It was my “look like a bum” day (girl in hat), but who the heck cares! I am on Bobbi+Mike’s blog!!
OMG! You snagged my photo of us! LOVED meeting you guys and you were everything and more that I imagined!
awesome you two!! excited for all the successes you are having! sorry we couldn’t stop by and hear you … we had to work this year … wah wah
Stoked I could be there to hear you guys! You guys were even better than we’re making it sound. Thanks for the shout-out and congrats on the new look!
I was there, I was there! (yellow sweater) You were awesome, you were awesome! Ashley Cohn (, a fellow MN photog, introduced me to the world of Bobbi + Mike and now I might be addicted.
Hey Bobbi, I’m so bummed that I didn’t get the chance to see you speak! That was a crazy whirlwind of a trip, maybe next time.