Here comes the first of three Bobbi Photo Workshop sessions of the fall season!
To stay in the loop on all things workshop, make sure you’re on the mailing list! (mailing list always gets a head start on booking). We’d love to have you!
When I do a call out for families for my workshop, here’s what I post: “Family requirements: 3+ kids, ridiculously silly, comfortable in front of crowds, a cold weather tolerance and preferably not photographers.”
This family not only met those requirements, the exceeded them.
Disclaimer: Before I get your hopes up about a family-specific workshop I should let you know that it’s only open to the workshop alumni (AKA, you’ve already attended a previous bobbi workshop).
On the right, that’s Josh… he actually reminds me a lot of Stephen’s son Josh (which is a great compliment)!
Here are the five words that his mom used to describe him: compassionate, generous, athletic, intelligent, funny.

Meet Violet. She is a HAM! There is nothing about this girl that blends in with the crowd! She’s hilarious and full of energy and we adored her!
Violet’s five words (according to mom): sweet, hilarious, energetic, sassy, girlie.

I asked Sam to put his hands behind his head. I’d say he nailed it.

I’m sure you noticed that Henry seems a bit more serious than his siblings. Let it be known that it wasn’t because he wasn’t having fun… it’s because he was taking this session incredibly seriously and was very concerned with helping me. After all, he is his family’s photographer! Henry even helped me art direct a few setups.
Here’s how his mom describes him: thoughtful, artistic, quiet, driven, focused

Kim mentioned in the questionnaire that her family had a “wide range of personalities.” I can indeed confirm… they most certainly do have a wide range of personalities!

Ohhhh Sammmm! SWEEEEET SAMMMMM!!!! You’ll notice that in very few of the photos he’s looking at the camera. Why you ask? BECAUSE HE WAS OBSESSSSSSED WITH MEGAN! I’ve never seen anything like it. Between setups, he’d reach out for Megan and she would then carry him or hold his hand. While they were in a pose, he’d reach out for Megan often with a little pout on his face because he was ready to be held by her again. When I was shooting his individual portrait (pictured below) I actually had to bring Megan over as close to me as she could so that he would look at the camera.
Momma’s words for him: funny, affectionate, joyful, content, talkative

Outfit and location change.

My view.

Megan’s view. Notice there’s only one person looking at the camera? Yep. Sweeeeeet Sammmmm loved him some MegMoney! I mean just loooook at that little smile!

“BUT MEGANNNN??!?!” –Sweet Sam

Behind the scenes

Bobbi Photo Alumni Workshop #7.

Much love friends!
Want to come to a future Bobbi Photo workshop? YOU SHOULD! More information here. Great news, I can’t wait to meet you!
A HUGE thanks to Renaissance Albums, Iris Works, Second Street Creative, LawTog, Holdfast, AlbumDraft, annnnnd The Bobbi Shop for your contributions to our workshop! (we do not receive compensation from any of these companies – these are really great companies whose services and products we use. they’ve been kind enough to send swag and/or discount codes for our workshop attendees!)
This is just the cutest family!! Can’t get over the littlest boy’s sweet face!
You just get better and better. These are seriously adorable. LOVE the stair step photo of the four kiddos, and you are so good at letting personalities shine. Also, Megan’s baby bump is way cute.
I love how sweet and squishy this family is! I love how they all kinda mold together in the cutest way! Beautiful family, beautiful work!
Kim! These are beautiful photos of your sweet family!
Beautiful family!