

for bludomain’s photographer of the year!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOOOOOT!!!!!!




Uhm… yeah, I don’t even know what to say about that other than we’re SOOOO honored/excited!

I got an email about a 1.5 weeks ago informing us of our nomination. In that email Kailee (Blu’s famous blogger) requested a black and white photo of us holding a sign that said “VOTE FOR US.” Immediately we started brainstorming… (Mike actually tells me that while he’s having a ‘brain storm’ mine is a ‘brain drizzle.’ jerk). After about 30 minutes of tossing around ideas Mike exclaims, “BOBBI, WE JUST SENT ALLLLLLLL OF OUR CAMERAS TO CANON!!!!!” (we didn’t schedule any shoots for two weeks so that we could get our cameras serviced before season really got kicked into high gear)

“Oh my gosh… what are we going to do?!” I sent an email to Kailee… she said, “No big deal… a few days wait isn’t a problem.” 😀 THEN… we find out that Canon is short staffed and their usual 3 day turn around time is now more like a week. WHAT?!!???!! I called Shelly Valentine… who also happens to use the 5D. By the time we were able to coordinate our schedules, our 5Ds were in the mail to be returned. So, we got them on THURSDAY morning. Hmm… think back to Thursday… POURING DOWN RAIN IN INDIANAPOLIS!!!!! I was leaving for Kansas City THAT evening so we HAD to do it that day.

Mike and I again… start brainstorming… “how are we going to make this work?” Off we went to the park with 2 5Ds in hand, a tripod, an umbrella, wash cloths, an eyebrow pencil, a gerbera daisy and a plastic storage container. WE LOOKED RIDICULOUS!!!!!! We found the perfect spot to take it. Mikey tied the umbrella to the playground equipment, I placed the camera on a tripod and strategically set it under the umrella… wrapped the lens with dry wash cloths… Mike jumped up, hung upside down… I got the camera in focus… set the timer… RAN underneath him and SNAP… DONEZO! The one that we picked turned out was our first try… we both kept getting wetter and wetter, colder and colder and well you get the idea.

We then ran home, got me packed… threw the memory cards in my luggage and I sent it off to BluDomain that night. DONE AND DONE!

Whew… what an ordeal THAT was! But, let me tell you… SO worth it! WE’RE SOOOOOOOOO EXCIIIIIITED! As if I haven’t already mentioned that 🙂 This is the third year for the contest… TWO AMAAAAAAZING photographers have since held the title: Jessica Claire and Jasmine Star. See… told you they were amazing!

Be sure to head on over there and give some blog comment love. YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!!!


Here we are… out in the rain. Notice the tub on the left… yeah, that’s how we kept our gear dry. And if you look closely on the playground equipment, you might even see the phrase “you b**ch” Hey… only the best for bobbi+mike!





Here’s our Mikey getting it all set up. See the wash rag holding the umbrella up? Yeah… maybe we should have brought something more substantial. Whateva… it worked.





SNAP!!!!! 😀

A little confession… I wrote on my forehead in the passenger seat on the way over to the classy park shown above. Mikey was in the back of the FJ getting the cameras all squared away when I turned around and said, “HOW DOES IT LOOK?!” His eyes got really big… “Uhm, Bobbi… you wrote it in reverse.” HAHAHA! Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t have done the writing in the mirror. I immediately said, “DUH! I KNOW… WE’RE GOING TO FLIP THE PHOTO!!!!” Quick thinkin’ huh?! 🙂 Oh, see the belt buckle? More on that soon! 😀 There is NO shame in shameless self promotion 😀 HA!

How flipping cute is my husband in this photo?! I LOVE HIM SOOOOO MUCH!!!!

See the rain droplets in this shot?





And just for fun, Blu also requested a photo of our car. Mike insisted on the FJ… I wanted my Bug… and we weren’t willing to budge, so we compromised and took both! Oh and Fred Egan… that’s a custom sunroof 😀





Blu also sent some interview questions… so, for your reading enjoyment, here are our responses:


my name: –



where i hail from

bobbi+: I’m a military brat… I’ve called a LOT of places home. Most of my life I lived in Kansas City, Missouri. I moved to Indiana for college and fell in love with a perfect person named Mike… now, I’m a Hoosier 🙂

+mike:originally Fort Wayne, Indiana. Now we call Indianapolis home.


most weeks i just need …

bobbi+: an 8th day

+mike: more time!


I easily fall in love with ….

bobbi+: people in love.

+mike: red headed girls and shiny things. 🙂


don’t count on me to ….

bobbi+: be fake. I’m always 100% real.

+mike: Get up the first time the alarm goes off


this spring i need ….

bobbi+: a good old fashioned bicycle. Doesn’t that sound fun?

+mike: Two extra stops from Canon! Come on already! Give it up!


sunday mornings you will find me ….

bobbi+: EXHAUSTED!!! I’ve usually WORKED IT OUT at a wedding the day before 😀 Mikey sometimes surprises me with an out to eat breakfast… those are my favorite Sundays. Hey, diet or not…. I’ve earned it! 😀

+mike: Asleep and drooling on my desk after triple backing up Saturday’s wedding photos


I am most difficult when ….

bobbi+: I don’t get my way. Clearly, I’m an only child!

+mike: You wake me up early Sunday morning


why i need your vote ….

bobbi+: I’ve ALWAYS wanted to thank the Academy!

+mike: Karma damn it! I think we’ve made a few deposits over the years 🙂


if I am typically craving something it is ….

bobbi+: chocolate chip cookies and SUPER cold milk. MMMMMM!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Be right back, I’m gonna go get me some!

+mike: Low in vitamins and minerals and high in fat and carbs!


the reason i love what i do …

bobbi+mike: We get to hang out with people in love, every week, on the best day of their lives! Does life get better than that?


the best piece of advice I have ever received with regards to photography ….

bobbi+: be genuine.

+mike: lens choice, camera settings, light…mastering all that stuff is great. But, it doesn’t make you a real photographer. It’s how you interact with people!


the other photographer who i find to be inspiring ….

bobbi+: Jesh de Rox.

+mike: There’s this wacky, out-there redhead who I’m inspired by daily 🙂

bobbi+: uhm… can I change my answer?


a piece of equipment that is a reliable standby ….

bobbi+: uhm… my 85mm 1.2

+mike: 70-200 2.8L IS


one mistake I have made in my photography career ….

bobbi+mike: not making enough personal time. (we’re still working on correcting that…)


what I can give you ….

bobbi+: a good laugh, fun experiences and genuine friendship.

+mike: stories and images of real people being themselves.

bobbi+: wow, we’re cheeseballs! Oh well, that’s us!



I adore you guys! And a HUUUUUUUGE thanks to all of our OH SO loyal blog readers, you guys ROCK! duh….


~ ❗ + ❓