Hey dudes and dudettes….and grooms and errr..groomettes (that was a Mikeism… 🙂 ).
Last year, you guys voted bobbi+mike as Best Photographers in Indianapolis! How neat to win that?! You rock!!!!! Given the amount of talent that's here in Indianapolis… it was a HUGE honor!!!!! It’s been such an amazing year for us… Wow!
Well… I’m sure you guessed it… 😀 the time has come again. If you guys think we're worthy let everyone know by voting at WRTV’s Indy A-list site. If you’re feelin’ it.. Be sure to leave us some comment love and tell all of your friends and family to vote, too. Okay okay… Now we’re getting a bit too excited.
I have to be honest with you… We LOVE contests!!!!!
Oh, and just an FYI… You have to sign up for a WRTV account to vote. Not to worry… It only takes about 20 seconds and I PROMISE they won’t spam you 😀
Thanks to the best friends, family and clients in the world,
~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓
No worries…we’re all over it!! 🙂 No one else has a chance.
Aloha from Hawaii!!!
In the words of Gordon Ramsey… ‘Done!’
(why I’m quoting a chef…I have no idea!)
Thumbs up you two! You more than deserve it!!!!!!
Yay =)
totally already voted for ya! 🙂
Done and done! 🙂
Done. 🙂
I voted for ya
Been there, done that!!!!!!!!!
Bobbi and Mike are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s a done deal…you both deserve any and all good that comes your way!
Wishing you good luck for all you good & hard work! Good luck doesn’t come without the latter.
Voted! Yall deserve it! Best of luck!
I voted!
You have our votes!!
You’re gonna smoke’m two years in a row! and Done.
i hope you win, you fabulous people!
To do list….
drop kids at school….check
empty dish washer….check
vote for the most awesome photographers EVER!!!!!…..check
leave comment to most awesome photographers EVER!!!….check
I’m all good.
Heck yeah I voted for the photographer’s whose blog I stalk every day!! I don’t think anyone else has a chance! 🙂
i voted AND commented!! and you know how much we LOOOOOOVE you? we took time out of our hawaii vacation to do it!!! me loves me some bobbi!!! you got this one in the bag again!!! xoxoxoxo!
Are you kidding me… of course I voted for you!!!!!
I totally voted for you guys! Best of luck I sooo hope you win 🙂
done and done