jacox family
jacox family
Jacox Family
Houstin, TX

Texas session #7 of 8 πŸ™‚

Introducing to you… THE most adorable family of three living in Houston! The Crayola kid in me LOVES these primary colors they wore. πŸ˜€

Brody looks just like his handsome daddy.Β 

Poor little guy fell down right in the middle of the session. Mommy and daddy to the rescue.


An outfit and location change later… and badaboom badabing… AWESOME FREAKING LIGHT! Β By the time we got to our new spot Brody had fallen asleep. Β We took advantage of the time and photographed the two of them alone πŸ™‚ Tyan, you’re 100% absolutely gorgeous πŸ˜€
Look who’s awake?! The one and only thing Jared insisted on… a photo in the tree with Brody. πŸ™‚Β 

Tyan, again… gorgeous. πŸ™‚ That photo on the right? That’s a quilt that she made herself. Β So stinking cool πŸ™‚Β 

THENNNNNN…. doughnut time! I blinked and next thing we knew they were in a full on chocolate doughnut food fight! Mike’s favorite ❓

Texas really does have some of the most amazing families. πŸ™‚ Who knew chocolate could be so dang hot?!

Much love new friends!

~bobbi ❗

PS. Tyan, thanks for your expertise with “finding the perfect good butt jeans” πŸ˜‰


It was fareeeeezing that morning so we hid out in this little area for a bit to warm up. While there Brody wanted to play football with me.:) Bad news bears Brody… I’m horribly uncoordinated… You’ll have better luck with Mike πŸ™‚
