

We’re still in St. Maarten with no access to our site… HOWEVER, I figured out that I could screen share with my good friend Michael Blanchard via iChat so, I’m actually updating this from St Maarten through HIS computer in Boston πŸ™‚ HOW STINKIN’ COOL IS THAT?! So a big thanks to him πŸ™‚

And to those of you were wondering why our friend and fellow photographer Kevin Swan was updating our blog… he was on instant messenger, I knew he had a WordPress blog of his own and asked him via iChat to update you all with our Internet woes. So yeah… another BIG OL’ thanks to him πŸ™‚ Can I just say WOW TO APPLE?! Okay… if you insist… WOW TO APPLE!!!!!!!!!

And PS. we’ll be home LAAAAAAAATE Tuesday. So, see you all here on Wednesday πŸ™‚ BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! Okay, I’m a dork…. on to the awesome tonia+blake…. πŸ˜€


I’m starting things off with one of my MANY favorites ❗





























oh so quirky! We’re in the middle of a busy parking lot here.. cars were passing us thinking we were CARAAAZY!









My attempt at second shooting.





GAGAGAGORRRRRGEOUS LIGHT! Yeah, another favorite ❗ I know… leave me alone.

















CHOO CHOOOOO! πŸ˜‰ (see below for more information regarding our train $) HA!!!!









KANSAS CITY, Mo. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THAT HOTNESS?! This is one of my favorite sessions of all time. πŸ™‚

Tonia & Blake = I ADORE THEM!!!! These two have been married for less than a year but never really had engagement photos. They saw my post about Kansas City sessions and we made it happen! MAN OH MAN DID WE HAVE FUN ON THIS SHOOT!!!!!

These two were MADE for one another πŸ™‚ They’re both smart, funny, cute and well… just plain fun to be around! Now… that’s my kind of couple πŸ˜€

Don’t these seem a little different than the usual bobbi+mike mix? That’s because, this was the first time that I’d ever photo’d an engagement-esque session with anyone other than my husband. And who might that person be?! THE FAMOUS HEATHER COLE!!!!! (Click HERE to see her photos from this session) Heather has never been a “second shooter” and neither have I. She kept saying, “can I have a turn?” So then I would be HER second shooter. This is what we both learned from the experience…. IT IS HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!!!!! MAD PROPS TO MIKEY!!!!! πŸ˜€ I think you can DEFINITELY see the Heather flavor on these images. She’s SO good at shooting romantic/sexy/fashiony shots… and so I went with it! She’s the QUEEEEEN of the “almost kiss.” We have such a similar way of interacting with our clients… but it’s fun to see a different twist on it.

Okay, about the HeatherBobbi train… I was laying down to get a shot and Heather was standing on the side when I said… “Come over here and lay down in back of me.” I thought it was pure genius! So as they’re coming towards me, I start to lay down, while she’s sitting up. So the whole time I’m sitting… she’s got nothing but a view of my butt. Then as they got closer and I rolled back, it was her big chance to get as many shots off as she could… Luckily she has the SMOKIN’ D3… so it was POWPOWPOWPOWPOWPOW! I turned to look at her and said, “Isn’t that cool?!” Her response… “it sucks to be the caboose!” HAHAHAH! Not really sure if I explained that well… but it’s hilarious, so just laugh anyway πŸ˜€

At the end of the session Tonia looks at us and says, “I’m so excited… I’m going to be on both of my favorite photographers blogs!” Yeah, that made our day. πŸ™‚

Thanks for putting up with the OTT (AKA, over the top) HeatherBobbi D Firm (that’s the name of our psuedo photography biz… and NO, I’m not telling you what the D stands for πŸ™‚ don’t spill Tonia! yeah, we’re dorks). When the two of us are together, we are RIDIC! Tonia & Blake were the PERFECT match for our first official HeatherBobbi D Firm photo shoot… πŸ˜€ Thanks for putting up with us, you guys ROCK!


~ bobbi ❗ +


Check out who wanted in the photo! HOW COOL IS THAT?!





This is the only “action shot” you get of us. This was the last day that I was in KC… and let me tell you, Heather and I were up SOOOO late every night laughing. I don’t think we got more than four hours of sleep every night. SO… by the last day, we were looking like a hot mess. So, no photos beyond our shoes πŸ™‚




❗ I MISS KC! ❓


So, thanks you guys for all of your patience. Lots of fun blog entries coming soon. DUH!