I met Megan around 5 years ago when she came to my workshop. I was immediately smitten! She’s got a big laugh, an incredible amount of energy, a big personality aaaaaannnnd I think she’s hilarious. Oh, and she also happens to be gorgeous!
When she asked for a photo session of her perfect little family, we couldn’t have been more excited.

Just like his momma, Leo has theeeee best & sweetest smile!

I mean… LOOOOK at him?! I’m DEAD! Okay, maybe that was extreme but I’m certainly not known for being subtle!

My favorite!

Drew, thanks for being such a patient and perfect dad / husband. You knew exactly what to do to make this little man rally. It was truly an impressive thing to witness.

Orrrrr maybe this is my favorite….
I sent the photo on the right to Megan in a text… she texted me back, “Oh.my.gawd. This one just made me cry. I can’t even tell you how much that photo means to me.”
I responded, “I had a feeling THAT would be the one that would get you. Because it’s perfectly you two. It’s 30-year-goggles perfect.”
She wrote back, “I love that you SEE that. That’s what makes you so so good Bobbi. I mean kids are cute and all and can make great photos, but you photograph relationships and love. You are amazing. And this was a photo of us during our first month of dating. Ha! Kinda the same. Gawd, except drew had brutal light jeans on…”

We just adored this little family.

I realize that you can only see half of Leo in this but that’s what makes me love it! It truly shows his energy and his craziness.

….and he definitely loves his momma!

A bonus
I feel comfortable sharing this little tidbit here because Megan is a photographer herself, so she gets it.
You see, Leo refused to take his nap that day… even after having a morning at the pumpkin patch. Needless to say, he just wasn’t feelin’ in the mood for a photo session. So I’m sharing a bit of reality for those who may need it today. Sometimes I look at incredible blog posts by my photography heroes and then I want to sell my cameras. Culled down social media versions of ourselves are just a fraction of real life.
Leo is a feisty bowl of sunshine who is allllll boy and full of personality; but when it comes right down to it, he just loves to snuggle on his momma.
Much love friends!
Ahhhhhhh!!! Love love love!! Love them!
Yessssss!!!!! Love love it!!!! You are the best!

WHAAAAT!! Yeah!!!! This is a day brightener!!!!
ugh. I neeeeeeed family photos like this. So perfect!
The most perfect family shot ever!
I love this family so so much. I’m lucky to be able to call them friends. These images capture them and their relationships so perfectly. I adore each and every one. Meg, you’re gorgeous. Duh. Beautiful job, Bobbi. I love them all!!
I’m kinda crying right now!! Megan – you, your fam…ugh!!! It’s all beautiful – the images and the words!!!
I have SO MUCH to say. First, I feel so lucky to know you. What you have done for me personally and professionally are things that I can never re-pay. I love you. Second, these photos. Ohhhhh these photos!!! The first time I scrolled through this post I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. The second time, the tears started. They are perfect still captures of our wild life that I love so much. Those two bonus photos….mayyyybe my faves. Thank you, thank you for rolling with Leo’s punches and giving me exactly what I wanted. I hope you’ll have us again. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
OH!!! And HOW I didn’t edit Drew’s five words about me before sending those in is beyond me. TITILLATING?!?! GAH! i’m gonna kill him!
OH OH!!!! And I’m DYING that you put our text convo with our old photo in this post. HAA!!! YES!!
I’ve always been such a fan of how you photograph families and it’s so fun to see one I know in real life! Megan you are GORGEOUS! and your family is adorably beautiful! Such a fun session Bobbi!!!!
Ohhhhhh my gosh. Bobbi! Megan! Meg$$$!! This session. Oh my I love it. I looove seeing little Leo as himself and all your love for each other. I love the laying down ones!! Just gorgeous.
AHHHHH I feel so lucky to have met the best group of photographers through your network, Bobbi. And this is one EPIIIC session!!!!!!!!!!! As a mama of two littles myself, I know how challenging little humans can be. And these images are just all things INCREDIBLE. (Make sure you add all of these calories burned in your ‘Healthy Train’, btw.) Aaaand this is also why I’m attending your family workshop. I can’t wait!!
so amazing. i cant stop looking at these!
Thank you, Bobbi, for sharing this special family is such a beautiful way. Their smiles…no their faces… show how much they love and enjoy each other. I’m Leo’s Nana, so I am already smitten, but we will enjoy these for years to come!
I love potty faces of kids in pics. Life isn’t all smiles & giggles.
The one with his mom … I just want to title that “I shall call him Squishy”
Man I just keep coming back to look at these over and over again! I love EVERY-thing about them. Every single bit. Bobbi, you knocked these out of the park!! megan just shines, and they are SO HER!! Megan, I just adore you and your sweet family!! Miss you friend!!
Oh my goodness!!!! This is amazing. I love this post so so so much… #familyphotogoals.
That baby boy is just gorgeous. Well, they all are but I’m smitten by him.
Love your family work!! Someday we have to have you shoot us:)
I would be absolutely honored.
You’re the bessssssst Bobbi!!!! Love love loooooove these!!!!!

You have an incredibly beautiful family!!
These are PERFECT!! Even the ones where Leo wasn’t having it. You’re amazing, I’ve never seen someone be able to capture a feeling quite the way you do.
Amazing, as always! You really do have the gift of seeing the 30-year goggle pictures and photographing relationships…Megan nailed it with her description of you and what makes your work so phenomenal!