PREPARE YOURSELF FOR SOME CALIFORNIA AMAZINGNESS! Are you sitting down? No? Ok, close this window… take a seat… and come back.
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His bride is named is Taylor. That whiskey is named Taylor. You could say Chris has a thing for Taylor’s.

The bride and her momma.

The wedding took place at Taylor’s godparents property (an insanely beautiful vineyard) in Sebastopol, California.

I love everything about this.


Wacky Megan strikes again!

….and again!

Their ceremony was on an old tennis court on the property. Before the wedding, they removed the court’s netting and painted the floor.

….and it was perfect in every way. Megan’s view.

My view.

And again… On the left, my view; on the right, Megan’s.

I just love her little expression!

One of my favorite moments of the day… Taylor was having an allergic reaction in her eye. Her dad happened to be standing near
Bobbi: “Do you happen to have eyedrops in your pocket?”
Wei (Taylor’s dad): “Yes.”
Bobbi: “WHAAAAT??!? I was not expecting that at all!”
Wei: “I’m still a dad Bobbi!”
Bobbi: “Touché.”
Taylor: “Hahahaha!”

We were reeeeeally proud of these portraits! Megan and I shot all of the photos of the bride and groom in about 15 minutes.

Humble brag ahead
Taylor’s answer to the most memorable part of her day: “Christopher and I didn’t do a first look, despite having many people recommend that we do. We thought that a first look would feel posed and awkward, and we both wanted to experience The. Moment. where we see each other at the beginning of the ceremony. There were many times during planning that I questioned our decision, because the schedule was tight and I worried that we wouldn’t have enough time for photos after the ceremony. But, coming around the corner at the back of the aisle and seeing everyone seated, and my groom waiting for me at the front, literally took my breath away and I gasped. It was such a powerful feeling of excitement, love, and relief, and it was everything I’d hoped for since I was a little girl imagining my wedding day. The flood of emotions was worth it. I wouldn’t trade that moment for anything. (Also, I’d like to point out that Bobbi and Megan are photo-making machines and took the tight schedule totally in stride and squeezed it all in. Lesser photographers would have freaked out, but they were amazing. So, hire a good photographer, and don’t do a first look.)”

Jusssst for the record, the lifting of the groom is never my idea.


The dancing duo on the right… that’s Rebecca (the mother of the bride) dancing with Francisco (the father of the groom).

I always love when a bride or groom dances with a step-parent! Though, I may be partial.

One of the main pieces of advice I give to every bride is to bring an extra white, more comfortable, lighter-weight dress for after all of the main events are over. Why? Because after a while the dress is usually heavy, hot, uncomfortable, and bustles almost always break. I suggest to either buy a new lighter weight one or bring along one that you bought for your bachelorette party or bridal shower. Every bride who does it throws me a high five with a “BOBBI! YOU’RE A GENIUS! That was best advice ever, thank you!” I’m, of course, paraphrasing; but you get the idea.

Behind the scenes

From left to right: Natalie, Julia, Bobbi, Taylor, Sarah and MegMoney. We are photographing Natalie’s wedding next June in California (she was also a bridesmaid in Julia’s wedding), I photographed Julia’s wedding in May, 2015 and Sarah was a bridesmaid in Julia’s wedding. And MegMoney is wearing sunglasses on top of her head in the off chance that the sun comes out at midnight.

Much love friends!
Beautiful bride, gorgeous dress. I love how you capture the love and fun at each wedding!