

Guess who surprised Heather Cole on her 30th birthday?! ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!

When I talked to Heather on Friday about her plans for her actual birthday… she was totally bummed.  Why? Because her husband unexpectedly had to go on a business trip, and so there went their plans πŸ™ The thought of her being alone on her THIRTIETH birthday… no way Jose!  I finally made the OFFICIAL decision to head her way eeeeeearly that Sunday morning… so, I booked my flight… forwarded my itinerary to her husband Jake… and it was about to happen…. ME IN KANSAS CITY BETTIES! YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!  

When I wrote the 30th birthday blog entry… I already knew I was coming… so yes, I'm a liar, get over it πŸ˜€

I was actually on the phone with her when she saw me in her driveway… She couldn't believe it.   She, along with her daughter Oliva, sort of attacked me.  After a while Olivia told Heather "Chill down, mom!" HA! πŸ™‚ AHHHH I LOOOOVE SURPRISES!!!!!!!!!  

We have had SOOOOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!!!! HEATHERBOBBIDAFIRM COMIN' ATCHYA!!!!!!!!!  

Okay, so… on Monday morning (before I got here) Heather told me that she was going to the salon and was thinking of having her hair colored a rich warm brown.  Afterall, she's 30 now… out with the old, in with the new!  WHAT?! HEATHER COLE… BROWN??!?!!!?  Heather is famous for having some serious blonde hair… so, when she mentioned it… I was a little shocked and SUPER excited! (ESPECIALLY knowing that I was going to be able to BE WITH HER during her appointment πŸ˜€ )  She went in… told her stylist what she wanted… "a rich mahogony brown"  As they were styling it… I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!!!!!  So did she πŸ˜€  Well… in the salon, it was exactly what she wanted!  However, being a redhead myself… I KNEW that it was going to be REALLY vibrant when she went into the sun… red DRASTICALLY changes colors from indoors to outdoors.   Afterall, she didn't really ask for RED hair.  (though, the stylist knew that red fades so fast… so she compensated by initially making it a little more vivid than was expected) So, needless to say… she had a PLETHORA of emotions. 

At the salon, "OMG, I LOVE IT." 

In the car, "WOW, IT'S REALLY RED!"

At home, "Maybe it's TOO much?!"

Back in the car, "Yes, it's too much."

On the photoshoot, "Maybe it makes me look old."

Reviewing the photos on the back of the camera, "it's WAY TOO RED!"

At home editing the below photos, "OMG, I LOVE IT!"

Yes, for those of you who know me and don't know Heather… we're OH SO much alike!  Anyway… at the end of the day…. she is SO happy with her decision… and yes, maybe I didn't need to write all of this about hair color…. but let me tell you, it's a big damn deal πŸ˜€ Oh, and did I mention I FLIPPING LOOOOOOOVE IT?!?!?!!!???!!!! 

So, as I already mentioned… here's our quickie photoshoot…. afterall… she needed new headshots for her website πŸ˜€  CHECK MARK DONE!



 I'm going to start it out with my favorite.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME HEATHER?! You look SO beautiful… this is by far my favorite photo I've ever taken of you ❗ PS. does anyone else think that this photo is a little reminiscent of a HOT Britney Spears?!  THERE'S NO SHAME!!!!!











I can't stop staring…











 I'm sorry I'm so funny!









Heather, Happy Birthday!  I genuinely could not imagine being ANYWHERE else these past two days… you make me laugh… a lot… and loudly.  I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!!!

Love πŸ™‚

~ ❗



PS. Now you know the mystery of why Mikey wrote the Nadine+Drew blog entry…. I was out of town πŸ˜€  Monday morning before I left, I uploaded the photos, added some quick commentary to each photo… ran out of time… and he finished it.  I don't know about you guys… but I think he needs to write more often!  

PPS. Can I just tell you that I'm SO glad that Mikey and I decided to vote early this year?! Because I definitely would not have been in town to make that happen.

PPPS. WOW TO OUR NEW PRESIDENT!!!!! Both speeches gave me chills. Did it you, too?!