Ohhhh Sasha & Michael how damn perfectly perfect for each other could you possibly be?! Since you’re not here to respond, I’ll answer on your behalf… SOOO VERY PERFECT!

I love the way he looks at her.

I meeeeean…. that shirt in the window…. how perrrrrfect is it?! I’m like a damn eagle eye when it comes to this kind of stuff!
Sasha, I love your smile.


Then we switched locations where their son Luka joined us for a few.

THAT BLONDE HAIR?! I’M DYING OVER IT! Come to find out, Michael’s hair was that blonde when he was Luka’s age. I’ll be honest, I didn’t fully believe him and he could tell. So he just so happened to have a photo on his phone of himself at Luka’s age… and whoooodathunnnnk it…. Michael was indeed a toe head! WHAAAAAA??!!!

Seeeee youuuuu in April!
Much love friends,
So so soooooo AMAZING BOBBI!!!!!!!!
What an adorable couple!!! My faves are the photos at the end in the field. Awesome job!
What a sweet little family, and gorgeous images of them! The looks they give each other are sooooo sweet.
I’m loving Michael’s hair, and Sasha looks amazing! Love those outfits on both of them. And that cutie at the end of this post! Oh man, he’s grabbed my heart. My favorite is the field shot!
Favorite is the kid hugging the parent near the end. These are all great!!! Way to go!!
How completely adorable are these three?? Their little guy!!! I’m smitten. Beautiful work, as always, Bobbi!
These are so romantic and beautiful and fun! I love the way they are looking at each other. Amazing!
What a precious family! Love the color and the light and the love all perfectly captured! Beautiful!
Aw man, what a gorgeous session! I’m in love with those last two black and whites… so beautiful!
love love love!!! what an adorable family! that second to last b&w is my fav!!!
BOBBI!!!!!! Why do you make everything AMAZING?!?! Everything you touch LITERALLY turns to gold. Every detail is so well thought out – that “happy wife, happy life” COME ON! And the one with the diamonds on the wall where Michael is gently pulling Sasha in and they fit just perfectly? GAH! These two are beautiful and you captured them and their love perfectly. LOVE!
Hi! I just want to say that you’re like the only blog and photographer I now follow. Your work is always gorgeous and never the same. Thanks for sharing and always keeping it fresh! One day, my little fam will be in front of your camera and I already can’t wait