

Meet Miss Ella










 AND gorgeous!





 and sweet πŸ™‚






 Then it was time for photos of just mom and dad. πŸ˜€  They're getting married in November, YAHOOOOSKI!










Sara, you're beautiful.















 Our favorite! ❗ + ❓





This was the second el camino we came across.  So, what the hell… let's work it out!





 In this photo… Mark looks like Tom Cruise. Anyone agree? πŸ˜€ HUBBA HUBBA!




















MUNCIE, Ind.  Ohhhhhhhhh Sara, Mark and Ella! Sara and Mark have been together for about nine years.  They met at Ball State.  πŸ˜€  Four years later they had the AWESOME Ella!  Now, they're getting married πŸ˜€

We met Sara last year for dinner when she was researching a photographer.  She came sans Ella and Mark.  She told us then that Ella was a ham and that Mark doesn't like getting his photo taken.  When we met Miss Ella, "ham" was an understatement… NEVER have we met a five year old with SO much personality, so much energy, so much life!!!! I think that if we ever had a daughter… we would hope she's like her.  Mark, as already mentioned, knew that he and Sara needed engagement photos… but certainly wasn't a big fan of the idea.  He's so nice, very attractive and funny!  Why wouldn't someone with such a perfect smile like getting his photo taken?  Beats me… but after a few minutes in front of the camera… he put those feelings aside for us πŸ˜€  Sara however was THRILLLLLLLED to have professional photos of their little family.  When we first arrived, she walks up to our car (with a HUGE tub of chocolate chip cookies… YUM!) and says, "I'm SO excited… you make everyone look so beautiful!"  Well Sara… you ARE beautiful so it's easy!

Sara's quite a blog reader (she even comments… which we love!) so oftentimes she would know exactly what we were thinking about certain photo spots before we even had to explain ourselves. She's so damn cute!

You guys rock… see you again in November!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓