Lovingston, Va.hair & makeupvideographerceremony & reception venuecaterer
What they saidWhat was the most memorable moment of your day?
Sarah: How can you choose one?! Getting ready with my loved ones in our happy little house, putting Mo in his wedding suit, seeing Dan for the first time, stopping for gas on the way to the venue with Dan… the whole thing was so wonderful.
Dan: Getting married with just us and immediate family in the courthouse that morning, our first look in the rain, my fly busting open during photos, doing a bar crawl in full wedding regalia after the reception.
Sarah: The wedding is just a party – the marriage is the real investment. Choose a good partner, and the rest will fall into place.
Dan: Plan extra time to get ready. You are always going to be late!
Sarah: It is truly remarkable the number of high fives you will get on a bar crawl in a wedding dress and a leather jacket.
processional & recessional • One Day Like This – Elbow
cake cutting • You Are the Best Thing – Ray Lamontagne
Sarah: Not a darn thing. It was all ridiculous and disastrous and perfect.

January 16, 2016
sarah dan & mo
Lovingston, Va.
I am squealing over that gorgeous grumpy kitty!
Lovingston?! For real?! That is where I was born and raised and it’s so obscure! That’s amazing that you were there but damn I wish I knew so I could have scheduled a session while you were here!
Oh my gosh! What a perfect couple on a perfect day! You can really feel the love between these two and how such a simple day looks like a million bucks!
No cations needed! I totally got a little teary after the vow photos.
Okay this couple wins at everything! I don’t even know them, but come on, that CAT, the tears during the first look, vows on notecards, RAIN. I want to re-marry my husband to have you photos from the incredible Bobbi.
I love that cake topper! I swear you find the best locations!
that rainy first look + their portraits are the sweetest. Mo definitely stole some of the spotlight on their wedding day, haha, too cute.
this is that kind of wedding where you think, oh man, I really wish I could have been there! The bride and groom look like such fun people! I want to hang with everyone in these photos , esp the cat! Great job Bobbi!
Love the amazing colorful quirkiness of this awesome wedding! So much happy love in each image, I cannot get enough – absolutely gorgeous day! You captured the feeling of the day perfectly, love it all!
Where to even begin?! That cat. The Hunter boots and the wedding dress. The emotion. The humor. The love. You captured it all in your inimitable style and it is so beautiful, Bobbi!
That cat is the best, and I’m not even a cat person!!! This whole wedding is just so amazing! You have seriously taken things to a new level lately! Kudos to them for embracing their rainy day to get some amazing pictures!
You are just the Best! Love these so much. I was cracking up at Mo’s expression and had to show my kids! I was afraid he was going to steal the show but every image is just incredible.
What a gorgeous couple. Looks like so much fun!
I’m having such a hard time believing that that cat is real! So amazing! And I cried when I saw that photo of the groom tearing up, so real and beautiful!! This is one heckuva post of photos, they tell such a story! Beautiful couple!
MO!!! That grumpy cat in a tux is the best thing I’ve seen today!! haha!! There are so many things I love here… the first look, the walk across the street, her smile, the cue cards (!!), the DANCING!!! Ha! Stop it with greatness!
Ahhh!!!! So much pure amazingness.
1. Her polka dot dress.
2. ALL those cat images.
3. Bride who wears rain boots = automatically awesome.
4. Their first look is magical.
5. Dying over their portraits. Dying.
Oh. My. Goodness. That first look picture is priceless. Way to rock the rain!
Oh dear heavens, CAT IN A TUXEDO!!!! I love that they embraced the rain and she popped those rain boots on. Such a gorgeous wedding!!
Rain, shmain — these are amazing images of what must have been an epic day. And that cat….
OMG. For real?
Are you kidding me Bobbi!?!? You can’t help but smile through this ENTIRE post!!! I want to be friends with this couple. You are killing it!! xoxo
Ohhhhh Bobbbbiiii… You outdid yourself here. First of all… I know you didn’t dress the cat, or but the tux… but damn…. that photo of him hanging out of his little bed is too much. The photo of the couple with the umbrellas tipping foreheads together… Money shot. Print it. Frame it. Hang it up. While rain can be a challenge, it is amazing how beautiful it is in images. It adds such a beautiful glow. Annett last but not least… are those boys reenacting the lift from Dirty Dancing?!? OMG. Too funny!