
Rebekah, you looked amazing! That’s quite clearly the back of a woman who’s been workin’ on her fitness! 😀 And AYKM with those gorgeous blue eyes?! WHOA!Meet the groom David.
David and his brother Steven are the best uncles! It’s no surprise that in the middle of the ceremony that Caroline decided to join him up there. 🙂 I don’t think Rebekah and David ever stopped smiling the entire day. Serious!
Ohhhhh Annnndrewwwww….They really are such a perfect match.
The recessional is often one of my very favorite parts of the entire wedding day. Hey wedding party, you guys were way fun. 🙂David is an IU alum… so yes yes yes, we snapped a few photos on campus. 😀 Oh, and that image on the left… WOWZERS! 😉
Helloooooo gorgeous bridesmaids!It isn’t a real Bloomington wedding without a photo in front of The Sample Gates! 😉HA! David you need to work on your Rock impression! 😉LOOK MOM! A REEEEEAL PRINCESS! 😀
Oh how I adore this image!My favorite! ❗ David’s parents wore glasses/mustaches jussssst like these with their wedding party years ago… Such a fun shout out. Be sure to scroll to the bottom for the original. 😀Think they’re sisters? 😉I adore their hands in this image. 😀Rebekah, most brides can’t wait to get their veil off… good work on wearing it all night!Mike’s favorite ❓GET IT GIRL! They’re clearly playing Britney… 😉I love when couples do a formal last dance… it’s such a great way to end such a perfect day. 🙂

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Bloomington, Ind.

hair  •  Macy Volrich of Zodiac Hair Salon & Jennifer Jewell of Serendipity
ceremony  •  St. Paul’s Catholic Center
reception venue  •  Hilton Garden Inn
dj  •  Chris S of The Dance Machine
dress  •  Mori Lee (Style: 1854)
bridesmaid dresses  •  J. Crew

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their songs

introductions  •  “Good Feeling” –Flo Rida
first dance  •  “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” –Elvis Presley
father/daughter  •  “Angel in My Arms” Jack Kapanka
last dance  •  “Unchained Melody” –Righteous Brothers



 [br]What was the most memorable moment of your day?

Rebekah:  Maintaining eye contact with David as I walked down the aisle. His expression of pure happiness and love kept a giant smile on my face all day long! The speeches (from my Dad, Brother-in-law and Sister) were also epic- equal parts embarrassing and sentimental.

David: Standing outside the church immediately after we got married. It was a relief to have finished the ceremony and be able to finally look at Rebekah as my wife.

[br] Any advice for future bride/grooms?

Rebekah:  Obviously hire Bobbi + Mike! If not for the beautiful, breathtaking images, for their ability to turn any situation into a laughable photo opportunity (…like Bobbi safety pinning tuxes). I swear friends, I don’t put people up to this… Rebekah, thank you… 😀 You’re awesome friend! It is also very easy to feel rushed, so be sure to take the time to enjoy each aspect of the day.

David: Don’t waste time stressing.

 [br]Funniest memory from your wedding day?

Rebekah:  Our nephews Parker and Andrew were excited to be ring “bears” and our nephew Sawyer wanted to throw petals down the aisle. They had all been talking about it for a few weeks. Then, about 5 seconds before his moment, Sawyer had a total meltdown, which sent our niece Caroline into an equally impressive screaming fit. It really set the tone for a laid back afternoon as everyone got a good laugh in at the adorable-ness of the little ones.

David: Watching Joe and Jamie dancing at the reception. I couldn’t stop laughing. Their moves were something else- just incredible.

 [br]If you could do it all over, would you change anything?

Rebekah:  Everything was so absolutely wonderful! The love and support of our friends and family made the entire day just perfect! I can’t think of anything I would change…except maybe going back for seconds on the mashed potato bar 🙂 …and the cupcakes 🙂

David:  No, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

 [br]Where did you go on your honeymoon?

Ladera in Soufrière, St. Lucia, West Indies [br] [br] [br]

Notice Andrew down there? That silly birdie! 😉The marriage license was being signed but we were on quite a time crunch so we set up the extended family photo while they took care of business behind us. Because they were gone, I stood in as the bride and groom placeholder. 🙂 This image cracks me up! “BRING IT IN TIGHT!”Hot tamale husband alert! 

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Much love friends!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓

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PS. I promised to show you the original inspiration for the nose/glasses image above… meet David’s  parents Barbara and David. 🙂 I’m just so glad that David thought to to do this… 🙂 And David, it’s quite fitting that you were given his name as you are quite the clone!

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