










Mikey’s fave! ❓





And this photo is one of my MANY favorites! ❗





… and another favorite… ❗ I JUST LOVE the look in her eyes here.





I want to make this a canvas in MY house. Is that weird?













“Whatsa happenin’ hot stuff” NAME THAT MOVIE!









ANOTHER favorite! ❗













Rebecca-Linh needed a photo for her website. We made it happen. 🙂 HELLO! YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!





If I were you… 🙂 I would use THIS one for the site. It shows us who you are PERFECTLY! 🙂 LOVE IT!




HOUSTON, Texas. Rebecca-Linh is one of the MAIN reasons we started planning our trip to Texas. Right after we photographed Sarah and Henry’s Halloween wedding there, she saw that we traveled there. She emailed us soon after and said, “hey, if you’re ever back… we want YOU to take OUR photo” Well, Rebecca-Linh is SUPER talented photographer, so we REALLY wanted to make it happen! She emailed us a couple of times, jokingly… “so, is your trip for Texas planned yet?” 😀 THEN, on Facebook, we got an inquiry from someone who wanted college senior portraits… who also lived in TEXAS (that eventually fell through)! So, I thought… let’s just put it out there on the blog and see if we get any bites. And we did! SOOOO…. A HUUUUUUGE thanks to Rebecca-Linh for motivating us to go to warmer climates! We seriously cannot WAIT to go back. We’re already planning a trip for there in February 09 🙂 I’m not sure if you noticed that all of the photos are in color 🙂 Well… here’s why 😀 Rebecca-Linh wrote about US on HER blog about a month ago, and here is what she wrote: “About 6 months ago while perusing I stumbled across this dynamic duo via their blog to be completely awestruck while my vision on photographer turned completely upside down. At the time, I was just returning back into the photo community after taking some baby time off, and relocating from California to Texas. Up until then, though I shot in color, most (like 99.9% ) of my work was black and white. I was perfectly fine with that until I saw bobbi and mike’s amazing sense of color and well, they had me at hello. “HOW CAN I DO THAT??: Is what I wondered for months. I just had never really considered color and then all of sudden became completely intrigued. Not only do they completely rock- they have this amazing uniqueness, as well as sense of humor to boot. (Well, at least from what I gather… ) So- a personal thank you to you two (if you read this) for helping me find the art of color. Without you even knowing it, you have changed the world of photography in me.” WOWZERS!!!!! WHAT A COMPLIMENT!!!!! 😀 So… anyway… maybe THAT explains all of that color you see 🙂 Rebecca-Linh is SO incredibly sweet and spunky. Mike (her Mike 😀 ) is funny, laid back and a go-with-the-flow kinda guy. Together, they’re perfect. 🙂 He’s a chef. Seriously… a CHEF! An ooh la la chef at that! 🙂 He offered to cook us a healthy lunch and it was INCREDIBLY hard to say no to… but, we had to leave for another shoot (that was eventually canceled due to a rain out 🙁 ). Wanna hear how they met? I love the “how they met” stories… and this one is good! 🙂 Mike moved to Los Angeles, California to work at an amazing restaurant. Rebecca-Linh is FROM California, but moved to LA to follow her dream of being a Hollywood stunt woman. (HOW COOL IS THAT, BY THE WAY?!). He was a sous chef and she was the waitress at the aforementioned amazing restaurant. … and well… you get the idea 😀 Seriously…. a STUNT WOMAN! I asked, “How the heck do you get into that?!” She responded, “I was an acrobat and a gymnast.” Man oh man, that’s so neat. So, they moved back to Texas, where Mike is from 🙂 It’s funny how love changes your whoooooooole plan 🙂 (That’s why I’m in Indiana and not my HOME Kansas City, Mo… I found my Mikey!). Rebecca-Linh and Mike, I’m incredibly grateful and honored that you chose us to photo you. 🙂 It was great to finally meet the sweetness behind the blog comments. I can’t wait till next year when we get to photograph those kiddies of yours! 😀 So, this entry concludes our trip to Texas. We had six sessions scheduled… (I know… I said we needed eight, but we decided to go for it) WELLL… we had one cancellation and a rain out, which explains why there are only four Texas entries. It’s all good though… because we were refreshed, in warmer climates and met some amazing people. We LOVED it there! So, If you’re interested in setting up something for next February, let us know now so we can decide how many days we’ll be there… the more the better!!!!! 🙂 Oh, and by the way… her first name is “Rebecca-Linh” That’s not a middle or last name combo. Her dad wanted to name her Rebecca and her mom, Linh…. and neither were willing to budge, so they compromised… Rebecca-Linh it was 😀 Pretty cool, huh? LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! ~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓



Rebecca-Linh commented that her favorite photos on the blog are the ones at the end of the entry of us working 🙂 So… I’m putting up more than usual. 🙂 Though… her opinion might change when it’s HER photo on the blog 😀





Can I just say that that ground was hot and WET?! My hair was a FRIZZZZZ ball in that humidity! However, Rebecca-Linh’s hair was always perfect. How did you get so lucky?










This one CRACKS me up! I’m camouflaged down there with my little yellow bag 😀




❗ WE’RE READY TO GO BACK!!!!!!!! ❓