Meet Rachel and BJ
You’ll adore them as much as we do… guaranteed
…they’re just so dang cuuuuuuute! Mike’s favorite
You find perfect “I LOVE YOU!” graffiti, but under it is the wrong name… WHAT DO YOUUUUU DOOOOOO??!!!!?!!?! You cover it by two bodies with a “wall sit” contest. By the way, Rachel SO won this!
BJ, you’re the definition of fun.
You say goodbye, and I say hello….. hello hellooooo!
Or, You say nooo, and I say onnn…. on on onnnn!
Okay, maybe that was a bit too abstract of a Beatles reference…Why hello sun… nice of you to join us… if only for a minute!
Rachel, you’re freaking GORGEOUS!!!!!
I love this image. I love everything about it…
Do you have tickets? You know…. to RACHEL’S GUN SHOW!
I met Rachel and BJ through Kristen, my personal trainer (who has since moved to North Carolina and fallen in love
My favorite. It’s perfect.
indianapolis, ind.
wedding | fall, 2012 | madison, ind.
together | august 1, 2009
engaged | july 26, 2010
rachel | mental health therapist • hometown | linden, ind.
bj | culinary manager • hometown | anderson, ind.
how they met, as told by rachel | “BJ and I met at his brother’s wedding. His brother married a good friend of mine who had a preconceived notion that BJ and I were soul mates and had informed us both of this far in advance. After an awkward initial greeting, we found that she was right, danced the night away, and have been inseparable since then!”
Much love friends!
~bobbi+mike +
Here we all are…
Could you imagine driving by this scene? That’s a very funny thought to me…
A team portrait.
OHHHH how I love you guys!!!!!! Such a fun 2.5 days…
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The Beatles reference wasn’t too far off! You know the song “Why don’t we do it ON the road”
awesome pics guys!
Alyssa, HAAAAA!!!!!
I <3 the beatles reference!
Bobbi + Mike, thank you thank you thank you
Rachel + BJ, You two were so awesome, I loved watching you being in love and getting to know you at dinner! Best of luck!
How fun! I loved when you asked about the gun show tickets. Almost spit out my coffee! I want to go to one of your workshops!!! And how cool is their story? Seriously, I love fun and wacky love connections like that.
yay! I effing love it! I said out loud so many times aww! these look wonderful! you have again captured who Rachel and BJ truly are. I love both of them so much.
I am so impressed at how you just let your clients have fun! It’s really inspirational and releasing as a photog:) Just letting people be instead of making them feel like they have to do. Thanks guys:)!
Rachel has the Courtney Cox thing going on a bit! Love these so much, so comfortable, emotional and authentic.
so lovely!
love them all! they look like such a fun couple:) waaaay off topic: i want that gray camera bag in the pictures!! can someone puhlease tell me where it came from?
Sarah, pretty sure it’s a Kelly Moore bag
awesomesauce! you even linked me to the color. thank you!
“Wall sit” – sooo genius!! Awesome photos, I’m really loving that last bw too. Looks like tons of fun
Bobbi! These are amazing, of course. I was so excited to see my little Rachey on here! Love to you all!
These are amazing guys!
I LOVE all of these. The one with the “only” in the wall bricks was my fav. I am so bummed I wasn’t there with you guys learning all your AWESOMENESS! Someday right
I loved them all! Rachey & BJ – you looked awesome and I’m so so happy for the two of you!
You guys are amazing… love these images
Hi Sarah. It’s actually the Kelly Moore Libby bag. LOVE IT!! You can see more pictures and a review of it here if you like :: Bobbi + Mike, you guys totally rock! Loved the workshop, it was so fun. Thanks so much!