OH how I love symmetry! 🙂Rachael is a photographer from North Carolina who has family in Louisville 🙂 She, along with her husband Troy, have been inquiring about a session since 2009, but our schedules were never matching up. When she said she was going to be in town in April… I just KNEW we were FINALLY going to make it work! I asked them if they would be willing to be photographed for our workshop 🙂 Badaboooom badabinnnnnng…. click click CLICK!Troy is a marine 🙂 AKA, awesome.My view on the left… Mike’s on the right.LOVE these colors!!!!My favorite!!! ❗Here’s another one: My view
OH… and…. Rachael has a baby in her belly. BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!I painted that hubcap to match Rachael’s sweater. Yeah, that’s called dedication.
indianapolis, ind.
married | ~3.5 years • 9.2.2007
rachael | photographer • hometown | louisville, ky.
troy | USMC • hometown | louisville, ky.
home | new bern, nc
baby in belly | due 12.10.11
how they met, as told by rachael | “Troy and I met at a haunted house around Halloween time through some mutual friends! I am terrified by haunted houses so I attached to him the entire time. Needless to say we stayed attached and Halloween is our favorite time of the year.”
You two are going to make amazing parents. By the way, I bet you’re having a girl. 🙂 Name her Bobbi, k? 😉
Much love,
~bobbi ❗
And now, a few images of the workshop!Such a happy group to be so damn cooooold…. 😀Love this one!!!!!Showing Rachael how to hang from a monkey bar like a pro… 😀BRING IT IN TIIIIIGHT! 🙂 LOVE!
Love this, especially since it was part of your workshop – nice! And that shot w/the yellow rim…outstanding!!
Long time stalker, first time commenter 😉
You & Mike always just kill it. And I love how your spirit always shines through in your writing:) I’m always inspired…
Umm I super love these! Not only because you guys are amazing but because I love Rach and Troy (and peanut) 🙂
loooooooooooooove these.
Gorgeous! LOVE mike’s b+w in the monkey bars!!!
omg.. Rachel is so adorable.. and i kinda know she’s pregnant before you announced when i look at her. there is something in her eyes! <3
Dear Bobbi and Mike,
I’d go to the workshops just to hang out with all the beautiful people. Do you need someone to haul gear around?
The first sentence of this post cracks me up… I’m getting married in September and will have two wedding bands – one on each side – because I love symmetry too! 😉 Awesome photos, I would expect nothing less!
WAHOO! Love the whole thing. So glad I was a part of this workshop! Congrats to Rach & Troy!
YEAHH!! LOVE these shots of these two! (and adore Rach’s sweater — my fave color!) Congrats to them on the baby and congrats to you two on your first successful workshop experience – I know there are LOTS more to come!
Gorgeous as always! You two rock it!
Hey if you ever need a cute family for a workshop session, call me 😉 My hubby’s family lives in Louisville too!
That’s a great serie, i really like it.
Love it! Always! But more because I was there. =)
I love these!!! Love them.
OHHHHH how i LOVE theeee!!! WHEN is your next workshop?!?! I may have a savings account named BOBBI and MIKE where I’ve been saving my little canadian loonies and toonies so I can some soak up your goodness. Just can’t WAIT!
Bobbi is a too much Bobbi. Too much cool! Painted the hubcap to match the sweater…too funny. Great shots all around, thanks for sharing!
wow – your workshop attendees were in for quite a treat! what a fun couple! your shots are amazing!
Squuuuuuueeeeeeezzzzeeeeeee! This makes me so happy!!!! Beautiful, as always!