our holiday card
our holiday card
our holiday card

Hi friends!

Mike and I are sorta known for our creative holiday cards 🙂 This year when I’d casually mention preparing for this year’s card, the FIRST thing they’d usually say was, “how are you ever going to top last years?!“

To which I would respond… “we’re not going to try” 😀 So, needless to say, there’s a lot of pressure coming up with the best idea… and LIKE ALWAYS… this years came just a FEW days before we were scheduled to shoot.

So… without further ado…

The front of the card:

 For those who’ve never heard The Pussycat Dolls song “Don’t Cha” then you probably think I’m compleeeetely full of myself… but I assure you, that’s far from the case (the card is a play on words from THAT song) 😀 You see… I’m RIDICULOUSLY modest (to a fault)… my legs haven’t been seen in public since I was in the 7th grade… true story.  Mike, however, was a fan of the costume 😀

The inside…

 My husband is SO damn cute!!!!!

and finally… the back of the card 😀

Hope you’re all having a perfecto holiday season 😀

LOVE to ALLLL of our amazing blog readers!!!!

~bobbi+mike ❗ + ❓