I love love LOVE shooting weddings at Union Station! It is truly one of my very favorite Indianapolis venues.
Lately they’ve been allowing the girls to get ready in this huge upstairs room (as opposed to the smaller room in the basement) that has winnnndowwwws and this photographer (and many other photogs) is oh so appreciative! Thank you to the powers that be who have been making this happen!

If you’ve been following my blog for any period of time you know that a four-prong solitaire is my favorite. And this diamond?! GIMME GIMME GIMME!
Maybe I should post mine up here someday? Yeah, I will. Good idea Bobbi. Thanks Bobbi.


That dress, I’m dead. RIP me. Call 911, and tell ’em to bring the paddles for this heart needs to be revived!

A handsome Labrador in a bowtie?! YES PLEASE! Whyyyy did you even have to ask me????!? Oh, you didn’t ask? Okay, well now you know how I feel about the whole thing. You’re welcome.

Get yourself a woman who looks at you the way Olivia looked at Taylor on their wedding day.

Are you KIDDING me with this venue?! I’ve shot at Union Station what seems like 100 times and I’m still in awe every time I walk through those double doors.

One of my favorite things about a traditional Jewish wedding is that the bride’s and groom’s parents’ join them under the chuppah usually for the entirety of the ceremony. Though truth be told, I love everything about a Jewish wedding!


My view:

Megan’s view.
This young man was clearly feelin’ my hilarious jokes. I mean, what can I say?! I’m really funny and kids can’t get enough.

That photo on the right?! I CAN’T! I love your love.

Their first dance was so perfectly sweet.

I AM OBSESSSSSED WITH MOMMA’S REDDDDDD DRESSSSSSS!!!!!! If I were ever forced to choose one color to wear for the rest of my life, you best believe I’m showin’ up in red.*
Sidenote: for the record, my favorite color is yellow; but I look awful in it. My home, however, GIMME ALLLLLLL THE YELLOW!
*if any of we Americans are ever forced to wear one color, it’s time to start rioting; for we live in a damn democracy!

Megan’s view:

My view.
A cute story: The Hora started and no one knew what to do. So Leslie (the amazing planner) and I frantically look towards each other and without saying a word we grab hands and enthusiastically started the Hora. Yeah… Not all heroes wear capes. One of the mannnnny reasons why hiring experienced wedding professionals should be on the top of your planning to-do list. Though I may be partial.

Olivia and Taylor, thank you for being so perfectly you two. Oh, and OLIVIA ILOVIA YOU!
Much love friends,
Beautiful images ladies! Great use of light during the getting ready and the dance !
I see why you enjoyed shooting this beautiful wedding… But how can you go wrong with a stunning bride, handsome groom, emotional Mom’s and Dad wedding party, enthusiastic wedding party, puppy dog, cutie ring bearer and an awesome venue. Congratulations Olivia and Taylor! Great job Bobbi and Money Megan…